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Chapter 6281 Can't count on one

After listening to Long Aotian's words, Suzaku's head shook like a wavy drum.

"No, no, no, you have to be calm. You must be calm. You must not be impulsive. Impulsiveness is the devil!"

Suzaku felt regretful in his heart. He shouldn't have been so impulsive just now, but now it was better that he had pushed himself to a dead end.

Long Aotian shook his head slightly.

"If you only want to say this kind of thing, then I think the two of us have nothing to say."

"By the way, I know you run fast, but you can try."

After saying these words, Long Aotian's figure moved instantly. The speed was so fast that it was difficult to catch it with the naked eye.

Suzaku was not a man for food, so he turned around and ran away.

In fact, logically speaking, as a mythical beast from ancient times, he shouldn't be so cowardly.

But there is no other way. Who told him to face Long Aotian, who is like a murderer this time? Is it possible to wait for death if he doesn't run?

Moreover, Qinglong White Tiger and the others have already been defeated. If he continues to persist in his stubbornness, he will definitely suffer a lot of physical and mental suffering.

So the best way at the moment is to run without looking back, hoping that Bai Yu and Zishuang Immortal in the stands can save themselves at the critical moment.

Otherwise, his final fate will not be much better.

Seeing Suzaku running away, Long Aotian shook his head and smiled, as if everything was under his control.

"I want to run away! Why are you so stubborn? I told you that you can't run away, but you still don't believe me."

"Okay, okay, since you are stubborn, I will let you know what the real speed is today!"

"The peak of the saint, all eight doors open!"

Long Aotian looked up to the sky and roared angrily, and his figure directly moved to the extreme.

Good guy, that speed was no different from the speed of light. He disappeared instantly and couldn't even feel any sound.

What's even more exaggerated is that the ordinary people below, even if they open their spiritual consciousness, cannot sense the existence of Long Aotian. Long Aotian seems to have evaporated out of thin air.

But they all knew in their hearts that it was not that it evaporated out of thin air, but that Long Aotian's speed was too fast, exceeding the limit of their spiritual detection.

A chubby disciple rubbed his eyes in disbelief, questioning his own strength.

"What happened? Why did Elder Long disappear suddenly? Wasn't he still here just now!"

"No, no, there must be some connection. Even if it disappears, I shouldn't be able to find even a trace of it!"

The disciple next to him reminded him.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about it anymore. Elder Long didn't disappear, but it was too fast for you to notice."

Upon hearing this, the chubby disciple waved his hand impatiently.

Although his strength is only in the realm of demons, his mind is still quite normal. If he is only qualified to deceive a three-year-old child, how could he be deceived?

"You're so close, you really think I don't have enough brains! Elder Long was still here just now, there's no way he could just disappear without saying he didn't see you!"

"As for the possibility you mentioned, it will never happen!"

"Elder Long is not a cultivator of the Speed ​​Path in the first place, so why is he so fast? And this speed has already surpassed countless practitioners of the Speed ​​Path!"

"You said this was because Elder Long was too fast. Then tell me, how did Elder Long do all this? Is it possible that he didn't even mention any scientific basis?"

The chubby younger brother argued hard without giving in or compromising at all.

For a time, the two sides were divided into two camps. You said something to me, but no one meant to show weakness first.

"You guys should stop fighting here. The facts are right in front of you. Is there any need to continue fighting?"

"That's right. Elder Long is the No. 3 figure in our Tianji Sect. How can he be so powerful that you and I can only imagine? So it is understandable that he does incomprehensible things."

"This is really funny. No matter how strong Elder Long is, he should follow the most basic theorem."

"That's right. If you don't even follow the most basic theorems, wouldn't you be acting like a hooligan?"

"You have always said that this is Elder Long's true strength, but you are telling me why he can be so fast if he does not practice speed?"

The disciples below were completely furious, as were the big guys in the spectator seats.

Saint Daxu kept shaking his head, as if he was a moron.

The reason is very simple. The strength Long Aotian showed today is a bit too incredible.

"What is going on? How did his speed increase to such a level? Could it be that he has practiced some unknown secret technique?"

"Yes, yes, that must be the case. The Tianji Sect controls so many secret spaces in the Beidou Star Territory, and they must have found many secret arts with strange powers!"

"And the reason why Long Aotian is able to do all this must be because he has practiced those secret techniques. There will definitely be no exceptions!"

Sage Daxu said categorically, as if this was the real answer.

However, if you observe carefully, you can find that when he said this, the face of Saint Daxu was full of envy.

Why doesn't their sect have so many arcane spaces? You must know that the arcane spaces in the Beidou Star Region are all in quantity, and they are all non-renewable and precious resources.

The land of the gods controls the most arcane space, and the next one belongs to the Tianji sect.

The secret space is similar to the low-end version of the Netherworld. Although it is full of weirdness, it also contains real great opportunities.

Many disciples will choose to conduct trials in the secret space. As long as they can successfully pass the trial, their strength will be greatly improved.

If their sect can also have so much secret space, then the overall strength of the sect will definitely develop by leaps and bounds. By then, what will happen to the Huatian sect?

It's a pity, it's a pity, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. In the previous war for the arcane space, their sect lost completely, and in the end they only obtained two arcane spaces.

You must know that sects with similar strength to theirs have at least 5 secret space bases. Looking back at them, the gap is really huge!

As the saying goes, one wrong step makes another wrong step. The longer this goes on, the greater the gap between them and other sects.

Maybe given time, my sect will not even be considered a second-rate sect. This is no joke!

When he thought of this, Saint Daxu couldn't help but get angry, and directly vented the infinite anger in his heart on the elders of his sect!

"It's all your fault. You can't eat anything, you can't do anything, and you can't count on anyone at the critical moment!"

This chapter has been completed!
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