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Chapter 1394 I understand it myself

Without wasting too much time, Fang Lin and Yan Shanshan soon drove away from Yan's house.

Chatting with Yan Shixiong for a while, although he asked many questions, Fang Lin did not get the answers from him.

The appearance of Ono Kinzaburo really surprised Fang Lin, but he didn't think it was just a superficial provocation.

On the contrary, this is definitely a long-planned action.

There is no doubt that the Japanese people in China have already begun to take action.

This is enough to show that, at least in their hearts, the secret plan is mature enough.

Although it was the Yan family that was damaged on the surface, except for the unclear purpose of the Japanese, everything seemed to be reasonable.

However, Fang Lin had doubts about this matter for a time, and he could not completely rule out the possibility that this was a joint setup between the Yan family and the Japanese state.

After all, there is no doubt about the status and strength of the Yan family in China. If the Japanese want to have unimpeded access to China, it is too late to curry favor with the Yan family, so how can they end their own way?

Moreover, regarding the murder of Yinlong, the Japanese state and the Yan family already had a cooperative relationship.

"Isn't this the way back to the villa?"

Not long after the car drove out, Yan Shanshan looked at Fang Lindao suspiciously.

"Well, the Japanese have already begun to take action. I suspect that their plan has officially begun to be implemented, but we can say that we know nothing about their actions now.

So now we need to race against time to find out their specific conspiracy and then smash it."

Fang Lin had nothing to hide from Yan Shanshan, so he directly expressed his thoughts frankly.

As a Chinese citizen, it is only the obligation that everyone should fulfill.

What's more, Fang Lin is still the captain of Yinlong. Even though Yinlong is no longer here, he has already left Yinlong.

However, the responsibility and honor shouldered by Yinlong have long been deeply ingrained in his bones, and he dare not forget it for a moment.

"I understand what you mean, but these Japanese people are very cunning and their whereabouts have not revealed any clues at all. Where should we start?"

The Japanese country is very ambitious, and Yan Shanshan can clearly see the situation in front of her, but she has no clue in her mind, so she looks worried.

"Then we can't sit still and wait. It's almost dinner time now, so why not try your luck at the largest Japanese restaurant in the capital."

“Food is the most important thing for the people, and the Japanese people’s diet is very different from ours. They are away from home all year round, so they naturally miss the food of their hometown.

Judging from the current situation, this is not a solution.

But the element of luck is still a bit high, after all, there are not a few Japanese restaurants in the capital, and they may not be able to eat there."

Yan Shanshan nodded thoughtfully and analyzed extremely seriously.

"This is not entirely a matter of luck. During this period, thanks to the help and inquiries from various forces, there is a very strange Japanese restaurant called Kinmeya.

This store was opened in China, but it was extremely unfriendly to Chinese diners. Over time, most of the people who patronized this store were only Japanese people from China.

If those people really want to eat out, this should be the perfect place for them."

"What you said, I have some impressions. I went there with several classmates a few years ago, and the service attitude was really unflattering.

The point is, I remember that there was a time when that store even openly displayed a sign saying that Chinese people were not allowed to enter, which caused quite a stir at the time.

Due to pressure, although the signboard was later cancelled, since then, basically no Chinese people have come in to spend money.

But the amazing thing is that the store has grown bigger and bigger since then.

Because I no longer cared about it, I didn’t pay special attention to this matter afterwards.”

Now, half of the forces in the capital are on Fang Lin's side, so it will be easy for him to find out this information.

Yan Shanshan naturally didn't think much about it and said with disgust on her face.

However, she very much agreed with Fang Lin's idea.

Although discrimination against Chinese people has occurred in many places, it is indeed disgusting and angry that they are still so arrogant on Chinese territory.

With no clues now, this is indeed the most worthwhile place to try your luck.

During the chat and analysis between the two, the car soon drove into the underground parking lot of a square. The Kinmeya Japanese restaurant that Fang Lin mentioned was located on the fourth floor of the square.

The entire fourth floor is a dining area, but Kanameya's family occupies a full third of it. It is also the largest restaurant in the mall, with an area as large as a medium-sized football field, and the decoration is extremely luxurious.

The two simply observed outside for a few minutes. Through their language and dress, they found that most of the people coming in and out were Japanese people, and there were also a few other foreigners, but not a single Chinese person. This shows how indifferent this restaurant is.

Chinese customers.


Just when the two were about to enter the restaurant, they were stopped by two waiters, one of whom spoke very poor Chinese and said with a look of disgust.

"This is the capital of China, why?

Chinese people can’t go in?”

Seeing the arrogant expressions on their faces, Yan Shanshan was already furious and said angrily.

"I didn't say that. I'll give you a look and you'll understand."

After snorting coldly, the waiter tilted his face and looked at the ceiling indifferently.

"You..." How could Yan Shanshan, who had always been jealous of evil, bear such an insult?

Dang Ji raised his fist and said angrily.


If we don't welcome you, will we beat them?

Is this the only quality you Chinese people have?”

“Don’t you, China, claim to have eight major cuisines?


Eat it again and again, or is the delicacy of our Japanese people better?"

“It’s delicious, so come and eat it, we didn’t stop you.

Anyway, you Chinese people do this kind of thing like licking your face to warm your face and put it on your cold butt."

"Tch..." Facing the angry Yan Shanshan, the two waiters not only did not restrain themselves at all, but became more and more unscrupulous and proud with their words.

"Damn it, you dare to be so arrogant on our Chinese territory, these Japanese people are too arrogant."

"Absolutely abominable."

"We should drive them all out of China."

"Expose them."

"Save it! What will happen if you expose them?

This is not the first time they have done this, they have been exposed countless times.

Although there are almost no Chinese people going to dine, they don’t rely on us to make money at all, so what can we do?”

"Then we can't let them be so arrogant in China!"

"It's the first time I've seen this kind of street rat, but it's getting fatter and fatter. It's disgusting."

"The owner of this square is also shameless and rents his shop to these bastards."

"Then you don't know something. They bought this store because they are very wealthy. There is nothing they can do about it."

Not only Yan Shanshan, but also all the Chinese people passing by were furious and started to curse in an instant.

But when people do business, they are free to entertain whomever they want.

Although everyone was full of anger, they were completely helpless at the moment.

The most important thing is that they did not prevent Chinese people from entering. Ordinary people can only control themselves and not consume. The rest is just a few curses to calm down the anger.

This chapter has been completed!
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