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Chapter 5965 bear it

Seeing the fawning look of Taoist Banshan, Saint Daxu became very angry. Finally, he simply turned his head to the side, out of sight and out of mind.

No matter how unhappy he was with Hua Tian, ​​he had wanted to destroy Hua Tian as early as a thousand years ago.

But there is no other way. Hua Tian and the Tianji Sect had a close relationship before. If he wanted to take action against the Huatian Sect, he would definitely be blocked by the Tianji Sect, or even become hostile to the Tianji Sect.

You must know that Tianji Sect, as the largest sect in the Beidou Star Territory, not only has a strong foundation, but also has full momentum. It can achieve the same effect in the Beidou Star Territory.

However, our family is only the largest sect in the Nether World, and it is difficult to deal with even the Huatian Sect. Of course, we are not qualified to compete with the Tianji Sect.

If I really screamed with the Tianji Sect, it was because I couldn't see the situation clearly, so I could only endure it again and again.

But now that the Tianji sect has declined and has become a street rat, everyone is shouting for beatings, and he has also joined the Tiansheng sect, then is it not a matter of time to replace the Huatian sect?

So now when facing Hua Tian, ​​he can straighten his chest and back.

This time it was because we had to deal with the demon clan together. We were in the same camp, so we could suppress our anger.

When this war is over, the first one he wants to destroy is the Huatian sect! He must get rid of this serious enemy to avoid long nights and dreams!

However, Taoist Banshan can't control that much. What he is thinking about now is how to complete the tasks assigned by Immortal Hao Miao while minimizing the losses of his own sect's disciples.

Moreover, he and Hua Tian didn't have any big problems before, so there was nothing difficult to say.

Regarding Master Banshan's question, Hua Tian just said it lightly.

"Wait quietly and watch what happens."

"Tch! What's the difference between saying it and not saying it? Do you still need to say it if you just wait and see what happens? Don't we know?"

Saint Daxu muttered quietly from the side.

"No, no, Master Huatian, we are all here with a mission this time, so it's not a big deal to keep waiting like this! This may very well delay the opportunity to fight."

"It's not like you don't know about Immortal Hao Miao's temper. If he finds out about this, we will definitely not have a good life!"

"Not just a few of us, but even our sect may be put in the shoes of him, and the implications will be huge."

Taoist Banshan expressed his worries with a depressed look.

In fact, after Saint Daxu told him about the dangers of this operation, he already understood what little calculation the Immortal Hao Miao had in mind.

He even knew why Saint Daxu had a sad look on his face even though he had clearly won before. I'm afraid it was because his family had suffered a lot of losses!

So now he is getting more and more angry as he thinks about it. Immortal Master Hao Miao has really taken his calculations to the extreme. He only knows to let himself be cannon fodder. Why not let his disciples go?

But there is nothing I can do, I can only complain about this in my heart, and I still have to take action!

Hua Tian smiled contemptuously and asked a question.

"Are you afraid that the Immortal Master Hao Miao will know? You are a bit worried about this, he will not know."

"Huh? You don't know?"

Taoist Banshan looked confused, obviously not getting Hua Tian's point.

"Now Immortal Vast Vast is in the Netherworld City, and we are in the Wilderness City. With such a long distance and the obstruction of the smoke, it is impossible for him to know our actions."

"And this time it was the five petals of the plum blossom that disgusted us in advance. We were just rebelling against the general and went back disgusted. Did we do something wrong?"

"Even if Immortal Hao Miao takes the blame by then, the first person to blame should be the Five Petals of Plum Blossom, right? At best we can be regarded as blind followers, they are the ones who led it anyway."

Taoist Banshan slapped his thigh fiercely, feeling as if listening to your words was worth ten years of reading.

"That's right! It was obviously Plum Blossom and Five Petals that made them sick first. We went back feeling sick. It was self-defense!"

"Hahaha, just do it, just do it, Head Huatian, you really have too many ideas, haha!"

Banshan Taoist was so happy that he could hardly close his mouth.

He was originally unhappy with the five-petal plum blossom, but this time he was able to throw the blame on their heads. Isn't this a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?

This time, Saint Daxu did not refute, and he probably agreed with Hua Tian's decision.

In fact, even if he is not happy, he has to admit that Hua Tian's brain is much better than the two of them. This is not a problem of strength, it may be a problem of genes!

Moreover, this kind of genetic problem cannot be corrected by just changing it. It’s really annoying just thinking about it!

Taoist Banshan was full of joy at first, but gradually he stopped laughing.

Because they have been waiting here for a full two-quarters of an hour, and the five-petal plum blossom still hasn't made any move, which is obviously a fight with them!

Taoist Banshan kept pacing on the spot anxiously, looking at the four watchtowers of the Monster Clan from time to time.

Sage Daxu glanced at Taoist Banshan in silence.

"I said, brother, why are you in such a hurry? The sky won't fall. Even if it does, we won't need to hold it up."

"And can you stop standing so high and get down? You stand so high and your target is so conspicuous. If someone sees you, can you bear this responsibility?"

"Not to mention that the mission has been completed by then, will you be able to escape from here alive or not?"

"Don't think I'm being alarmist. If you don't believe me, just continue to stand there. If you want to die, don't drag us and stand aside."

Upon hearing this, Master Banshan became even more anxious.

He really couldn't understand why, at this time, Saint Daxu still didn't have any sense of crisis. Is his heart really that big?

"Brother! The Five Petals of Plum Blossoms are now at odds with us. We have to see who can endure it longer."

"We can't bear it any longer. It's going to be dawn soon. If we delay like this, even if we hide here, we will be discovered by others."

Saint Daxu snorted coldly.

"Then what do you want? The five petals of the plum blossom are not worried, so why are you worried? Can you be more stable as a person? Especially as a leader."

"If you stay in such a panic, when will your sect be able to usher in glory?"

"I'm not telling you, just put your heart in your belly. I don't believe that Plum Blossom and Five Petals can endure it forever. If they can endure it, we can endure it!"

Saint Daxu looked unconcerned and could not see anything bad about this situation at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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