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Chapter 859 A husband is in charge, and ten thousand people do not open it!

Ye Fan used his inner energy with all his strength, and the distance of dozens of miles was reached in an instant.

Ten minutes later, he was already close to the King Kong-class destroyer.

The camera projected his figure behind the big screen inside the ship.

When hundreds of Japanese soldiers saw this, they were dumbfounded, as if they had seen something incredible. They couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh my god, what is that? Is it a superman?"

At this moment, Ye Fan suddenly stopped and floated a hundred meters above the ground, standing tall and looking down at the destroyer.

The soldiers on the deck all looked up at him.

Under the sunlight, his body seemed to be covered with shining golden light, shining extremely.

Even from a certain distance, you can feel the aura of the supreme power, just like a god of war coming to the world.

The next moment, Fujino Kuro walked from the inner cabin to the deck, holding a loudspeaker and loudly said:

"I am the captain of the Kongo-class destroyer - Fujino Kuro! Who is here?"

"Member of China Oriental Divine Sword, Ye Fan!"

"Were Miyamoto and the others killed by you?" Fujino Kuro asked.

"That's right!" Ye Fan said firmly.

Although he was mentally prepared, seeing Mark admit it without hesitation, Fujino Kuro's heart was still filled with huge waves, and he was extremely surprised.

He originally thought that the person who could kill the three Miyamotos would definitely be a long-established martial arts master.

But Ye Fan's age was completely beyond his expectation. He was too young and looked like a young boy.

At this time, Ye Fan stared at Han Xing and said with a thunderous voice: "This is China's territorial waters. You guys broke in without permission. Do you want to provoke a war?!"

Faced with this question, Fujino Kuro didn't take it seriously. He reached out and touched the mustache on his lips and sneered:

"Boy, I won't lie to you anymore. This time my ship came here just for the mysterious crystal! If you hand over the crystal honestly, then this matter is over and we will return immediately! Otherwise, I will be bloody.


Fujino Kuro is extremely arrogant and is definitely not joking.

Before setting off, he had been given the authority to fire by his superiors.

Marx once said: "If capital has 50% profit, it will take desperate risks! If it has 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all the laws of the world! If it has 300% profit, it will dare to violate

If you commit any crime, you may even be hanged!”

But now, having learned about the magical effects of the five-color sacred stone, the Japanese country will take desperate risks and will not give up until it achieves its goal, even at the risk of completely offending China!

Hearing Fujino Kuro's threat, Ye Fan's eyes became colder and colder, like the biting Siberian cold wind.

He had to believe that once the five-color sacred stone fell into the hands of Japan, it would be almost impossible for China to take it back!

Seeing Ye Fan's silence, Fujino Kuro thought he was scared, so he provoked unscrupulously:

"Boy, you killed Miyamoto and the other three, and your crime is unforgivable! If you know what's going on, hurry up and offer the sacred stone, and then go back to Japan to face trial. Maybe there is still a chance of survival! Otherwise, I can kill you with one shot.

I will blast you into scum! Not only that, all the clan members and people on that island must die!"

Hearing this, Ye Fan instantly felt a burst of anger in his chest, almost burning his blood.

A weak country has no diplomacy!

Once upon a time, China turned from a great country into the "sick man of East Asia" because of its isolation and backwardness. It was bullied by the Japanese and was even in danger of subjugation.

But—that was fucking before!

Today's China is like an awakened lion, no cat or dog can challenge it!

What's more, this is still in China's territory, how can we allow the Japanese guys to be arrogant?

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's eyes were sharp, like a sharp sword cutting through thorns, piercing Fujino Kuro from a distance of several hundred meters, and there seemed to be invisible electric sparks in the air.

"Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how strong he is!"

As he spoke, the aura on Ye Fan's body skyrocketed, like a huge mountain rising into the sky, standing in front of him, blocking the way of the King Kong-class destroyer.

As a true man, this is how it should be!

Even the Japanese soldiers on the deck were shocked by his heroic aura. They felt timid for no reason, their knees became weak, and they felt like they wanted to worship him.

It was clear that the Japanese had the advantage in numbers and equipment, but Ye Fan's power alone was greater than that of thousands of troops, severely damaging their morale.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

As the captain, Fujino Kuro naturally did not allow his morale to decline. He looked up at Ye Fan and cursed:

"Hmph...brat. Don't think that you can do whatever you want with just a little effort! You are completely vulnerable to the powerful ships of the Japanese Empire!"


Ye Fan said lightly and at the same time flicked his fingers.


The solid internal energy was like an arrow from a string, shooting towards Fujino Kuro with a devastating force.

Fujino Kuro was shaken all over, and he felt an unprecedented sense of foreboding, as if the god of death had raised a sickle and pressed it against his neck.

At the critical moment, his survival instinct unleashed his potential.

He subconsciously reached out and grabbed a young soldier from the side, blocking him in front of him to act as a human shield.


The next moment, the invisible air arrow penetrated the body of the Japanese warrior, and then it pierced Fujino Kuro's right knee.


Fujino Kuro suddenly fell to the ground, and from the wound on his right knee, red blood surged out like a fountain.

The intense pain caused his facial features to twist together, and he roared with an extremely ferocious look:

"Bagayalu! Zhi. That boy, how dare you hurt me? This is an unpardonable crime!"

"The whole ship listens to the order and fires!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers on the destroyer immediately carried out the order.

The muzzles of the black hole were all aimed at Ye Fan, blooming with a breath of death.

After a few seconds, tongues of flame burst out, and the entire destroyer's artillery system was operating at high load.

"Bang bang bang [ticada novel www.didaxs.info] bang bang!"

The deafening sound of artillery fire resounded throughout the world, and the surrounding seawater surged wildly, causing waves.

Hundreds of artillery shells formed a dense net in the air, completely covering the area where Ye Fan was.

Under such indiscriminate bombardment, even a mechanized armored company would be instantly annihilated, with no remains left.

However, looking at the nearby artillery shells, Ye Fan's face remained unchanged. Not only did he not have any fear, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a mysterious smile, as if he had everything under control.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

Hundreds of artillery shells bombarded together, and the loud noise sounded again, which lasted for several minutes.

The smoke was so thick that it was difficult to see what was going on inside.

Fujino Kuro, who was on the deck, covered the injury on his right knee and said with a ferocious smile: "I don't know how high the sky is. That kid wants to use his mortal body to resist the warships of the Japanese Empire. It is simply a fantasy! Now he doesn't even have ashes left!"


Immediately afterwards, Fujino Kuro ordered: "Continue setting sail!"

Suddenly, a high-pitched exclamation resounded throughout the audience:

"Captain, look at the sky!!!"

Fujino Kuro subconsciously raised his head.

I saw a dazzling golden light, tearing apart the surrounding smoke and shooting straight into the sky, which was mysterious and extraordinary.

Looking closely, there is a proud and upright figure, standing on the sky.

It’s Ye Fan!

Golden light enveloped his body, as if he was covered with a layer of armor, like a god.

Under the bombardment of hundreds of artillery shells, he was unscathed and his clothes were not even messed up.

Invisibly, a majestic and boundless aura came out of the body, looking down at the world, looking down upon the heroes, like a god walking in the world.

"This...how is this possible?!"

When Fujino Kuro saw this, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and his vest was completely soaked with cold sweat.

The scene that happened in front of him had an unprecedented visual impact and a spiritual shock to him.


The other Japanese warriors on the destroyer couldn't help but gasp, their whole bodies were shaken violently, as if they were being shocked by electricity, and their chests felt like a ten thousand-foot mountain was pressing down on them, and they were almost suffocating.

This was the first time they encountered such a terrifying enemy.

It’s really unbelievable to physically shake hundreds of cannonballs!

At this time, Ye Fan's eyes as sharp as a knife scanned the entire audience and said in a thunderous voice:

"Today, as long as I am here, you will not be allowed to take another step forward!"

One man is in charge, no one can open it!

This chapter has been completed!
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