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Chapter 6713 keep your voice down

Lin Hao thought of something and quickly stopped his movements.

"Stop, stop, stop, don't try to get my crystal ring. I can't give it to you!"

The old man in black curled his lips.

"Looking at what you said, it seems like someone is really thinking about your crystal ring. I'm doing this all for the sake of our action this time. Do you understand?"

"Every day, people will be wronged here. I, the fifth one in black, have been traveling in the Beidou Star Territory for so many years. What treasures have I not seen? How can I miss you with a crystal ring?"

"I have to say, you are really too superficial, and I really can't communicate with you."

The old man in black looked disgusted, making it look real.

These words directly made Lin Hao on the opposite side laugh.

"Haha, am I too superficial, or is it because I hit your pain point?"

"Don't I still know who you are? After all these years, when you encounter a good treasure, you know how to rush forward."

"For those good treasures, you don't know how many top sects you have disgusted."

"So if you tell me this now, do you think I will believe it?"

The old man in black waved his hand impatiently.

He didn't want to follow this topic any further, because he felt that it would very likely lead him into a ditch.

"Stop talking about these useless things and quickly take out that crystal ring of yours. It will be used for tomorrow's operation."

"If there is no crystal ring, tomorrow's operation will most likely fall short. That's probably not the result you want to see."

"For our operation this time, you have to sacrifice a little bit."

"Take it out quickly, I don't want to waste time with you here."

Lin Hao wanted to refute, but when he thought that his crystal ring was indeed indispensable this time, he could only reluctantly take it out.

The moment the crystal ring appeared, the bright light instantly illuminated the entire room.

The old man in black's eyes widened.

As the saying goes, a real treasure does not require any appraisal. It can be seen at a glance. This is exactly the case with the crystal ring in front of you!

If this is taken out, whoever says it is not a precious treasure is absolutely blind.

"It is indeed a good treasure. It is indeed a good treasure. With such a precious treasure, tomorrow's action will not fail even if we want to!"

The old man in black wanted to grab the crystal ring, but was avoided by Lin Hao.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I just want to give you a vaccination in advance. After this operation is over, you must return the crystal ring to me."

"I got this crystal ring in the Netherworld. I paid for it with my own life. It means a lot to me!"

"If you dare to be shameless with me then, you know better than me what the consequences will be."

Lin Hao's words were extremely solemn, not like he was joking at all.

As he said, if the fifth man in black really refuses to admit his guilt, he will never be polite to this guy.

In order to prevent the final trouble, it is better to get vaccinated with this guy in advance to avoid causing a lot of trouble later.

But the fifth man in black didn't seem to hear it. He waved casually and took the crystal ring.

"I know, I know, look at how stingy you are, am I such a shameless person?"

"You are still looking down on me. I am a very upright person and would not engage in such obscene behavior."

Although he said this, the fifth man in black still quickly put the crystal ring in his arms, for fear that Lin Hao would regret it.

"Okay, let's move quickly."


The black-clothed Lao Wu took a deep breath, and then injected spiritual energy into the crystal ring.

The moment the spiritual energy entered the crystal ring, the crystal ring once again emitted a dazzling light.

The next moment, the endless cultivation crystals and treasures in the cultivation resource library were all sucked into the crystal ring.

The speed of inhalation is extremely fast, which far exceeds the function of the training resource bag.

Looking at this scene, the old man in black couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Lin Hao is not that good, but this crystal ring is really good. It is indeed a treasure obtained from the land of the netherworld."

"I can tell that all the treasures that come out of the Netherworld are not bad. At least they are several times better than the ordinary treasures in the secret realm!"

Siming glanced at Lao Wu in black, somewhat speechless.

Isn’t this nonsense? If the treasures in the Netherworld are not as good as the treasures in the ordinary secret realm, then is it still the Netherworld?

"Lao Wu, it looks like you like the treasures in the Netherworld very much!"

The fifth man in black replied matter-of-factly.

"Of course, the treasures in the Netherworld are definitely the best among the best. Who doesn't like them?"

"That's not easy. After this operation is over, why don't you just go to the Netherworld directly?"

"When the time comes, all the treasures you like will be placed in front of you. You can take as many as you want, and take whichever one you want. Isn't that fun?"

As soon as these words came out, the face of Lao Wu in black fell instantly.

Listen, listen, is this still human language?

As the saying goes, opportunities and dangers are directly proportional. Although the treasures in the Netherworld are coveted, the dangers are no joke!

Although I want those treasures, I still have to see if I have the strength to do so!

If you don't operate it properly, you may risk your life as soon as you enter the Netherworld. This is no joke!

This is why for so many years he would rather target those first-class sects than take risks in the netherworld.

Because in a strict sense, it is no longer as simple as taking a risk, it is simply licking blood on the tip of a knife, and it does require careful consideration!

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Siming suddenly called out to the old man in black.

Because besides sucking the cultivation crystals into the crystal ring, this guy also kept his other hand idle, constantly pulling the treasures and cultivation crystals into his cultivation resource bag.

Moreover, this guy's movements were quite secretive, and he found a blind spot in his sight.

If my gaze hadn't shifted just now, I wouldn't have known what this guy was doing.

The fifth man in black quickly made a shushing gesture.

"Keep your voice down, what are you bluffing about? Do you want to bring in those guys from outside?"

"If those guys come in, will they still be able to enjoy our good fruits? They don't understand such a simple truth?"

"Keep your voice down. If you don't want our identities to be exposed, just listen to me. That's right!"

Although Siming felt very unhappy inside, he could only forcefully suppress his voice.

This chapter has been completed!
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