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5970. Chapter 5970

No matter how he said it, he was still the top boss in the Beidou Star Territory. This time the war between the human race and the demon race was still counting on him. He didn't believe that Plum Blossom Five Petals really dared to mess around!

If Plum Blossom Five Petals destroys itself, there will be no way to explain it to Immortal Hao Miao when she goes back.

What's more, here is not only our own sect, but also Taoist Banshan and Hua Tian. The Five Petals of Plum Blossoms won't be able to deal with them all, right?

Even if they think so in their hearts, they still need to have the strength to deal with themselves.

I am not a fool, nor am I going to stand there obediently waiting to die, so how can I let them manipulate me?

After Sage Daxu finished speaking, Taoist Banshan raised his chest unconsciously.

Now is the time to speak out unanimously, and no one can be the first to show weakness.

If Plum Blossom Five Petals really dares to be unreasonable, then they won't be able to control the demon clan, and they will have to deal with their own camp's affairs clearly first!

The second elder approached Hua Tian and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Senior brother, do we want to attack the five-petal plum blossom? But here..."

The second elder's face was full of embarrassment, not because he was afraid of the five-petal plum blossom, but because their position did not allow it.

Waging a decisive battle in front of someone else's demon clan, isn't this a typical example of looking for an opportunity for the demon clan? It's a shame that Sage Daxu and Plum Blossom Five Petals can think of this. I can only say that their hearts are really big!

Hua Tian frowned.

"It's hard to say now. It depends on how the situation develops."

"But please pass on the order. Without my order, no one is allowed to stand up and stir up trouble, and no one is allowed to take the lead in taking action, otherwise they will be expelled from the school!"


At the same time, Mei Yi's mouth curved into a strange arc, and he looked deeply at the furious Saint Daxu.

"No, no, no, you are all the top bosses in the Beidou Star Territory, and your sect is also the top sect in the Beidou Star Territory. How dare I dare to destroy you?"

"Even if I really want to destroy you, my strength won't allow it. If you join forces, I'm afraid we will have to flee in panic!"

Upon hearing this, Saint Daxu was stunned again.

"Huh, it's good to know, so be careful when you speak in the future and don't always look condescending."

"We are all cultivators of the human race, and we are all in the same camp. We don't want to tear our faces apart."

After finishing everything, Saint Daxu waved to Taoist Banshan and was ready to go back to sleep.

"Okay, let's not hang around here, quickly place spiritual bombs on the four watchtowers, and then give orders to Master Hao Miao Immortal."

"This time we won a great victory, severely damaged the Monster Clan, and destroyed the Monster Clan's four watchtowers. We will definitely receive great rewards and glory!"

"Hahaha, act quickly, I can't bear it anymore!"

Saint Daxu recalled the moment when he received the award and glory. It was definitely the highlight moment of his life!

Because this time I am accepting the reward in front of Big Dipper and all the big guys of the race, and at the same time, I can make it clear to all the big guys that I am now a member of the Vast Immortal Lord. Who dares to mess with me?

Especially Hua Tian! Hua Tian must be made aware of a sense of crisis, a sense of crisis that comes from himself!

However, the corner of Taoist Banshan's mouth twitched. He really didn't know how Saint Daxu said these words from his mouth. Does he still want his face?

Even if you want to accept honors and awards, you should accept it as a five-petal plum blossom. What does it have to do with them?

This time they were just paddling, they were paddling halfway, and they came here just to reap the benefits. It would be a bit unreasonable to accept rewards for all this.

Even if they want to do this, I'm afraid the Five Petals of Plum Blossoms won't agree to it. After all, no one wants to give away the fruits of their labor.

Perhaps seeing Master Banshan's worries, Saint Daxu approached Mei Yi and put his arm on her shoulders, like two good brothers.

"Um... I know this may be unfair to you, but didn't I just say that we are all from the same camp and are brothers of the human race, so why are we so clearly divided?"

"Even if we take advantage of you this time, don't worry, if I can have a highlight moment next time, I will definitely consider you first."

"Just keep your heart in your stomach, I will do what I say, and my highlight moment will come soon!"

"At that time, we will join forces and achieve a win-win situation. Isn't this a good thing that gets the best of both worlds?"

Sage Daxu started brainwashing again, but he may have forgotten that this time he wanted to brainwash the five-petal plum blossom!

If the five-petal plum blossom really listened to him, I'm afraid it wouldn't be called the five-petal plum blossom.

As expected, Mei Yi glanced at Saint Daxu lightly, as if looking at a fool.

"Sage Daxu, I'm afraid you haven't seen the situation clearly yet."

"You want to just exit with glory? I'm afraid it's impossible, so don't make that calculation."

"What...what do you mean? What is the situation now?"

Saint Daxu was a little confused for a moment and did not understand Mei Yi's point.

In his opinion, quitting now would be a good thing that everyone would be happy with. He could not only save his life, but also his reputation. Is there anything better than this?

Mei Yi smiled slightly.

"The current situation is very simple, that is, you must do things according to my orders!"

"You can think that this is me informing you, or you can think that I am threatening you. It doesn't matter, I can accept it."

Upon hearing this, the mountain-moving Taoist behind him slapped his head speechlessly!

Yes! His happiness just now was all in vain. What should come will come in the end!

Saint Daxu gritted his teeth, and the anger in his eyes seemed to burst out.

If looks could kill, Mei Yi would have died countless times by now!

"You mean what I just said was in vain? You still have to have your own way."

Mei Yi didn't speak, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

In other words, he has always meant this, but Sage Daxu was immersed in his own thoughts before and couldn't extricate himself. He can't blame him.

The great saint was so angry that he laughed.

"Okay, okay! If that's the case, then stop talking nonsense and do it!"

"I and my disciples will stand here quietly today to see what you dare to do to us. If you can, we will all be destroyed!"

"That's all I'm saying today. If you want me to fool around with you, it's absolutely impossible, unless we are all wiped out!"

After the Great Void Sage finished speaking, he closed his eyes and began to mess around!

This chapter has been completed!
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