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Chapter 6229 Return to the land of the gods

In the end, the two of them randomly found a barren planet and landed on it.

Looking at the stars in the sky, the two of them also fell into deep thought.

They dare not directly return their orders to Tianzun, dare not tell the truth to others, and do not dare to deceive others. All this seems like a dead end.

Tian Chenggong spoke.

"Brother, why don't we two go back to the land of gods and escape for our lives?"

"Otherwise, find a barren planet and practice hard."

"Although spiritual energy and cultivation resources will be greatly reduced, as long as we can save our lives, we still have the possibility of making a comeback."

"If there is no life left, then everything will be empty talk and have no meaning!"

Tian Wudi spread his hands helplessly.

"Are you going to run away for your life? The world is so big, do you think we two have a role in escaping?"

"Lord Tianzun's power has already spread throughout the land of gods. No matter which planet you go to, you will be watched by Lord Tianzun's eyes."

"And the two of us only have the strength of the pinnacle of Quasi-Saints. If we face those powerful men under Lord Tianzun, can we handle it? I'm afraid we will be killed on the spot!"

"This won't work, and that won't work, so what should I do? You can't just wait here to die. You have to make some efforts!"

In the end, Tian Wudi gritted his teeth and directly issued an ultimatum.

"No matter what, do it while you are alive, and then go back to the land of the gods directly, tell the truth to the gods, and then go and receive the punishment."

"The two of us will only need to add fuel to the fire and arouse Master Tianzun's anger towards Bai Yu and the Tianji Sect."

"That way, Master Tianzun will not vent too much anger on you and me, and it is possible for both of us to save our lives."

"Remember! When you go back, you must be more careful with your words. Except for a few Lord Tianzun, if anyone asks questions, don't say too much!"

"Only you and I know about this matter. It must be completely rotten in our stomachs, otherwise we will both die badly!"

Tian Wudi's words were extremely solemn, without the slightest hint of joking.

Tian Chenggong also knew the importance of the matter and nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, I can still tell which is more important. No matter who asks, I will never reveal a word."

"God knows that you know this and I know it, and I will never let a third person know about it. I can guarantee that!"

"That's good, let's go."

The land of gods.

The Land of Gods is definitely a unique existence in the universe. It exudes a bright golden light and covers thousands of miles in radius. It is extremely exaggerated!

In the starry sky of the universe, no matter which planet you are on, as long as you look up, you will be illuminated by the radiance of the land of gods.

In other words, the Land of Gods is the most dazzling existence in the entire universe, unmatched by anything!

Entering the Land of the Gods, you will find groups of heavenly soldiers and generals wearing meteorite armor patrolling. Each one's aura is as deep as the abyss, and their background is so strong that it is difficult to describe!

It can be said that if you randomly pick one of these heavenly soldiers and generals, no other cultivator can match it.

This is why even though the Heavenly Lords in the Land of Gods do not take action themselves, they can still gain a certain degree of control over the universe and are feared by countless bosses.

Because these immortals and heavenly soldiers and generals under their command are enough to sweep everything on their behalf. This combat power is definitely not comparable to any other sect!

As soon as the two entered the land of gods, they found that the earth was shaking slightly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

"This... what is this? Is there an earthquake?"

"How is it possible? This is the land of gods. What kind of earthquake is it?"

"That's true, but where did this vibration come from?"

The two of them walked towards the source of the vibration sound and found themselves at the door of Renyi Xianzun's room.

At this time, many heavenly soldiers and generals had gathered around the door of the room. Many heavenly soldiers and generals began to peek through the cracks in the door. There was no trace of elegance at all.

The surrounding heavenly soldiers and generals were chatting happily.

"Hey, hey, have you heard? Lord Renyi, Immortal Lord, is about to break through to the peak state of Immortal Lord."

"At that time, he will be the most powerful cultivator in the Beidou Star Territory besides Lord Tianzun!"

"Of course I have heard of this. We are not fools. Lord Renyi is really the most evil and powerful this time. He is looked up to by countless of us!"

"Who says it's not the case? It is truly remarkable that a cultivator can reach the realm of Renyi Immortal Lord. Anyway, that is my goal in this life, and I will never change it in the slightest!"

Listening to the conversations of these disciples, Tian Chenggong and Tian Wudi roughly understood the whole story.

Tian Chenggong looked at Tian Wudi in disbelief.

"Is what they just said true? Has Master Renyi Xianzun really broken through to the peak of the immortal realm? Why do I feel like all this is a dream!"

Tian Chenggong nodded.

"It is indeed true. It has not been long since Lord Renyi and Immortal Lord broke through to Immortal Lord, and now he is beginning to hit the realm above Immortal Lord again. This is really disappointing!"

"It seems that people have to die when compared with others, and goods have to be thrown away when comparing goods. There is a reason for this. Compared with the top evil geniuses like Renyi Xianzun, the few of us are far behind.

This is not because they are belittling themselves, but it is the fact.


The next moment, a loud rumbling sound was heard in the room, and Immortal Renyi slowly walked out.

At this time, Immortal Renyi was covered in golden light, which was so dazzling that all the disciples could only raise their sleeves to block it a little.

When the golden light dissipated, everyone was surprised to find that Renyi Immortal Lord's strength had risen by two steps, and he was about to approach the half-step Tianzun realm!

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire Beidou Star Territory and even the starry sky of the universe, apart from the three peerless Heavenly Lords, only the Immortal Lord Renyi has the strength and opportunity to make further progress.

"See the Immortal Lord Renyi!"

"See the Immortal Lord Renyi!"

"See the Immortal Lord Renyi!"

"See the Immortal Lord Renyi!"

Loud and loud voices of respect echoed throughout the land of gods.

Renyi Xianzun smiled and nodded, then glanced at the crowd, and instantly caught sight of Tian Chenggong and Tian Wudi who had just returned.

After being caught by this gaze, the two of them were stunned at the same time. They didn't know what to say for a moment, and even their movements became extremely slow!

This chapter has been completed!
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