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Chapter 6441 The end of the operation

The other Immortal Lords standing on both sides also sensed the terror and took a step back, fearing that the Immortal Lord Immortal would extend this anger to them.

Because the sticks in the Land of the Gods are different from those of other sects in the Beidou Star Region. The sticks are made of special meteorite iron. Once the stick is struck, even if the gods come, they will not be able to withstand it.

Take the heavenly soldiers and generals in the land of gods as an example. It can be said that no one can bear the responsibility of this 100 rod.

Although they, as peerless immortals, can survive it, half of their lives can definitely be lost.

Daofa Xianzun had previously violated the rules of the Land of Gods and was given a full fifty slaps.

Those 50 big boards directly wiped out 20% of his great power, allowing him to practice for hundreds of years more.

So much so that it left a shadow on him last time, and now this time it's a full 100 boards. It's really going to cost him his life. He can't even accept it!

As mentioned before, the land of gods has abundant spiritual energy and cultivation resources, but the rules are also extremely strict!

Anyone who breaks the rules will definitely be punished.

So I must make a last-ditch effort now, because if I don't do it now, it will be too late.

"Lord Yongsheng Tianzun, please calm down. Lord Yongsheng Tianzun, please calm down. I really didn't do it on purpose. I really didn't do it on purpose!"

"I hope the Lord Eternal God can spare me once. I will never dare to do it again, absolutely never!"

"Just give me another chance. I promise this is your last chance. I will never make such a stupid mistake again in the future, and I will never do anything in the Temple of Heaven!"

"Master Yongsheng Tianzun, 100 big boards is really a bit too much, a bit too much! I really can't bear it!"

"I hope that Lord Eternal God has a lot of them and won't care about me."

Tao Fa Xian Zun burst into tears, not to mention how sincere his posture was.

It can be said that how arrogant Tao Dharma Immortal was just now, he is now so humble.

The key point is that he is really scared. He doesn't want to practice for hundreds of more years because of his momentary mistakes.

His time was not blown by the strong wind, so of course he didn't want to waste it in vain.

Compared with Daofa Immortal Lord's begging for mercy, Renyi Immortal Lord just stood there quietly without any movement.

Because he knew in his heart that as long as it was decided by those deities, even eight horses could not pull it back!

If those Heavenly Lords just scare them, then of course they will be fine.

But if you really want to hit them 100 times, then no matter how hard you beg for mercy, it won't make any sense.

Let alone the two of them begging for mercy here, even if all the immortals, soldiers and generals in the land of gods begged for mercy, it would be of no avail.

Even those who beg for mercy will be implicated in anger. This is no joke!

It's not like this has never happened before, so I'm already used to it.

Since you know that begging for mercy is useless, why bother talking? Just let it go.

The Eternal God snorted coldly.

"Now that you know you're afraid, what did you do earlier? I tell you, now you know it's too late!"

"Rules are rules. If you have the guts to break the rules, you should be prepared to endure anger and punishment."

"Someone is coming!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

A pair of heavenly soldiers and generals wearing black armor instantly appeared at the gate.

The eyes of every heavenly soldier and general are extremely cold and cold. Even when facing these peerless immortals, their eyes are not moved at all.

In their eyes, it seemed that they were the only ones on the high platform.

When he saw these heavenly soldiers and generals wearing black armor, Daofa Xianzun's heart sank to the bottom completely.

It's over, it's over now, the Eternal God has even sent out his black knights, it seems he has to arrange something for himself!

In addition to the few Heavenly Lords, the Land of Gods is also divided into three forces.

One group is them, peerless immortals, who are the most powerful existences besides Tianzun.

The other group is the other heavenly soldiers and generals, but there is also the most secret and special existence, and that is these black knights!

There are only ten black knights, but no one dares to look down on them, not even these peerless immortals.

The strength of these ten people has all reached the realm of Saint Dzogchen, and the black armor they wear is also the purest form of meteorite iron.

It can be said that this set of black armor is worth ten sets of meteor armor!

With such peerless armor, their strength has been greatly enhanced.

Moreover, these 10 people are similar to a small team. Among them are those who are famous for the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space, as well as those who are famous for the Avenue of Sword and the Avenue of Body.

In addition, there is also a cultivator who is responsible for recovering injuries. It can be said that he has everything and has all the qualities of the team.

If a fight breaks out, it's not something an Immortal Lord can handle.

And they only obey the orders of those few Heavenly Lords, and they can be regarded as the trusted killers trained by those few Heavenly Lords.

And now that they have been sent out, what else is that if they are not arranging themselves?

Daofa Immortal Lord wanted to say something more, but he was already taken away by the black knight.

"I will leave on my own."

Renyi Immortal Lord strode forward without the slightest fear.

At the critical moment, the Plague God sent words.


"You guys go down first."


Then the Plague God spoke calmly.

"Since it was all unintentional, let's forget it and give you another chance."

"But you must seize this opportunity. If you do it again next time, it will not be as simple as 100 big boards!"

"Don't think that I am joking with you. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try, provided that you can bear the consequences."

The Plague Lord's tone was extremely cold, without any emotion, which made people's hair stand on end.

"Thank you, Lord Plague Lord!"

"Thank you very much, Lord Plague Lord. Please rest assured, Lord Plague Lord, we will never make such low-level mistakes again in the future!"

The two of them bowed respectfully.

The Plague Emperor just glanced at it lightly and then stood up.

"You all go down first. Operation Storm has been stopped this time. You can go and do whatever you need to do."

Operation Storm is the code name for the operation to hunt down those Immortal Lords. The reason why it is called Storm is that it is fast, accurate and ruthless.

But in the end, it didn't achieve the expected results. I wasted a month and came back empty-handed.

No wonder those immortals were afraid at first. Who wouldn’t be afraid of this?

Watch City Maniac.

This chapter has been completed!
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