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Chapter 483 Coward, or hero?


Deadly silence!

The strong smell of blood filled the entire room.

Those instructors who had helped the emperor to persecute the emperor were now paralyzed on the ground.

The bones are thick, the blood is dripping, it is terrifying and ferocious, and it is shocking.

Like a Shura hell!

If a timid person saw it, he would probably have nightmares for a month!

Every joint on their bodies was broken by the astonishing force, just like they had tortured Wang Zhen before.

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood!

With an injury of this magnitude, even if he received the best treatment, he would probably be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life.

And in the center of this Shura Hell, Ye Fan stood proudly, but was out of tune with the surrounding environment.

There was not a trace of blood on his body, and his eyes were extremely cold, without any emotion in them, like a cold "killing machine"!

In anger, Ye Fan showed no mercy at all.

This is not a battle, but a one-sided massacre!

In Ye Fan's view, these crazy guys are not worthy of wearing the sacred military uniform, let alone being called jun!

Only blood can wash away their sins!

Not far away, Cui Zhihao's pupils were dilated and his eyes were dull. He stood there as if he had been under a restraining spell, not even having the strength to move his little finger.

Invisibly, it was as if there was a mountain of ten thousand feet pressing down on his chest, making him almost suffocated.

The scene that happened in front of him had a strong visual impact on him.

Originally, in Cui Zhihao's opinion, although Ye Fan was an expert in training, he had almost no chance of winning against seven or eight instructors holding explosion-proof sticks with his bare hands!

But he never expected that Ye Fan would withstand the attack of the anti-explosion stick with his physical body, but he would not be hurt at all, and his body would not even shake.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fan slaughtered everyone. He looked like a god of war, slicing melons and vegetables and maiming all the instructors without any effort, even the corners of his clothes were not messy.

All added up, it’s less than a minute!

Until this moment, Cui Zhihao didn't know why his bodyguard A Biao specifically warned him not to mess with Ye Fan under any circumstances!

Unfortunately, he realized it too late!

For a moment, he even had an illusion, as if Ye Fan in front of him had transformed into a demon god, who was simply invincible and could take away his life with just a thought!


I don't know how long it took, but Cui Zhihao suddenly came back to his senses, took a breath of air, subconsciously raised his legs, and wanted to leave this Shura Hell.

But as soon as he took a step, Ye Fan's cold and cold voice exploded directly in his ears:

"Cui Zhihao, if you think you can escape from under my nose, just try it!"

Hearing this, Cui Zhihao shivered subconsciously, quickly retracted his feet, lowered his head, not daring to look at Mark at all, wishing that a big gap would immediately open in the ground so that he could hide in it.

At this time, Ye Fan took the lead and walked to Chu Nan's side, squatted down, circulated his inner energy, and used the power of the blue dragon to heal his injuries.

Chu Nan's injury was not serious. He was hit in the head with a riot baton and fainted.

Under Ye Fan's treatment, he woke up after a while.

Chu Nan slowly opened his eyes. He first saw Ye Fan's face, then looked around and noticed the instructors lying in a pool of blood. There was a look of horror in his eyes, and his body trembled subconsciously.

"Chun Nan, it's okay!" Ye Fan said firmly.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Chu Nan's eye, he caught sight of Wang Zhen, who was covered in bruises and bruises next to him. His body was shaken violently, as if he had been struck by an electric shock.

In just a moment, the suppressed emotions in his heart finally burst out, tears bursting down his face, and he swallowed:

"Ouch... Xiaofan, it's my fault for not listening to Brother Zhen and running away to find you! You... you must save Brother Zhen!"

Ye Fan patted his shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Chun Nan, you have done a good job, don't worry! Don't worry, I will definitely cure Brother Zhen. You go to the side to rest first!"

After Chu Nan heard this, he slowly stood up and saw Cui Zhihao huddled in the corner again.


An unforgettable hatred surged into my heart.

His eyes were burning with raging anger, and his fists were clenched and rattling, wanting to cut Cui Zhihao into thousands of pieces and cut him into pieces with a thousand knives.

Before, when Chu Nan wanted to escape, it was Cui Zhihao who slapped him hard and knocked him away.

However, the reason why he was so angry was not just because of this. If Cui Zhihao was not the culprit, Wang Zhen would not be in such a tragic situation and dying.

This bloody feud cannot be ignored!

At the same time, feeling Chu Nan's angry gaze, Cui Zhihao shivered subconsciously and started to tremble.

At this time, Ye Fan suddenly said:

"Chun Nan, this world is about the survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle! Even if you have no intention of harming others, there are always some evil people who bully the weak and do evil! I know what you want to do now, don't have any scruples, just go ahead and do it!

If Cui Zhihao, a bastard like him, dares to fight back, then guys like Xiong Li will serve as a lesson to him!"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Nan seemed to be injected with a shot in the arm!

In the eyes of his parents and elders, Chu Nan is the kind of obedient boy who doesn't need his parents to worry about whether it's school or life.

I have lived for eighteen years and have rarely done anything impulsive. I would scream in horror even after watching a horror movie, let alone actively participate in a fight!

However, what happened tonight was far beyond his knowledge and allowed him to truly see the dark side of society!

If he hadn't met Wang Zhen and Ye Fan, and faced the bullying from bullies like Cui Zhihao, I'm afraid he would have endured it and submitted to it!

However, after seeing the bloody side of Wang Zhen before, it completely stimulated the most sensitive nerve in his heart and even changed his inherent outlook on life!

Without strength, how can you talk about dignity?!

Instead of being a coward all your life, it is better to become a hero, even if it is only for a few minutes, as short as a shooting star, and you will have no regrets!

At this moment, Chu Nan forgot everything. Even if he would be expelled from the school or even bear criminal responsibility, he could no longer suppress the raging anger in his body.


Suddenly, Chu Nan roared at the top of his lungs, his eyes were red, and he swung his not-strong fist towards Cui Zhihao.

"Chun Nan, you...how dare you-ah!"

In the middle of Cui Zhihao's words, he received a solid punch in the face, which was extremely painful.

He subconsciously wanted to fight back, but he thought of Mark's previous threat, and for fear of being maimed, he could only hold his head in embarrassment, protect his vital parts, and huddle in the corner like a bereaved dog.

The rabbit bites people when it is anxious!

At this moment, Chu Nan vented all his anger on Cui Zhihao, punching and kicking him.

On the other side, Ye Fan squatted down to treat Wang Zhen's injuries.

Wang Zhen's injuries were far more severe than Chu Nan's. Dozens of bones, big and small, were broken all over his body. Even his internal organs were seriously injured. Even if he was sent to the hospital immediately, he would probably be left with serious injuries.

The sequelae will affect your future life.

However, Ye Fan is no ordinary doctor!

He first took out the silver needle, protected Wang Zhen's heart and stimulated the vitality in his body.

Immediately afterwards, he injected a steady stream of green dragon power into Wang Zhen's limbs and bones.

After a cup of tea, something incredible happened——

The wounds on Wang Zhen's body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the broken bones in his body began to recover under the influence of the power of the blue dragon.

Not long after, Wang Zhen was out of danger, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, his breathing was steady, and it wouldn't take long for him to wake up.

As long as you rest for a few days, you will be full of energy and energy again!

Such a miraculous healing technique is like the reincarnation of Hua Tuo and the rebirth of Bian Que. If other doctors saw it, they would be so shocked that they would kneel down and worship on the spot!

After doing all this, Ye Fan turned around again and cast his eyes towards the corner.

During this period of time, Chu Nan had completed the first "fight" in his life, beating Cui Zhihao until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he looked like a pig's head.

However, such punishment is far from being able to wash away Cui Zhihao's sins.

At this time, Ye Fan walked over, patted Chu Nan on the shoulder, and said:

"Chu Nan, go check on Brother Zhen, he should wake up soon! Leave this bastard to me, I promise to make him regret living in this world!"

"Yeah!" Chu Nan nodded heavily.

Then, like an eagle catching a chicken, Ye Fan grabbed Cui Zhihao by the back collar, lifted him up effortlessly, and flew towards the outside of the dormitory building in a flash.

This chapter has been completed!
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