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Chapter 853 One punch kills!


Hearing Ye Fan's words, Leng Feng and many other members of the Eastern Divine Sword were shocked and surprised. They couldn't believe their ears.

When Ye Fan fights three against one, they are responsible for shouting 666?

This was too confident, and he simply didn't take the three powerful Japanese men into consideration.

A few days ago, although Ye Fan was fighting one against a thousand, he showed off his might.

But these three enemies in front of them are not ordinary special forces.

Taro Miyamoto is an A-level psychic who can control thunder and has strength comparable to that of a martial arts master.

If Ye Fan hadn't come to the rescue just now, Leng Feng would have died.

It is no exaggeration to say that Taro Miyamoto alone was enough to overwhelm everyone in the arena and annihilate the entire army.

Hattori and Misaki also exude powerful auras, and they are definitely as strong as Taro Miyamoto.

Now, Ye Fan wants to fight one against three, which is too much!

The three powerful men from the Japanese country on the opposite side also seemed to have been greatly humiliated.

Hattori shouted sharply: "You brat, how dare you speak such arrogant words! Do you know who I am? My master is a famous swordsman of the Japanese style of swordsmanship in the Japanese country. I have learned the master's true teachings, and I can be called among my peers -


"Stop being so nagging!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ye Fan interrupted directly: "I'm not interested in listening to a dead man's nonsense!"

Ye Fan's voice was straight and straightforward, as if he was explaining something that was perfectly natural, without the slightest hint of provocation.

But after hearing this, Hattori was furious. He never expected that Ye Fan would treat him as a dead person before they even fought.

I've seen crazy people, but never this crazy!


Hattori scolded angrily: "Boy, since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"

As he spoke, his aura changed instantly.

Previously, Hattori's appearance could only be described as "ordinary", and he wouldn't even look at it twice if he was thrown into a crowd.

But now, he seemed to have turned into a peerless magic weapon, with sharp edges and sharp edges, thrust straight into the sky, and the warrior uniform on his body did not move automatically, as if a blower was blowing hard at him.


A solid coercion, with his body as the center, spread in all directions, and the surrounding air was stagnant.

The faces of many members of the Eastern Divine Sword in the distance were extremely solemn, and their exposed skin seemed to be torn apart by sharp blades.

Only a strong master can bring such oppression to them.

Although Hattori is not a supernatural being, he is a master-level swordsman. In terms of combat prowess, he is definitely not inferior to Taro Miyamoto.

At this moment, his eyes were staring at Ye Fan, his eyes were burning, and he had entered a state of concentration.

It seemed that in his eyes, there was nothing else between heaven and earth except Ye Fan.

Seeing this scene, Misaki, who was wearing a kimono and as beautiful as a peach blossom, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, outlining a strange smile, and opened her red lips slightly:

"Tsk tsk... Hattori is serious! This kid probably won't be able to take even one move and will die miserably on the spot! I wonder what his blood will taste like?"

At the end of the sentence, Misaki lightly licked the corner of her mouth with a look of great anticipation.


At this moment, a high-pitched and sonorous sound of a knife sounded.

Hattori pulled out the sword from its sheath, and his figure shot out like a rainbow piercing the sun.

Visually! Breathe in! Pay attention! Cut it off!

In the blink of an eye, there was a complete continuous movement, flowing smoothly and smoothly, without any sloppiness.

Hattori is a descendant of the Japanese Ittō style. He practices the most advanced sword-drawing technique, called "Iai". It is said that after practicing to the extreme, he can draw the sword hundreds of times in one second.

At this moment, the sword was slashed out at a speed that exceeded the limit of ordinary human eyes. Ye Fan's position was completely covered by the sword, and there was no way to escape.

What is even more shocking is that this sword is dark red in color, as if it is dyed with the blood of the enemy. When the sword is drawn out, a faint cry and wailing can be heard.

The evil spirit in it makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts. If you are a timid person, you may be so frightened that your liver and gallbladder will burst, and you will be unable to offer any resistance, and you will be reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered!

The Japanese country is a small country with a small land, many people, and limited resources. In order to survive, everyone pursues the jungle law, natural selection, and the survival of the strong. This characteristic has created the twisted character of the people.

They are extremely aggressive by nature, poor in literature and martial arts, arrogant and self-respecting, and stubborn. When facing the strong, they turn their faces around and turn into loyal dogs wagging their tails begging for mercy.

They seem to be low-key and tolerant, but in fact they are extremely violent. Once their strength exceeds the original strong one, they will intensify their revenge.

Therefore, this kind of character is also vividly displayed in martial arts.

The way of killing!

A martial art purely for killing!

At this moment, as soon as Hattori made his move, he used his strongest weapon, without any reserve, trying to kill his opponent with one move.

His slashes are as fast as thunder, and often the enemy is already dead and dismembered before he has time to react.

"Stab it!"

The sword tore through the air and turned into a roaring angry dragon, stabbing towards Ye Fan's throat.


Unimaginably fast!

It is worthy of the Japanese Iihe Sword. In the hands of Hattori, it has been sublimated into the most extreme martial art.

However, facing this devastating sword, Ye Fan still stood on the same spot, with roots under his feet, motionless, and no intention of dodging.

Seeing that the sword was about to hit his throat, Ye Fan suddenly raised his right hand to catch the sword with his bare hands.

Seeing him being so arrogant, Hattori was extremely angry, as if he was crazy, and vowed to chop him into pieces.


The sound of a sharp blade entering the body did not sound, but instead there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

The next moment, an incredible scene occurred in the venue——

Ye Fan actually used the index and middle fingers of his right hand to forcefully clamp the blade of the sword between his fingers.

His fingers were slender and slender, as white as jade, and did not look powerful at all.

On the other hand, that sword was unrivaledly sharp, with a blood groove on the blade, and its lethality was terrifying.

According to common sense, the sharp edge of the sword should be able to cut off Ye Fan's fingers easily.

But the strange scene in front of them shocked everyone present, and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

For a moment, Hattori's heart was filled with huge waves, and he was so surprised that he couldn't be more surprised.

In that slashing move, he had already used 120% of his internal strength, and with the power of charge, he could split even a copper wall or an iron wall.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan only used two fingers to carry out this knife, which seemed to be effortless.

Is this kind of physical strength still human?

Soon, big beads of sweat appeared on Hattori's forehead, and the arm holding the sword kept shaking. The powerful internal energy was injected into the sword. As long as the sword moved forward a little further, it would be able to hit Ye Fan.

But this tiny distance is like the chasm between heaven and earth. It is so far away that it can never be crossed.

It can be seen that Ye Fan's strength is definitely far superior to him.

"Hmph! The Japanese swordsman's sword-drawing attack was inherited from the Chinese magic, but he didn't learn the true essence. After all, it will never be refined!" Ye Fan criticized mercilessly.

If it were before, Hattori would definitely be furious, but now, he couldn't say a word and was stagnant in place. He couldn't even withdraw his sword, let alone slash forward.

At the same time, he felt a very terrifying aura on Ye Fan's body.

Reason told him that he should stay away from Ye Fan immediately, but all his skills were focused on this sword.

If you lose your sword, it is equivalent to having your wings broken and your combat effectiveness plummeting.

At this moment, a cold light flashed in Ye Fan's eyes, and he shouted angrily:

"Break it for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an overwhelming force surged toward the sword like a volcano erupting.

"Stab la la!"

In just an instant, the sword, which was forged from fine steel, fell apart and turned into powder, with no residue left.

This huge force stopped until it hit Hattori's body forcefully.


It was like he was hit by a high-speed train, flying hundreds of meters backwards, breaking countless big trees, and finally collapsed to the ground.

Looking from a distance, I saw a hole the size of a fist appeared on his left chest, his heart was blown open, and bright red blood spurted out.

Hattori didn't even have time to scream in agony before he died completely.

Kill instantly with one punch!

This chapter has been completed!
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