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Chapter 1331 Arrested

Although Fang Lin has never really fought against Yan Bing until now, he can tell that the strength of the two should be between equals.

There were actually ten people in the Yan family who were even stronger than him, which really surprised Fang Lin.

It seems that completely removing the poisonous thorn in the Yan family is not as simple as I imagined, not to mention that the Yan Ye family has now reached full cooperation.

"What will happen if the Beigong family joins forces with the He family, plus me, to fight against the Yanye family?"

Fang Lin took a puff of cigarette and said thoughtfully.

"It is no exaggeration to say that the whole of China will be in chaos, and other countries will definitely take advantage of it. At that time, the economy will absolutely regress and all life will be in ruins."

Since the Yan Ye family reached cooperation, the Yan family has considered this, so Yan Qing can pat her chest without hesitation.

"What if the He family and the Beigong family cooperate to deal with just one Ye family?"

"Then the Ye family is naturally no match at all, but boy, your idea is a bit too idealistic. With just your little strength, can you really withstand the entire Yan family?

It's really not that I look down on you, nor am I bragging, you are just a typical idiot."

Although from all aspects, Yan Qing is convinced of Fang Lin's abilities.

But what he said this time almost made Yan Qing laugh out loud. This is really not a matter of contempt, but a very simple fact that can be thought of.

"Why do I have to fight against the entire Yan family?

Wouldn’t it be more perfect to use the Yan family’s power to deal with the Yan family?”

"What do you mean?"

"Now that I have said this, you will naturally know later.

This is the outcome that has been doomed since you started thinking about the Hidden Dragon."

"Is the Hidden Dragon really that important to you?

You've completely left, haven't you?

Strictly speaking, you are already a dead person, so why should such a beautiful and happy life be burdened by those illusory emotions? "

"Hidden Dragon is not only very important to me, but also to the whole of China.

You wealthy aristocrats who think you are superior, spend every day extravagantly and lustfully, how can you care so much.

I have already said what needs to be said, and what needs to be seen, you just have to pay attention.

Don't worry, when you come out, there will still be a place for you in the Yan family.

It’s just that all that’s left is to linger on for the rest of my life.”

Already knowing the answer he wanted, Fang Lin already had a preliminary plan in his mind to deal with the Yan family, so there was no need to talk nonsense with him anymore.

So after stubbing out the cigarette butt, I flicked it and quickly left the parking lot.

Fang Lin knew very well that Yan Qing had no reason to run away. If he really wanted to run away, there was no way he could stay until now, so he didn't need to worry about this at all. This guy would definitely pay the price for his impulse.

Of course, with the power of the Yan family, it is not difficult to fish out someone, but Yan Qing has already tried his best to make this matter an uproar throughout the country. No matter how arrogant and powerful the Yan family is, they will never dare to stab someone at this time.

A hornet's nest of huge public pressure.

I thought this would scare Fang Lin, but the fact clearly completely disappointed Yan Qing.

He really couldn't figure it out, where did this guy get his blind courage and confidence?

But because of this, he secretly had a bad feeling. After all, Fang Lin's journey has been so smooth. No matter how lucky a person is, he shouldn't be so unlucky every time.

After calming down, Yan Qing realized that this was the truly terrifying thing about Fang Lin.

No matter how difficult things are, in his hands, they seem to be solved easily by themselves.

Does he really want to subvert everyone's worldview and single out the entire Yan family?

Yan Qing felt chills on his back just thinking about it.

But even if he tells it now, who would believe that a big family that has stood in China for hundreds of years will be overthrown by a young boy?

So even if he told his father and brothers, everyone would definitely laugh it off.

So Yan Qing had no choice but to sigh and get out of the car, ready to surrender, hoping that all this was just his own random thoughts.

As the investigation deepened and Yan Qing surrendered, all the truth came to light, and the innocent grievances between Fang Lin and the hot pot restaurant were naturally completely cleared.

Although it is true that many self-media outlets are employed by Yan Qing, there are also many reporters with real materials among them.

After learning that they had wronged Fang Lin, they naturally stood up and apologized one by one, and publicized Fang Lin's hotpot restaurant.

Fang Lin had heard these humiliating words so many times that he didn't take them to heart.

After Yan Qing made such a fuss, Huo Fenghuang Hot Pot Restaurant instantly became famous all over the country, which can be regarded as opening up the market in advance for future branches all over the country.

"Mr. Fang, you are really young and promising. You can understand everything so quickly, which is really admirable.

I was biased against you and had a bad attitude before. I am here to formally apologize to you."

After the handling was completed, Officer Xiong went to Fang Lin and apologized very sincerely.

"You're welcome, I'm just doing something for myself."

"But I'm still a little curious and puzzled. How did you find out that those people were not dead?

What kind of poison could have such a miraculous effect?

This is simply unbelievable!”

"I just have enough confidence in my products, and I happen to know a little bit of medical skills. If I say that it's a blind cat who meets a dead rat, will you believe me?"

"Haha... I believe it, of course I believe it.

This is my business card, it might be useful somewhere."

"Thank you. Strictly speaking, this is not a strange poison, but a special skill.

The so-called poison is completely an illusion. Only in this way can the blame be put on me! So they were indeed poisoned, but this poison is not ferocious. For warriors who only need to reach the Xuan level, they can contend with this.

Slightly toxic is totally out of the question.”

"Yan Qing really worked hard! If it had been anyone else, he would have had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky and was wrongfully imprisoned.

It can only be said that that guy was unlucky to meet a master like Mr. Fang, so good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished with evil.

The Yan family is not an ordinary small family, and there are still many things to deal with. If Mr. Fang has no other advice, you and I will leave first."


It seemed like a simple matter of handing over a business card, but the clever Fang Lin saw the hidden charm in it at a glance.

Officer Xiong is not a simple person. He must have seen the conflict between himself and the Yan family, and both parties will definitely take action in the future.

In a big family like the Yan family, the people below are completely uneven, and the crimes they have committed are countless.

However, the Yan family's power is not something anyone can move if they want to.

Even Fang Lin, an outsider who has just arrived in the capital, has a deep understanding of the evil that breeds under the protection of this big umbrella, let alone people like Police Officer Xiong and others who have lived in the capital for a long time?

This chapter has been completed!
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