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Strategic vision

He had already made a mistake before, taking over the so-called arduous and sacred task without hesitation, and then brought heavy losses to his sect!

He is not a fool, how could he fall in the same place twice? He will definitely not do it again this time!

In short, in one sentence, this arduous and sacred task can be done by anyone who wants to, but don’t come looking for him!

"Master Hao Miao Immortal, our sect really... really has some unavoidable reasons."

"You also know the specific situation of our sect. We really don't have a chance to see it. Moreover, the war is coming soon. We really don't have the energy to complete this task."

"I'm very grateful to Master Hao Miao Immortal for thinking of me, but I'm afraid I will betray Master Hao Miao Immortal's trust this time. I'm really sorry!"

After Saint Daxu finished speaking, he bowed respectfully to Immortal Hao Miao without raising his head.

In fact, he has already complained about Immortal Hao Miao in his heart. This is really too bullying!

I like to collect wool every time. The key is to collect wool from now on. Can you identify the right person to collect wool?

If you think about it carefully, since he expressed his intention to surrender, Immortal Hao Miao has tricked him so many times that I can't even count them!

Regardless of whether it is the original address of the Tianji Sect or asking him to lead a team to sneak attack on the Savage City, isn't this just digging a hole for him? Is this the reward the Vast Immortal Lord gives to those who are loyal to him?

As for the glory promised to him by Immortal Vast Vast, haha, he hasn’t even seen it yet?

The Taoist Banshan Taoist on the side also changed his expression. He quickly tugged on the sleeve of Saint Daxu with his hand, signaling this guy to stop talking.

Seeing that Saint Daxu was indifferent, Taoist Banshan approached him and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"What happened to you today? Did you not wake up? What are you talking about?"

"If you don't take back what you said quickly, it will be too late!"

Saint Daxu didn't even look at Master Banshan, he was very stubborn.

The corners of Immortal Hao Miao's mouth formed a strange arc, and he looked at Saint Daxu with indifferent eyes.

At this moment, Saint Daxu felt an invisible pressure coming on his shoulders.

This pressure is not a problem of Hao Miao Immortal Lord's strength, but a problem of his aura!

Even the Immortal Master Hao Miao does not need to use his true strength. Saint Daxu can feel that he is carrying several mountains on his shoulders. This is no joke!

"Do you mean to refute what I said?"

"No, even if you give me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to resist you. I'm just telling the truth about the difficulties."

"If you don't believe it, you can go and investigate it yourself! I'm definitely not lying at all!"

"I'm also afraid that due to my reasons, your important events will be delayed, and I can't afford that!"

Immortal Hao Miao's face darkened, and he looked very unhappy.

He also didn't expect that Saint Daxu, who usually treated him respectfully, would dare to speak out against him today!

But it makes sense to think about it. The last time college students were naturally tricked, they were totally afraid of being tricked!

"I'll ask you again, can you take back what you said?"

Immortal Hao Miao's tone suddenly turned cold, as if he could penetrate people's souls.

"I don't……"

Taoist Banshan dodged and stood directly in front of Saint Daxu.

Although he didn't know what was wrong with Saint Daxu's brain today, the friendship between the two was pretty good, and he would help as much as he could.

What if Saint Daxu is put in small shoes by Saint Daxu because of these words?

Even wearing small shoes is considered a good result. If Immortal Hao Miao is really angered, it is not impossible to kill him on the spot!

Before the war, if the head of a sect was killed by their leader, wouldn't people laugh at him if the news spread?

"Um...Master Hao Miao Immortal, please don't argue with this guy. This guy is probably having a twitch in his head today!"

"No, no, he is definitely out of his mind, or he is drunk. He definitely has no intention of resisting you!"

"You don't need to worry about him. Just tell me, what is that arduous and sacred task? We will never betray your trust!"

Immortal Hao Miao nodded in approval. Finally, there was a guy who understood current affairs.

If Taoist Banshan hadn't stepped forward just now, Saint Daxu's fate would never have been much better.

In his words, he can make the Great Void Sage and the Mountain-moving Taoist, and he can also destroy them. Everything about them is in his hands, including their lives!

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want you to integrate your own combat power and take the lead in launching an attack on the demon clan in the wild city."

"Be the first to attack?"

Taoist Banshan was a little confused for a while and did not get the point of the Vast Immortal Lord.

"Yes, we are the first to launch the attack, and we will launch it tonight!"

"No, no, Lord Hao Miao Immortal, but the real moment of the battle will be in two days. Why do we have to fight tonight?"

"And now all sects are stepping up their preparations. In two days, we will definitely be able to push the demon clan over!"

Immortal Hao Miao shook his head slightly.

"No, no, no, you should take a longer view, consider the overall situation, and have a strategic vision."

"You are the vanguard of our human race this time. This time we will not conduct any sneak attacks, but directly attack with great fanfare!"

"It's night now. Although our sight is not good, the same is true for those monsters!"

"If we can severely lose the face of those monsters before the war begins, it will be of no harm to the subsequent war!"

"Are you right? There's nothing wrong with my strategic gaze, right?"


Taoist Banshan hesitated to speak, and his face looked a little ugly.

He always feels that Immortal Vast Vast is digging a hole for him. Maybe he didn't feel it just now, but if he can't feel it now, then there's something wrong with him!

As for Saint Daxu on the side, he had a look of despair. He knew that he had been severely tricked by Immortal Hao Miao this time!

As for the strategic gaze mentioned by Immortal Master Hao Miao, he could only pass it by.

Since it is a strategic vision, since it is an arduous and sacred task, why not leave it to their own disciples?

This kind of thing should be handled by their own disciples, so that it should be easier to succeed.

Basically, Immortal Hao Miao has his own agenda in his heart and is unwilling to contribute his own strength. He just wants others to be cannon fodder!

This chapter has been completed!
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