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Chapter 1479 Three terrifying lunatics

Although the two looked very much like savages, Fang Lin could tell at a glance that they were not real savages, and they were not completely out of touch with the outside world.

There are differences in the speech of people from different eras, but these two people speak Chinese, and they can communicate with each other without any barriers. This is completely different from the savages I have seen in the past who can only babbling.

"I don't know, I won't tell you."

"He doesn't know, and neither do I.

If he doesn’t tell you, I won’t tell you either.”

The two of them tilted their heads and stared at Fang Lin as if they were sizing up a rare treasure. One had a firm attitude, while the other shook his head.

If it weren't for completely barrier-free communication, Fang Lin would have almost felt like he had entered a madhouse by mistake.

However, Fang Lin did not dare to treat these two people lightly, because he was quite surprised to find that he could not see through the level of their cultivation.

But it was obvious that the speed that appeared just now was no ordinary savage, but a master whose strength must be above that of a low-level peak warrior.

At this time, Fang Lin quickly understood that he had not entered the Holy Land at all.

Just like getting the Demon Locking Tower, this is just the first level to enter the Holy Land.

If you want to reach that holy land full of treasures, you must first get out of this boundless primeval forest.

"If you don't know, you just don't know. Why don't you tell me, are you two here to perform cross talk for me?"

Now that he understood the key points, the matter would be much easier to handle. Fang Lin deliberately sneered with disdain and used the provoking method.

"It's not that I don't know, I just won't tell you, and I can't tell you."

"Yes, I can't tell you, and even if we kill you, we can't tell you."

The two sang together again.

“Brother, can you turn off the repeater for a little while?

There’s no problem with my understanding.”

Fang Lin was quite speechless.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, I just don't care. I'll make you mad."

"In that case, let's just beat you to death."

Rolling his eyes at the two of them, Fang Lin didn't want to continue to be entangled with them. He casually passed over the Qiankun Gourd, and the two Pyroblast Talismans were instantly caught between his fingers.

Since this dense forest stretches as far as the eye can see, Fang Lin decided to set fire to the mountain. Anyway, everything in front of him may not be real, and it is not in the territory of China, so I don't believe that he can't be burned completely.

Of course, Fang Lin could completely control the firepower of the Pyroblast Talisman. He also wanted to take this opportunity to try. Is all this before him really true?

After all, fantasy and real environments will be handled completely differently.

"He wants to burn the mountain, he is so vicious."

"It's so cruel. He set the mountain on fire and sat in jail."

The two hugged each other completely again and stared at Fang Lindao fiercely.

Fortunately, Fang Lin is well-informed and has a calm mind that is far beyond ordinary people. Otherwise, he might have become the third madman in this ancient forest.

However, this time the conversation between the two left Fang Lin not only speechless, but also a bit shocked.

I have used the Pyroblast Talisman countless times, but this is the only time that it can be seen through by others at a glance.

This can also directly prove that Fang Lin's previous guess was correct. These two people are by no means ordinary masters.

"You want to play, right?

Then find another way to play with the two seniors."

Although Fang Lin didn't want to make enemies casually, it was obvious that these two people were the only breakthrough in this dense forest, so he had to do this, otherwise there would be one more madman snatching food.

As a sly smile flashed across Fang Lin's lips, he quickly put away the Pyroblast Talisman in his hand, raised his fist and hit the ground with a heavy blow.

"Boom, boom, boom..." It was like a row of explosives detonating in an instant. Loud noises were heard accompanied by rows of mushroom cloud-like soil rising up, instantly shaking the surrounding ground.

The explosion roared towards the two of them like an all-devouring dragon, and the aftermath also destroyed all the ancient trees around them.

I saw that the two of them did not have any intention of fighting back, but a line of protective energy rose up from the ground to protect them in the middle, allowing the long dragon to swallow them up.

"Look down on people."

"Tickling isn't enough. It's just looking down on our brothers."

The explosion passed by the body's protective energy. Except for the deep ravine on the ground, the two of them were still standing there unscathed. Even the body's protective energy did not tremble at all.

What the two said was indeed correct. Fang Lin only used 30% of his true energy in this move. It was just to test the two of them and observe the environment. The most important thing was that he didn't want to kill anyone.

With one blow, the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters was instantly razed to the ground, and not even half a tree could be found.

It can be seen from this that the level of cultivation of these two people is far beyond their imagination, and this is not an illusion.

The reason for this judgment is that if it is an illusion or someone's spiritual territory, then these things should not be completely destroyed, but can be restored at will according to the owner's will.

However, this is not a real place.

After all, they were speaking Chinese, and Fang Lin knew all the rough stone forests in the world, so the environment in front of him simply couldn't match the corresponding place.

So Fang Lin was immediately sure that he was in a certain virtual state at this time.

Although virtual reality and illusion are not real, they are very different.

The virtual world is a virtual world generated by huge spiritual energy or magic power, where humans can also survive normally.

It's like creating another world that cannot be completely controlled by people's minds.

But the illusion is a spiritual territory set up by someone. It is completely controlled by the person who set up the environment. It can be controlled at will. Even impossible things such as turning the river upside down, the stream flowing backward, and the heaven and earth changing places can be controlled at will.

Of course, no matter which one it is, it requires very strong strength, at least with Fang Lin's current cultivation level.

He only learned something about it from ancient books. It is said that only the ancient gods can do this. Whether it is true or not is difficult to find out for the time being.

"You two are very arrogant!"

After understanding everything, Fang Lin slowly retracted his hand and said with a sly smile.

"You are neither arrogant nor unreasonable."

"Yes, if you are not arrogant, how can you roast people and beat them up?

It’s totally bullying.”

"Okay! You win.

Then let’s talk some sense into it, the junior was very polite at first, right?”

Fang Lin simply sat down on the spot and said seriously.

"That's the beginning."

"Yes, that was the beginning, and then it became very fierce."

"Well, since I've asked you two very politely, if you two are reasonable people, shouldn't you tell me how to get out?"

"Miao Lun."

"It's all nonsense, why should we answer your question?

Who isn’t a proud baby?”

This chapter has been completed!
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