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Chapter 970 The Imperial Jade Seal!

Hearing Pei Wu's words, Ye Fan's eyes froze and he said in a deep voice: "Is there any news about the national treasure? Okay, I'll be here right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fan told Chu Mengyao a few words and rushed towards the military base without any delay.

He did not ride in a car, because even the fastest supercar could not match the speed of his full strength.

With his current level of cultivation, he can travel a thousand miles a day and eight hundred nights, and travel to the North Sea until dusk.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the military base on the outskirts of Huahai.

In a three-story building, Xiang Pojun, the leader of the Eastern Divine Sword, is practicing Tai Chi in the yard. Each move may seem ordinary, but in fact it has reached the state of returning to nature.

Pei Wu stood by with a sharp gaze, and her cold temperament was like a plum blossom that defies the frost and snow.

At this time, Xiang Lao's Tai Chi exercise also came to an end. When he stopped, a strong wind suddenly blew in the entire courtyard.


For a time, the fallen leaves fell and danced wildly in the air, as if forming a small cyclone.

Tai Chi - a boom!

When Xiang Lao was practicing his boxing just now, he did not use his internal energy, but only used the strength of his skin and flesh. However, his boxing posture invisibly communicated with the world and reached the state of "unity of heaven and man", which caused such a movement.

If you are an expert in Tai Chi here, you will definitely be amazed.

"Mr. Xiang, your Tai Chi practice has reached its peak. Even if Zhang Sanfeng is reincarnated, I'm afraid it will only be like this!" Ye Fan sighed.

"Hahaha... Xiaofan, please don't flatter me! Compared with the commotion you made in the East China Sea, old man, I feel inferior!" Mr. Xiang said with a smile.

The next moment, Ye Fan couldn't restrain his curiosity, and without any more greetings, he went straight to the point: "Mr. Xiang, what kind of treasure is that national treasure that fell into the hands of the Japanese people, that you can pay so much attention to it?"

Hearing this, Mr. Xiang stopped his smile, his expression became solemn, and he said word by word: "Xiaofan, have you ever heard of the Jade Seal of the State?"

When Ye Fan heard this, an incredible look bloomed in his eyes, and he exclaimed: "Is it the jade seal passed down from the country that says, 'Ordered by heaven, and you will live forever'?!"

"Exactly!" Mr. Xiang nodded heavily.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Ye Fan felt a huge wave of excitement in his heart and was beyond surprised.

The jade seal is the emperor's jade seal, a symbol of supreme power. Without the seal, the king's words cannot reach the world.

Different jade seals have been made in all dynasties, but the one that can be praised as the "Jade Seal passed down to the country" is the one that Qin Shihuang ordered Li Si to carve.

It is four inches in diameter and has five dragons on it. The front is engraved with the eight seal characters written by Li Si, "Ordered by heaven, and you will live forever" as a token of "imperial power is divinely authorized, orthodox and legal", and the ring is engraved with "the pattern of two dragons playing with beads".

There are three sharp wavy lines at the bottom, representing the sea, which means "two dragons appear in the sea when the sun shines".

This jade seal is a token of the orthodox emperors of China.

Starting from the Qin Dynasty, future emperors regard it as a symbol of imperial power. As long as they do not get the jade seal, even if they get the whole world, they will always feel that they are not in the right position and lack of confidence, and they will be ridiculed as a "blank slate" by the world.


There are many magical legends about this jade seal.

Its materials are taken from the "treasures passed down by the world" from the Spring and Autumn Period——


After King Wen of Chu got this piece of beautiful jade, he cherished it very much and was reluctant to carve it into a vessel, so he kept it as a treasure.

Hundreds of years later, after many twists and turns, He's Bi appeared in the State of Zhao and was owned by King Zhao Huiwen.

After King Zhao of Qin learned about this, Xuancheng was willing to exchange fifteen cities of the Qin State for the jade, which showed that the jade was extremely valuable.

The King of Zhao was frightened by the power of the Qin State and sent Lin Xiangru as an envoy to the Qin State with the jade. Lin Xiangru, who was loyal and courageous, would rather have the jade in pieces than complete the tiles. In the end, He's Bi was preserved and returned to Zhao intact.

It was a pity that after Qin destroyed Zhao, He's Bi eventually fell into the hands of Qin. When Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, He's Bi was made into a national jade seal.

What is even more legendary is that in 219 BC, when Qin Shihuang was patrolling south to Dongting Lake, a sudden storm arose and the boat he was riding was about to be destroyed.

Qin Shihuang threw the national jade seal in the lake to worship the gods and calm the waves, so that he could cross the lake safely.

Eight years later, when he traveled to Pingshu Road in Huayin, someone stood in the road holding a jade seal and said to the attendants of the First Emperor: "Please return this seal to Zulong (Qin Shihuang)." After saying this, he disappeared, and it was said that the imperial seal had returned.

Yu Qin.

Later, with the change of dynasties, the Chuanguo Jade Seal changed its owners many times, but by the end of the Tang Dynasty, it completely disappeared and has not been heard from since.

The emperors after the Tang Dynasty had no choice but to order people to continuously forge jade seals as substitutes for the national jade seals. By the Qing Dynasty, there were a total of twenty-five square jade seals.

Because of this, the value of the national jade seal is beyond doubt, and it can definitely be regarded as a "national treasure".

If someone is lucky enough to get it, not to mention being rich as a country, at least he can be rich as a country.

Ye Fan never expected that this treasure would fall into the hands of Japanese people.


Ye Fan breathed a long sigh of relief, recovered from the shock, and continued to ask: "Mr. Wei, who has this treasure fallen into now?"

"Yamaguchi Family!"

Mr. Xiang paused for a moment, with a sharp, knife-like light in his eyes, and continued:

"The Yamaguchi family is the largest violent society in Japan. It can even be regarded as one of the most historical and large-scale underground organizations in the East Asian world. Its power distribution covers the four islands of Japan. It can be said that it is the ruler of the underground world of Japan, with millions of

One hundred thousand members, as famous as the Italian mafia and the American Corleone family!

In addition, the profitability of the Yamaguchi family is also terrifying! According to statistics from our intelligence personnel, their annual income last year was as high as 80 billion US dollars!"


Hearing this astonishing number, Ye Fan couldn't help but exclaimed with a look of disbelief.

He is not someone who has never seen the world.

On the contrary, with Ye Fan's current status, money in the secular world no longer has much meaning.

However, annual revenue of US$80 billion is too exaggerated.

You know, those companies with a valuation of hundreds of millions may not even have a revenue of 10 million a year.

What a terrifying behemoth it must be to have such a high annual output value. Even compared to large chaebols like the Mitsui family, it is much stronger.

Seeing Ye Fan so surprised, Mr. Xiang explained:

"The main source of income of the Yamaguchi family is smuggling of drugs, gambling and extortion. In addition, they are also involved in many fields such as entertainment industry and real estate investment. As early as a few decades ago, when other underground organizations were still investing in entertainment

When the company asked for protection money, the third generation of the Yamaguchi family had already established his own entertainment company. He used coercion and inducement to invite the most popular stars to join the company, and also forcibly sold tickets to local celebrities.

The ability of the Yamaguchi family in the field of speculation is far beyond ordinary people! In the late 1980s, there was an economic crisis in Japan. They also invested in real estate, stocks, art and other fields, buying items at low prices, and then reselling them at high prices on the black market, earning huge sums from them.

Profits, over the years accumulated a very amazing wealth,

If all these hidden assets are put on the bright side, the Yamaguchi family can become the richest man in Japan in one fell swoop! And the national jade seal is in the hands of the sixth generation leader of the Yamaguchi family, Yamaguchi Masao, known as the ‘Sixth Heaven Demon King’!”

Ye Fan secretly remembered this name in his heart.

The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, also known as Bo Xun, Mara, and the Six Brahma Gods, is the head of the demons of the desire realm in Buddhism.

In the Japanese country, this name also has a special meaning. It is said that during the Warring States Period of the Japanese country, the great name Oda Nobunaga burned the temple. The monks were afraid and gave him the nickname "Sixth Heavenly Demon King".

And Masao Yamaguchi could actually get this nickname, which shows how terrifying he is.

Ye Fan knew that this mission was extremely difficult, and the power of the Yamaguchi family was beyond imagination.

In addition to the large number of members, there are probably many peerless experts working for it.

However, the jade seal passed down to the country is an important weapon of the country, how can it fall into the hands of a group of barbarians?

Even if it is a mountain of swords, a sea of ​​fire, a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, Ye Fan is not afraid and must go for it.

This chapter has been completed!
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