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Pig teammates

"So let me just say that although the Holy Lady has a very good brain, sometimes she is a bit too arrogant and stresses everyone's nerves, which is meaningless."

"If I mean if, if I became a leader, I would never be so nervous. Everyone should relax."

"Because only when you relax can your mind be able to think of many things you wanted to touch before. Isn't that great?"

When he said this, Holy Son Jiaolong unconsciously glanced at Holy Son Qilin behind him.

Fortunately, fortunately, Holy Son Qilin didn't care about him, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble again.

Holy Son Canglang said calmly.

"How do you know what all the fuss is about? What if that human cultivator can really break through our barrier?"

"Who will bear the consequences? You? Can you afford it?"

"Hey, hey, what do you mean by this? Are you questioning this Holy Son?"

"I'm not a fool. I don't even have the ability to judge right from wrong. Why did that guy destroy our barrier? Why did he?"

"Even if he is an iron-headed boy, it is impossible..."

Holy Son Cang Lang raised his hand and interrupted Holy Son Jiaolong's words.

"You'd better feel the situation below first, so as not to slap you in the face."

The Dragon Holy Son narrowed his eyes and looked down, completely confused.

I saw that the protective barrier of their barbaric city was a bit dim, and it did not produce any counterattack. There was no sense of violation in anything!

But what is certain is that if Mei Si continues to act like this, it will only be a matter of time before the protective barrier of their wild city is broken!

"This...how is this possible? Is that guy cheating? Why does he do all this?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! This must be my hallucination! It must be that I didn't sleep well last night!"

The Dragon Saint kept shaking his head, like a big fool.

What kind of bizarre world is this? Is this really what a cultivator in the middle stage of sainthood can bring about?

Then the Dragon Saint's face turned uglier than crying, and those words he just said really hit him in the face.

Holy Son Canglang turned to look at Holy Son Qilin, wanting to discuss with him.

"What should we do now? Do you want to go down and help the God of Water?"

As soon as Canglang Holy Son finished speaking, Qilin Holy Son rushed out like an arrow from a string.

The Holy Son of the Dragon stood behind and made accusations.

"Hey, hey, what are you so anxious about? When will you change your temper? Don't you care about the consequences at all?"

"Didn't you hear the lady say before that no action is allowed without her order? No action is allowed! Are you really..."

Holy Son Jiaolong was speechless. He really didn't know what Holy Son Qilin was thinking about every day.

How did he manage to turn a deaf ear to the words of the girl in red? After all, she is the biological daughter of their demon clan’s Holy Lord, and after all, she is also the leader of this battle!

Not to mention the saints and saints like them, even the ancient monsters like the God of Water and Alpha have to be respectful, not to mention the other big bosses of the monster clan!

As long as the girl in red coughs slightly, those big guys will have eyes on the back of their heads.

The Phoenix Saint said something unexpectedly.

"Let's go too."

"Huh? Let's go? Where are we going?"

The Dragon Saint Son exclaimed.

"You...you don't want to go crazy with him, do you? Don't be kidding me. The Holy Lady and the others are right in front. Have you thought about the consequences of going crazy with him?"

"Don't you think about it, how long have we been in the Savage City? Have we committed so few crimes? We still want to continue to commit them!"

"Before, because the war didn't start, the Holy Lady would still give us a little bit of mercy, but if we do something wrong now, we will be asking for trouble!"

"If the Holy Lady is really blamed, she will definitely have a drink with us!"

The face of Holy Son Jiaolong was full of panic.

He always felt that the girl in red had been putting up with them for a long time, so she had to be good during this period, otherwise even the leader of their tribe might not be able to save them.

They came here to make a name for themselves, not to be set up as role models by the girl in red.

After listening to the words of the Dragon Saint Son, the Phoenix Saint Girl looked charming.

"Having said so much, are you afraid? If you are afraid, why don't you just stay here by yourself?"

"I see that you were never afraid when you were dealing with Ye Fan and the cultivators from the Tianji Sect before. Now that it's time to actually defend our barbaric city, you are afraid."

"What you did really made me laugh. Okay, okay, I won't embarrass you. Just be a good baby here and let's go."

The Phoenix Saint and the Blue Wolf Saint stepped out of the way and quickly disappeared from the top of the city.

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, Holy Son Jiaolong gritted his teeth, not to mention how ruthlessly.

"I'm really convinced. How could I end up with you pig teammates? Isn't this clearly pushing us to a dead end?"

"Oh, one day you will know that everything I say is correct and I am definitely not a coward!"

In the end, Holy Son Jiaolong still kept up with the pace of the two of them.

Although he disapproved of the actions of the Phoenix Saint and the Wolf Saint, he had to go!

You have to know that if he doesn't go this time, he will definitely be isolated by the Phoenix Saint and the Wolf Saint in the future. How will he live his life then?

The girl in red turned her head and looked at where the Phoenix Saint and others were, but she didn't see a trace of them.

Alpha stood up angrily, blaming the leaders of their respective tribes.

"How did you become such a big boss? Look how you've spoiled those guys!"

"The Holy Lady is still standing here. The order has not been given yet. They dare to act privately. Do they really want to take responsibility? Can they afford it?"

"I really don't know what to say to you. If you continue to let it go, something big will happen sooner or later. If you don't believe it, just give it a try!"

Facing Alpha's accusations, these big guys could only lower their heads in shame.

In fact, they are also depressed in their hearts. Why don't they want to take care of the saints and saints in their own ethnic group? But they must be able to take care of it!

If the one who indulges these saints and saints the most is probably not them, it should be the Holy Lord of the Monster Clan.

But there is no way, who let the status of Alpha stay there? Just listen obediently when others accuse you, but stand at attention when you are beaten!

The girl in red said calmly.

"Don't stand there in a daze. Follow them and protect their safety. Otherwise, we and our father will not be able to explain anything."


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