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Chapter 771 The auction begins!

The next morning, after Ye Fan got up, he and Liu Yiyi went to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast.

Unexpectedly, in the restaurant, they met Lu Xuan and Zhou Yuwen, who had been waiting for a long time.

After seeing the two of them, Liu Yiyi had a look of disgust on her face. She regarded them as nothing and walked towards the corner.

Unexpectedly, the two of them came together like psoriasis, blocking the way of Liu Yiyi and Ye Fan.

"Get out of the way, good dogs don't block the way!" Ye Fan said coldly.

Since he had already broken his skin yesterday, he had no intention of being polite to the other party.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yuwen looked angry and furious. He never expected that Ye Fan, a "poor loser" with no background, would dare to show off in front of him!

Yesterday, Zhou Yuwen was not sure about Ye Fan's identity, so he could only bear to keep it secret. How could he bear it now?

At this moment, Lu Xuan winked, signaling him to shut up.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xuan showed an impeccable smile on his face, looked at Mark and said:

"Master Ye, I was rude about what happened yesterday. Please forgive me if I offended you! Why don't we take this opportunity to turn our hostility into friendship!"

Lu Xuan's tone was extremely humble, and he kept his posture to the lowest level, giving Ye Fan enough face.

Next to him, Zhou Yuwen's face was full of surprise, and he obviously didn't expect Lu Xuan to take the initiative to apologize to Mark.

Although Ye Fan remained calm on the surface, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

A child of a noble family like Lu Xuan has a very high self-esteem, so no matter how polite he is, it's just for show.

Therefore, his proactive show of kindness made Ye Fan alert, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Fan nodded and said: "Okay, since you are so sincere, I have a lot of money, so I will reluctantly forgive you!"

Hearing this, Lu Xuan's smile froze, but he quickly adjusted his expression and continued: "Young Master Ye, Yiyi, let's have breakfast first, and I will be your guide later, and we will go to the magic weapon auction together.


Half an hour later, the group of people walked out of the hotel.

Zhou Yuwen acted as the driver and started the Porsche Panamera. This coupe had only four seats and was designed as a 22.

Lu Xuan wanted to sit in the back row with Liu Yiyi, but Ye Fan got there first and arrogantly occupied the "boss seat" in the right seat of the back row.

In desperation, Lu Xuan could only sit in the co-pilot's seat, which was the accompanying secretary's seat in the airport.

After sitting down, he lowered his head. A look of ferocity flashed across his originally gentle face, and he thought to himself:

"Hmph... brat, I'll let you be arrogant for a while longer! But it won't take long before I can make you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Lu Xuan thought that from this angle, Ye Fan and Liu Yiyi in the back row couldn't see his expression at all.

But he didn't know that with Ye Fan's strength, the sensitivity of his spiritual consciousness was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Within a radius of 100 meters, as long as anyone is hostile to Ye Fan, they will not be able to escape the capture of spiritual consciousness.

Suddenly, the corners of Ye Fan's mouth raised slightly, outlining a mysterious smile.

Lu Xuan's identity is indeed extraordinary. He is the prince of Lucheng, and the Lu family is considered a wealthy family in the entire Jiangnan Province.

But in Ye Fan's eyes, he is just a clown. The reason why he can still dance is just because he is a little curious.

In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies are paper tigers.

Just like a lion doesn't care about the provocation of a sheep, Ye Fan never takes Lu Xuan into his eyes.

The venue for this magical weapon exchange meeting is located in Sihai Mountain in the north of Lucheng.

Sihai Mountain has undulating mountains, towering peaks, and the wonders of a sea of ​​forests, seas of clouds, seas of fog, and seas of snow, hence its name. Many tourists come here to visit it.

However, because a magic weapon exchange meeting was to be held, the mountain was closed one month in advance to ensure that there were no other people waiting.

Although the ancient martial arts world is not as mysterious as the hidden sect, there are not many people who know about it in the secular world.

If these ancient warriors who climbed over eaves, walked over walls, and carved mountains and rocks were openly exposed to the eyes of ordinary people, they would probably cause social unrest, which is something the authorities do not want to see.

Soon, the Porsche drove to the foot of Sihai Mountain, and several guards stopped them.

If it were someone else, even if they had an invitation, they would inevitably be subject to inspection.

But after rolling down the window and seeing Lu Xuan sitting in the passenger seat, the guards immediately stood at attention. After saluting respectfully, they immediately let him go without any delay.

As Lu Xuan, in this three-acre land of Lucheng, he is fully qualified to "get his face". Big bosses from all walks of life have to sell his father's face.

At this time, Zhou Yuwen next to him complimented him: "Haha... You are indeed Mr. Lu. In terms of family background, appearance, and talent, I'm afraid there won't be many people who can compare with you in the huge Jiangnan Province! Ordinary and vulgar people are not at all like this.

If I can’t catch your eye, I’m afraid only a peerless beauty like Miss Yiyi is worthy of you!”

Zhou Yuwen was obviously helping, trying to bring Lu Xuan and Liu Yiyi together.

But after hearing these words, Liu Yiyi not only did not answer, but also frowned, with a flash of displeasure in her eyes.

Through the rearview mirror, Lu Xuan took in all her expressions and said to himself:

"Hmph... you stinky girl, why are you pretending to be noble? Now you are ignoring me. When the time comes, I will make you surrender to me, worship me, and treat me as your master!"

Finally, the Porsche parked in a makeshift parking lot.

Although it wasn't the official start time yet, there were already crowds of luxury cars and many foreign license plates around. It was obvious that they had come specially to participate in the magic weapon exchange meeting.

The group of people got out of the car, but Lu Xuan did not take them in, but stood there waiting.

Seeing this, Liu Yiyi asked with some confusion: "Master Lu, who are you waiting for?"

"Haha... Miss Yiyi, you don't know something! The items being auctioned here are all the rarest treasures and panaceas in the world. Ordinary people may not be able to see a few of them in their lifetime! If you go in rashly, you will end up with nothing.

Like flies, it is easy to be deceived! Fortunately, our Lu family happened to know a magic master, so we took a big advantage by going with him today!" Lu Xuan explained.

Hearing these words, Liu Yiyi nodded.

The doorway in this auction is very deep. It only provides an auction venue, but does not guarantee the authenticity of the items. Even if you buy fake items, it has nothing to do with the organizer, and you can only consider yourself unlucky.

Therefore, it is a test of the buyer's vision. If you are not careful, you will fall into a trap and lose tens of millions, but it will not make any difference.

Liu Yiyi's father Liu Buyi once spent a huge amount of money on many fake goods.

After waiting for about ten minutes, an old man wearing a Taoist robe, with white hair and a childlike face, slowly walked over. His clothes were fluttering, and he looked like a fairy.

Seeing this, Lu Xuan and Zhou Yuwen hurriedly stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Meet Grandmaster Duan!"

"Yes!" Grandmaster Duan nodded, his attitude still arrogant.

But the two of them took it as a matter of course and did not dare to have any objections.

At this time, Lu Xuan pointed at Liu Yiyi and introduced: "Master Duan, this is Miss Liu Yiyi, the only daughter of Liu Buyi, the richest man in Huahai!"


When Grandmaster Duan heard this, his eyes flashed and he looked at Liu Yiyi carefully.

When he saw Zhou Yuwen yesterday, he dismissed him and called him "the son of a merchant."

But now that she saw Liu Yiyi, her attitude had changed subtly.

After all, the Zhou family and the Liu family are not on the same level at all.

Liu Buyi has a business empire worth hundreds of billions, and even a worldly master like Grandmaster Duan has heard of his name.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Liu Buyi stamps his foot, the entire East China business community will tremble.

"Hello, Grandmaster Duan!" Liu Yiyi said, showing a polite smile at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xuan pointed at Ye Fan and said: "Master Duan, this Young Master Ye, I mentioned it to you yesterday! Well... he is Miss Yiyi's friend!"


Grandmaster Duan said calmly, glancing at Ye Fan casually, his attitude was neither salty nor indifferent.

However, Ye Fan's keen consciousness caught a strong hostility from him, which was obviously aimed at himself.

Ye Fan remained calm on the surface, but secretly smiled in his heart:

Huh... Lu Xuan, is this the helper you found? His strength at the peak of the Xuanjing is pretty good, but it's a pity that he met me!

This chapter has been completed!
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