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Chapter 6389 Do it

The disciples on the field looked at Long Xin in confusion, not knowing what he was talking about just now.

What does it mean that nothing big will happen? Does this still mean that nothing big will happen?

Do you know what it means to nip things in the bud? By the time something happens, it will be too late. There will be no place to cry by then!

"What's going on? Master, why did he mess up and ignore Senior Brother Tiangang's affairs? He was not like this before!"

"The devil doesn't know, I don't know what the master is thinking in his heart, what kind of big blow and setback he suffered, and what are those words he said?"

They just feel that today's world is very bizarre. What Tiangang and Long Xin say is more outrageous than the last, and what they do is more and more difficult to understand.

"So what do we do? What do we do?"

"What you said is not constructive at all. The master has already ruined it, what else can we do?"

"Yes, we have done everything we should do, but unfortunately the master does not listen to us, so I can only wish Brother Tiangang good luck and hope nothing big goes wrong."

"Alas, that's all it has been until now."

They had no choice but to devote themselves to cultivation again.

As they said, some things are beyond their control, let alone their control.

In fact, these disciples didn't know clearly, but Long Xin knew very well what he was talking about.

It's not that he was in trouble, but he knew that everything was finally settled.

The reason why Tiangang's character suddenly changed greatly must be because Ye Fan said something to him, and what he said was something that no one had ever said before!

However, even if the same words are spoken by different people, they will have different impacts.

It seems that my previous guess was good. Ye Fan is not only Tiangang's real opponent, but also Tiangang's true confidant. He is the only one who can bring Tiangang back from the edge of life and death.

From this point of view, the worries I just had seemed meaningless.

From now on, Tiangang will no longer be troubled by those empty identities and statuses, and he can finally devote himself to the Tao and cultivation.

This is not only a good thing for Ye Fan and other disciples, but also a good thing for Tiangang itself.

Because if he is always troubled by those identities and statuses, his path will definitely be blocked and he will not reach the peak he wants.

On the other side, Immortal Purple Frost flashed and came to the bamboo garden behind the Tianji Sect.

"sit down."

Bai Yu poured him a cup of steaming tea, and he looked calm and composed.

Immortal Zishuang also showed a faint smile.

Although his face could not be seen clearly through the Chaos Immortal Clothes, his faint smile highlighted the beautiful appearance of the Purple Frost Immortal.

It is no exaggeration to say that the face and temperament of Zishuang Immortal can only be described as perfect, no one can compare with him.

I don’t know what kind of creator he is, who can create such a perfect form. It’s really unbelievable.

Immortal Zishuang spoke first.

"Brother, your guess is right. The two of them did not fight, and Wuming seems to have dispelled the haze in his heart for Tiangang."

"From now on, he won't have to be troubled by those hazes anymore. It's just that I'm a little too worried."

Immortal Zishuang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

When she learned that Tiangang had gone to the new entry camp, she rushed there immediately, fearing that some big conflict would break out there.

Unexpectedly, not only did no major conflict break out, but it also achieved unexpected results, which is really unbelievable.

Bai Yu smiled slightly.

"It's normal. I have already said that Wuming's disciple can bring unexpected surprises, and you can't even imagine such surprises."

"In fact, at the last moment of the final, Tiangang's heart had already begun to move. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to give up the championship."

"The reason why he went there this time was just to clear up the doubts in his heart. He was not looking for Wuming to do anything."

"Now that the doubts have been resolved, the haze in his heart can certainly be dispelled."

When saying this, Bai Yu also looked relaxed.

After all, the disciples in his camp are no longer troubled by the haze, and he, as the leader, is naturally happy to see it.

Immortal Zishuang continued.

"Yes! This time it is indeed unpredictable. It seems that Wuming's disciple has infinite potential, not only in terms of strength."

"Yes, if he only has strength and qualifications, how can he successfully understand the road of life and death?"

Immortal Zishuang nodded repeatedly, that was indeed the case.

After all, if you want to successfully comprehend a legendary avenue like the Avenue of Life and Death, only strength and qualifications are far from enough.

There are many cultivators with unparalleled qualifications, but isn't it possible that Ye Fan is the only one who can become the master of the road of life and death? This can already explain everything.

Of course, Ye Fan's qualifications are even more incredible than those of those cultivators, it just depends on what you think.

While the two were talking, the crystal ball in Zishuang Immortal's arms suddenly lit up.

After sensing the message coming from the crystal ball, Zishuang Immortal's expression changed drastically.

"Senior Brother, something happened, those Heavenly Lords started attacking the Immortal Lords in the universe and stars again!"


Bai Yu looked shocked.

"Then what is the situation now? Did the immortals escape smoothly? How much force did the immortals send this time?"

"We have successfully broken out of their encirclement and found a hidden planet to temporarily settle down."

"However, this is not a long-term solution. The intensity sent by the Heavenly Lords this time is indeed a bit huge. The troops are divided into many routes, and there are strong men of the Immortal Lord level sitting on each road, leading countless heavenly soldiers and generals!"

"The coverage of their search this time is also very wide. If the search continues at this rate, something will happen soon!"

Immortal Zishuang's face was extremely solemn.

She knew how urgent the situation was this time. Although the immortals and heavenly soldiers and generals in each team were not to be feared, the hidden immortals did not dare to take action until it was absolutely necessary!

Because once action is taken, other heavenly soldiers, heavenly generals and immortals will arrive as soon as possible, and then the situation will be reversed in the blink of an eye, creating a desperate situation.

They don't dare to go head-to-head with the Land of Gods, let alone question the foundation of the Land of Gods, because the foundation of the Land of Gods no longer needs to be questioned, it has been proven long ago!

Those planets and forces that previously resisted the land of gods have now turned into dust and disappeared in the long river of history.

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