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Chapter 1329 Resurrection

Accompanying Fang Lin to grow and develop, Ren Yufei knows his character very well, and he will definitely not do anything he is not sure about.

So no matter how unconventional his actions were, Ren Yufei was willing to believe in him absolutely and unconditionally.

"Mr. Fang has doubts about the medical level of our hospital?

Or do you have doubts about the medical ethics of our medical staff?"

The hospital is a sacred place for saving lives and healing the wounded. All death certificates have been issued, and naturally they have undergone very strict and scientific inspections.

To the doctors, Fang Lin's words were tantamount to a serious provocation and humiliation to their professional ethics and personal dignity.

So a rather elderly doctor immediately stood up with an unhappy face and said in an extremely gloomy tone.

"Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no intention of questioning your medical ethics or character.

However, many times, everything we see with our eyes may not be true, especially when someone deliberately deceives everyone."

At this time, Fang Lin could almost be said to have been criticized by thousands of people, but he still did not panic at all and explained very calmly.

"Mr. Fang's medical skills are well known. What do you mean, are we all deceived by others and can't even distinguish between the most basic and important life and death?"

"That's it, don't act like you're the only one in the world who knows how to read medicine."

"How amazing is that?

I think you are just messing around trying to clear yourself from suspicion."

"Even if you really want to delay, how long can you delay?

It’s not like we have to face it sooner or later.”

It is understandable to say that it is an incurable disease. This important matter of life and death has already been examined and confirmed by many senior doctors. Even if Fang Lin explained it politely and patiently, in everyone's eyes, it was still just a person.


"Mr. Fang, please come with me."

In order to maintain the dignity of the doctor, Fang Lin's sarcasm suddenly arose from all directions and was overwhelming.

Only the slightly older chief physician took this matter very seriously. After all, it was related to several lives, so after thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice.

"Are you afraid that Director Pan is crazy?

You actually believe this guy’s lies.”

"Let's just sit up straight, what are we afraid of?

Which one is true and which one is false, won’t we know immediately?”

"That's right, Director Pan is wise, just wait for that kid to be slapped in the face! Our hospital won't suffer any losses anyway."

The director's words instantly shocked everyone again, but they did not cause much turmoil.

After all, no one believed Fang Lin's unbelievable fallacy. No matter how hard he tried to stall for time, the secret would be exposed as soon as he entered the morgue.

Because they died not long ago and the matter has not been settled, the bodies of the four deceased are still parked in the hospital morgue.

Because of the relevant regulations of the hospital, and some people are shy or timid.

So after entering the morgue under the leadership of the chief doctor, the number of people dropped to half in an instant.

"Mr. Fang, life is no joke, please be careful.

As you can see, the family members are firmly opposed.

Once you are not sure, not only you and the hospital will be held responsible, but you will add to your sins."

Looking at the four corpses covered with white cloth, Director Pan's expression instantly became more solemn.

Fang Lin knew very well what he said. It had to be said that Director Pan was indeed a rare and good doctor.

The reason why he is willing to take responsibility is entirely out of reverence for life, which makes Fang Lin admire him.

Without further explanation, Fang Lin smiled slightly and swiped his hand, causing four white steps to fly up in an instant.

As Fang Lin raised his hand several times, countless silver needles stabbed into the bodies of the four people like fairies scattering flowers.

His body flashed as fast as lightning, and a large amount of vitality gathered in his palm was injected into the bodies of the four people.

In just one minute, Fang Lin's entire set of movements was as fast as lightning. Although everything was over, from the perspective of ordinary people, he only saw a figure dangling in front of his eyes, and the rest seemed to have done nothing.

"What...what is this guy doing?"

"Looking at this, he is probably doing some magic and praying for God's blessing, right?

Haha..." "People are already dead, I don't believe he can really come back to life."

“Officer Xiong, is this the crime of indignity to a corpse?

Why do you let this kind of person do whatever he wants?

They should have been arrested a long time ago, it’s just nonsense!”

From beginning to end, except for Director Pan, Ren Yufei and Chu Huairou, no one believed Fang Lin's crazy words, and naturally no one believed that he could really come back to life.

So when Fang Lin stopped all his actions, all kinds of taunts came from all directions again. Everyone was waiting to see his joke, and almost no one really cared whether the four corpses on the bed could really stand up.

"Quick... look,... is that person's abdomen rising and falling?

It’s like I’m really coming back to life and breathing!”

Suddenly Chu Huairou jumped up and screamed like a child with joy.


"How can people be resurrected after they have been dead for so long?

is that a lie?"

Chu Huairou was far from the only one who saw the miraculous scene, but everyone would rather believe that there was something wrong with their own eyes, and no one believed in the strange news of resurrection from the dead.

"Live...live, really live.

Hurry... quickly arrange the ward and prepare for various examinations."

The moment Chu Huairou started talking, Director Pan had already rushed between the four of them. After a simple and careful pulse check and respiratory pulse check, he was dancing with joy.

"No need, they are healthier than any of you now.

Officer Xiong, all this will be left to you.

If I am not wrong, there must be many accomplices among the media and family members who fanned the flames. Please give me and Huo Fenghuang Hot Pot Restaurant justice."

Glancing at the people who were still in complete shock, Fang Lin said calmly with a hint of ridicule.

"What...what does this have to do with us?

We are just conducting normal interviews according to procedures."

"Since...since the hot pot restaurant may have been wronged, we must report it truthfully. This has nothing to do with us!"

Most of them have ulterior motives and were deliberately arranged by Yan Qing to fan the flames.

When they saw something was wrong with the situation, they didn't care to think about it. They just wanted to settle the matter with themselves as soon as possible.

In a moment of confusion and embarrassment, all the media personnel fled away after a while, leaving only the confused and frightened family members.

"Mr. Fang, what on earth is going on?"

Officer Xiong was also a little confused and asked curiously.

"These four deceased people and the so-called poisoned people will naturally tell everyone the answer. However, the poison is really poisonous, so if there is nothing else, should I save people first?"

Fang Lin had already understood it clearly in his mind, but naturally speaking of this situation by himself did not make it more convincing for the person involved to explain it himself.

So he didn't explain much and said with an easy-going smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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