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Chapter 885 The pearl of rice grains, dare to shine?

Although Ye Fan's voice was silent, it contained an irresistible will and was extremely domineering, like a king's pardon.

But after hearing these words, Sima Shuo on the opposite side was filled with rage and his eyes were about to burst.

He never expected that Ye Fan would describe the resentful ghost king that he devoted so much effort to cultivating as a weak "ant".

For a moment, Sima Shuo seemed to have been greatly insulted, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

The eyes of others looking at Ye Fan also became extremely complicated.

In everyone's opinion, although Ye Fan is a young master with amazing talents and can even control thunder with a divine sword, he is too young after all!

Even Taoist masters like Guo Zhenren fell into disgrace and were no match for the Ghost King.

Now, what can Ye Fan do alone? Is it possible that he can defy the odds?!

Suddenly, Sima Shuo glared at Ye Fan fiercely and said: "You bastard, how dare you look down on my resentful ghost king, your crime is unforgivable! Hohohoho... I'm going to cut you into pieces!"


Hearing this threat, Ye Fan had no expression on his face, glanced at the Ghost King casually, and said coldly: "With this kind of garbage, even if I stand still, it can't hurt a hair on my head!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunder from the sky, exploding in the ears of everyone present.


There is no limit to the madness!

Everyone never expected that Ye Fan would dare to show off under such circumstances.

Sima Shuo could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, his facial features were twisted together, and he was extremely ferocious. He gritted his teeth and said: "You brat, since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the resentful ghost king seemed to have received the order, and his huge body shot out like a demon god coming to the world.

Even from a certain distance, the terrifying power can be felt, and there are even sonic booms in the surroundings.

There was a vicious smile on Sima Shuo's face, as if Ye Fan was already a cold corpse with no possibility of survival.

You know, even an Earth Realm master like Zhenren Guo lost his combat effectiveness under the attack of the Ghost King, let alone a young boy?

Seeing the resentful ghost king getting closer and closer, Ye Fan still stood on the same spot, with his spine straight, and an aura of contempt for the world broke out from his body, and his voice was like thunder:

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things. I have cultivated for hundreds of millions of kalpas and proved my supernatural power. Within and outside the three realms, only Tao is the most respected. There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the inner energy in Ye Fan's Dantian surged out like the Yangtze River bursting its banks.


In the flash of lightning, a layer of solid golden battle armor appeared on his body, covering every part of his body.

The golden light shines, and the divine power surges.

At this moment, Ye Fan transformed, as if he had become a god. With every move he made, he revealed an invincible power that was enough to make the world surrender.

The bright light on the golden armor makes people dare not look directly at it, as if a red sun is created out of thin air, shining brightly.

This sudden change was beyond everyone's expectations.

At this moment, the resentful ghost king finally bumped into Ye Fan.


Mars hits the Earth!

With the contact point between the two as the center of the circle, violent energy leaked out, forming a terrifying shock wave that spread in all directions.

Everyone in the venue, including Sima Shuo, was affected by the shock wave. Their bodies flew back more than ten meters and hit the hard wall.

After more than half a minute, when the dust cleared, everyone turned to look at the center of the explosion, and a shocking scene appeared in their sights——

I saw Ye Fan still standing there, standing proudly, his tall and straight body like a spear piercing the sky, not even moving his heels.

Against the backdrop of the golden divine armor, his aura was ethereal and ethereal, like a god walking in the earthly world, inviolable.

On the other hand, the resentful ghost king fell more than ten meters away. His bright red eyes glared at Ye Fan fiercely, but in addition to anger, there was also a bit of unconcealable fear.

Obviously, the collision just now had a huge backlash on it.

Looking at the golden armor on Ye Fan, a monk immediately shouted:

"Oh my God! Is this the "Golden Light Divine Spell"?"

"What on earth is going on? How can a mere "Golden Light Divine Curse" have such power?"

For a time, the faces of many monks in the venue were full of suspicion and confusion, and their hearts were filled with huge waves, and they were extremely surprised.

This "Golden Light Divine Curse" is one of the eight most famous divine curses in Taoism. It uses the golden light soul to protect the body, subdue demons and protect the Tao!

It is said that when this mantra is practiced to a great level, it can be blessed by the power of the gods, protect the body with golden light, and the gold is strong and indestructible. The mysterious power is extensive, the brilliance is external, and it is enough to drive away ghosts and kill demons. It is infinitely powerful.

Almost every Taoist disciple has practiced this divine spell when they first started.

Many monks present were familiar with this divine spell.

However, the "Golden Light Divine Curse" they mastered is completely different from the power that Ye Fan displays now. It is as different as clouds and mud, and there is a huge difference.

Little did they know that this golden armor was the magical power of Emperor Zhenwu.

And Ye Fan possesses the power of Xuanwu and can invisibly borrow the power of Zhenwu. How can this purest golden light divine armor be compared to the ordinary spells?

At this time, Ye Fan turned his head, looked at Zhenren Guo and asked: "The promise I made to you before is still valid! A favor, in exchange for your life, are you willing to agree?"

"Young man, as long as you can kill this beast, let alone a favor, even if it is thousands of favors, I will agree to it!" Guo Zhenren seemed to have taken advantage of the sky, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

In the distance, Sima Shuo looked ferocious and roared: "Boy, don't be too proud! Even if you cast the "Golden Light Divine Curse", so what, you are just carrying a turtle shell, which can only defend and cannot fight against the enemy! You can

You can protect yourself, but you can’t protect others! If you do bad things to me over and over again, then I’ll take action on your woman!"

At this moment, the resentful ghost king climbed up from the ground and launched another attack.

But this time, the target of its attack was not Ye Fan or Guo Zhenren, but Tang Anni who was hiding in the corner.


Tang Anni's face turned pale with fright, she let out a scream of fear, her delicate body shivered, and she stood there blankly, not even having the strength to escape.

The resentful ghost king arrived in an instant, his sharp claws tore through the sky, and clawed at her face.

If she were hit, her flesh and blood would probably perish on the spot.

"How dare you shine like a pearl of rice?!"

Ye Fan shouted loudly and stood in front of Tang Anni as fast as thunder.

At this moment, his shoulders, which were not considered broad, became extremely majestic in Tang Anni's heart, as if with his protection, she was not afraid even if the sky fell.

"How dare you, a mere resentful ghost, act so arrogantly in front of me? Kill!"

Ye Fan's voice contained domineering will.

The next moment, two burning and jumping flames appeared in his eyes, almost occupying the entire pupil.

The color of the flames was a strange pure white, so dazzling that it made people dare not look directly at it, and even suppressed the brilliance of the golden armor on the body.

Even from a certain distance, Sima Shuo could feel the heaven-destroying power of the flames, and his soul trembled.

"What's this?!"

Sima Shuo's face changed drastically, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he felt a strong sense of foreboding for no reason.



Suddenly, two pillars of pure white fire shot out from Ye Fan's eyes and hit the body of the Ghost King.

Previously, Guo Zhenren and other Taoist masters used various magical weapons and magical powers, but they did not harm the Ghost King at all, which shows its strong defensive power.

But now, the resentful ghost king's burly body was directly blasted with two huge holes by two pure white light beams.

What's even more shocking is that the flames are like gangrene attached to the bones, spreading in all directions and instantly covering the body of the Ghost King.

The blazing flames kept burning, seeming to have the power to burn the sky and destroy the world.

Everyone in the venue even had the illusion that, let alone a mere resentful ghost king, even the gods above the nine heavens and the Shura under the nine netherworld would not be able to escape the disaster.

After a few breaths, the resentful ghost king who had been domineering before turned into blue smoke under the burning of the pure white flames, leaving not even bones or residue.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

This chapter has been completed!
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