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Chapter 5043 Killer

"Speed ​​up your search. Let me warn you in advance. Don't imitate them. Don't let them lead you astray."

Ye Fan coughed twice awkwardly.

Although my memory has not been completely restored, I estimate that these brothers of mine must have been trained by myself./ m.q^q717.c^om/

It’s hard to imagine how many unspeakable things he had done in the Beidou Star Territory.

After some searching, I finally found the location of Dragon Heart.

"Boss, come on now!"

The old man in black dodged and was about to rush forward. Fortunately, Lin Hao took the first step and stopped this reckless man.

"Why are you stopping me? Their garrison disciples are only a handful. If I raise my finger, they will all be destroyed."

The old man in black looked unhappy.

Lin Hao sighed, he really had nothing to say to this reckless man.

"Open your eyes wide and feel carefully how many powerful people are hidden around you."

"If I didn't stop you just now and you rushed out, do you think you would have a chance to come back?"


This time, the fifth man in black was left speechless.

On the periphery of the cage, there were indeed so many terrifying figures standing there, some of which even I could not feel.

The facts are obvious. Immortal Master Hao Miao has set up a dragnet around the outside of this prison, just waiting for these people to take the bait.

"Then what do you think we should do? We finally found the specific location. Are we just waiting here in vain?"

"It will be dawn soon, and we will be a living target then."

The old man in black retorted vigorously. In his opinion, the worst case scenario would be a dead end, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Let me think."

Ye Fan pressed his hand.

"I know, I can let them have a good drink this time!"

Ye Fan's iconic evil smile appeared again, and Skyfire Evil God, Lao Wu in black and others took two steps back at the same time.

As long as you follow Ye Fan for a while, you will know how lethal this smile is. When Ye Fan smiles, life or death is unpredictable!

"Today's night is very beautiful, let's add some seasoning to the Holy Sect and create some explosive fireworks."

Ye Fan snapped his fingers and directly detonated the spiritual bomb he had buried before.

The entire Tiansheng Sect instantly burst into flames, and one spiritual bomb after another bloomed with its own brilliance.

This violent explosion even stirred up Tiansheng Sect's protective formation, and the entire Tiansheng Sect was instantly enveloped in a layer of blue waves.

"Now all we have to do is wait peacefully. I don't believe they don't choose to support us."

Ye Fan closed his eyes slightly, and as long as the fighting power in front of him was drained a little, he would attack directly.

When the time comes, after rescuing Long Xin and fleeing to the outskirts of Qinglian Tianxia at lightning speed, their mission will be considered completed.

Seeing Ye Fan's operation, the old man in black wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously.

I have to say that my boss is really good at playing. He actually got into trouble playing with an old man like Hao Miao Immortal.

I'm afraid they won't even realize that people like themselves are hiding under their noses.

After the explosion sounded, countless Tiansheng Sect disciples woke up from their sleep.

When I looked outside, I was stunned for a moment. There was already a fire outside.

"What's going on? Is there an invasion from a foreign enemy? What are those fires and explosions?"

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go out and put out the fire!"

"Damn it, what on earth are you doing at this late hour? Are you going to stop letting people sleep?"

Countless disciples ran out of their tents.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Fan raised his eyebrows at Siming.

"It's time for you to take action, are you ready?"

"Get ready, boss, let's take a look at mine next!"

Siming took a deep breath and quickly formed seals with his hands. Just now, Ye Fan not only placed spiritual bombs, but Siming also used his Qimen Bagua skills to set up many traps.

Now the disciples of the Tiansheng Sect ran out in confusion, playing right into their hands!

As Siming took action, countless disciples were directly strangled on the spot, and even the sounds of pain dissipated between heaven and earth before they could even be heard.

Looking at the fallen disciples one by one beside them, the surviving ones were completely sleepless.

"Is there a ghost in our sect tonight? Where does so much terror come from?"

"There must be an invasion by a foreign enemy. There must be an invasion by a foreign enemy. Set up a defensive posture and don't give them another chance to succeed."

The disciples of Tiansheng Sect reacted unhappily and directly created the strongest spiritual shield.

At the same time, the top elders of Tiansheng Sect also appeared in the sky.

Several people fell directly and used their absolute strength to stabilize the situation at this time.

Listening to the panic and whining of the disciples on the outside, Ye Fan smiled slightly, and he didn't believe that the other side really didn't go to support him.

Ye Fan's guess was correct. The ghost king in the cage was pacing anxiously.

"What happened outside? Did they choose to attack so quickly?"

"Sir, should we go out to provide support?"

The voice of a disciple disrupted the Ghost King's thoughts.


The Ghost King hesitated for a while, after all, the order he received was to keep an eye on the dragon heart in front of him.

Logically speaking, even if something big happens outside, it has nothing to do with you.

After some thought, the Ghost King immediately gave the order.

"Please keep your spirits up. The explosion outside is probably a deception trick used by the other party. You must not be fooled!"

"Our mission is to keep an eye on this guy Long Xin here. No one is allowed to enter! I just want to see what other tricks they can pull off!"


The Ghost King and his disciples immediately surrounded the entire prison.

"Damn it, this guy still has some brains! Can't he come up with this?"

The fifth man in black cursed, if the Ghost King doesn't come out, wouldn't everything they do be meaningless?

"Boss, what should we do now? Those old immortals from Tiansheng Sect have led their disciples to search for our existence. It won't be long before we are exposed."

"It seems it's time to use my trump card."

"If I don't give you guys some big news today, you won't be able to get into the trap with peace of mind."

Ye Fan let out a long breath, and his actor-level deception skills were about to be demonstrated again.

Although that move sounded a bit unethical, at this point I had no choice.

To disgust the enemy is to help yourself. As long as you can save the dragon's heart, it doesn't matter what tricks you use.

This chapter has been completed!
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