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6083 Unanimous external

The great rhinoceros demon kept begging for mercy, and looked at the surrounding demon clan bosses for help.

But after seeing this look, the other big guys turned their heads as if they hadn't seen it.

If it were for other matters, they might be able to help a bunch of rhinoceros monsters, after all, they were all from their own camp.

But the great rhinoceros demon is provoking an ancient demon from their demon tribe this time! Then they can't help but can only say sorry.

It’s not anyone else’s fault, but the great rhinoceros demon himself has no eyes and dares to say anything.

"Lord Alpha, I really am..."

"What are you really? Did you really not mean it? Do you think I will believe it?"

"I think it's been too long since I taught you a lesson. Your skin is itchy again. I'll help you today!"

Alpha raised his fist as big as a sandbag and was about to start the operation on the spot. Fortunately, he was stopped by the girl in red.

"Stop making trouble and don't look at what time it is. Is this the time for you to make trouble?"

"Everyone follow me."

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"Where else can we go? Of course to stop those human cultivators."

As soon as the girl in red said these words, the face of the demon boss behind was full of reluctance.

"No, no, Lady Saint, why should we stop them? Their target of attack this time is not us."

"Yes, yes, they originally caused trouble for those human cultivators from the Tianji Sect. After all, this is an internal matter within the human family group and has nothing to do with us!"

"I think so. If those guys dare to attack our barbaric city, then of course we have to teach them a lesson, but they didn't attack!"

"Lord Saint, how about... how about we think about it again? Or wait until they have consumed almost all of them first, and then we can reap the benefits!"

Listening to the words and suggestions of these big guys, the girl in red showed deep disgust on her face and looked over coldly.

After being stared at by the girl in red, all the demon bosses on the scene lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at her.

After so many years, this was the first time they saw such a look in the eyes of the girl in red. It was indeed quite scary.

The girl in red took a deep breath and tried her best to control the anger in her heart.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Do you want Bai Yu and those human cultivators to act as shields for us, and then we reap the benefits?"

"Please understand that the cultivators of the Tianji Sect are now members of our Savage City. Otherwise, they will not stop the five-petal plum blossom below for us!"

"They lost so many disciples in order to stop the Five Petals of Plum Blossom. Doesn't this still awaken your hearts?"

"Now you actually want to use the power of the human cultivators on the opposite side to destroy them. You really have the nerve to say these things!"

The words of the girl in red are profound, and every word speaks to the hearts of these big guys every time.

Normally, they would have to stand up and retort, but now they really have nothing to say.

All the words were blocked in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

At the end, the girl in red sighed in disappointment.

"Well, I don't want to talk about you anymore. It seems that you didn't listen to a word of what I said before, and you are not prepared to carry out Father's orders."

"In this case, I won't embarrass you too much."

"Those human cultivators on the opposite side want to come to the borders of our barbaric city and slaughter them. I'm afraid they are overthinking it!"

"If you don't want to go, you can, then I will go by myself!"

The girl in red turned into an arc of light and rushed into the battlefield below.

As for the remaining demon clan bosses, they were still standing there blankly, neither advancing nor retreating for a while.

Alpha pointed at them with hatred.

"Look at all the nonsense you are talking about! What nonsense are you thinking in your head?"

"The human cultivators of the Tianji Sect can all be consistent in dealing with the outside world, can't you? Are your minds so small?"

"I can warn you, this is not only an order from the Holy Lady, but also an order from the Holy Lord. Are you sure you want to disobey it?"


This time, the monster boss on the field was also a bit difficult to deal with.

"What is this? Why are you still standing here? Do you really want the Holy Lady to risk her life alone?"

"If there is something wrong with the Holy Lady, I will kill you with my own hands without the Holy Lord and the Tiger taking action!"

After listening to Alpha's words, these demon clan bosses finally reacted and followed the pace of the girl in red one after another.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with what the girl in red and Alpha said.

The cultivators of Tianji Sect are able to guard their wild city, but what reason do these monsters in their wild city have to retreat?

If they really used the help of the human cultivators across the street to get rid of Bai Yu and others, then they would really have no demonic nature at all.

On the other side, Su Ling'er and others stood anxiously outside the yin and yang realm of Life and Death Tai Chi, not knowing what to do for a while.

The disciple next to him spoke.

"Chief Su, didn't you say that the yin and yang realm of life and death Tai Chi cannot be broken at all? Then how did Ye Fan and the others get in?"

"Yes, yes! And I think Ye Fan and the others didn't spend much effort, so why did they get in? Is it so easy?"

"Then Ye Fan and the others can go in, does that mean we can also follow their example and enter the yin and yang realm of life and death Tai Chi together?"

"Haha, if you say imitate, then imitate. Did you understand how they operated just now?"

"Uh... Leader Su, you should understand, right? Come up with an idea quickly. What should we do now?"

Su Ling'er drank away the disciples in annoyance, not wanting to answer these unproductive and unconstructive questions.

Every day when something goes wrong, I always ask myself, I am not a god descending to earth, how can I know so much?

The next moment, a terrifying demonic wind flashed through, and Saint Son of Dragon, Saint Son of Qilin and other saints and saints appeared on the battlefield.

The disciples of the Tianji Sect nervously raised the sword in their hands and looked at the opposite side warily.

The Holy Son of the Dragon curled his lips.

"Come on, hurry up, put away the swords in your hands. This Holy Son is not here to deal with you today. I think I will make you nervous."

"I'm warning you, Ma Liu, put your sword away! Otherwise, this will be an open provocation. If there are any consequences, I will not be responsible."

Su Ling'er pressed her hand and signaled her disciples to put away their weapons.

Not long after, the bosses of the Jiaolong Clan and the Qilin Clan also rushed over, and an even stronger sense of oppression once again hit the hearts of the disciples of the Tianji Sect!

This chapter has been completed!
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