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Chapter 189 Yin Yang Rice

"Never seen it?" Hei Wuchang stared at Fang Lin suspiciously for a while and said, "I don't care if you really haven't seen it or you are hiding something.

I only advise you, if you took away the Red Dragon Essence Vein, it is best to put it back as soon as possible and return it to its original place.

Otherwise, you will be in trouble sooner or later."

Fang Lin asked: "Why do you say this? Could it be that the red dragon essence vein has something hidden?"

Hei Wuchang glanced at Fang Lin: "Didn't you say you haven't seen it before? Why are you so concerned?"

Fang Lin smiled brightly and said nonchalantly: "You took the initiative to mention it, and I didn't ask it myself.

If you don’t want to say it, I won’t force you.”

After Hei Wuchang pondered for a moment, he said: "In short, that Red Dragon Essence Vein belongs to its owner.

That person is so terrifying that even Lord Yama is afraid of him.

Compared with that person, your meager behavior is nothing.

I can only give you advice here, it’s up to you what to do.”

After saying that, Hei Wuchang turned his head and said: "On a whim yesterday, I followed you for some time and wasted a lot of my time.

It's getting dark now, and I don't have much time. I still have business to do, so I won't play with you."

"Wait!" Fang Lin reached out and grabbed Hei Wuchang by the collar, preventing him from stepping away.

Hei Wuchang turned his head with an ugly expression and snorted: "I won't embarrass you, but I'm not afraid of you!

If you want to meet me, I will accompany you to the end!"

Fang Lin waved his hand and said, "You misunderstood, I have no intention of fighting you."

Hei Wuchang looked better and asked: "Then what are you doing?"

Fang Lin suddenly laughed, rubbed his fingers, and said a little embarrassedly: "You are a ghost, you should have the ability to make ghosts stay in the world for a long time, right?

I have two good ghost friends around me who do not want to enter reincarnation, but are weak and cannot move during the day.

If it's convenient, could you help me and give my two good ghost friends the ability to move freely in the human world?"

The two good ghost friends Fang Lin mentioned were none other than Xia Xiaoqian and Wei Tingyi.

Xia Xiaoqian and Wei Tingyi have been with him day and night for so long. To him, they are like younger brothers and younger sisters.

After finally encountering a sinister situation today, he naturally wanted to get some benefits from Hei Wuchang for the two of them.

Once we can get something similar and allow Wei Tingyi and Xia Xiaoqian to move around freely during the day, it will definitely be a great thing for those two brats.

"If I see a ghost, I should take him back to the underworld. This is my responsibility. Are you asking me to break the law?"

Hei Wuchang could guess who the two good ghost friends Fang Lin mentioned were none other than the two little ghosts just now.

His face was expressionless, and in his heart, he vaguely wanted to beat Fang Lin, he was really a good player at climbing smoothly.

Fang Lin said: "Don't you also turn a blind eye to the red-clothed ghost? What does it matter if you turn a blind eye to one or two more?"

While he was talking, his hand kept holding onto Hei Wuchang's collar, obviously determined not to let go of what he wanted.

Hei Wuchang sighed silently and took out two white objects that looked like rice grains from his arms.

"This is called yin-yang rice. If those two brats swallow it, they can move freely in the yin world."


As he said that, he glanced at Fang Lin and said: "Ghosts are ghosts after all. Is it really good for them if you don't let them enter reincarnation? You need to think more about this matter."

Although Su Xiaomeng was not a layman in this regard, she still hoped that Fang Lin could go into the city and meet Chai Mingzhe.

Let Fang Lin listen to Chai Mingzhe's suggestions in person and then make the final decision.

Fang Lin agreed, had a quick breakfast, and rushed to the county town with Zhang Meiyu.

In the past, he would only finalize some preparatory decisions. As for the accounts and capital investment for opening a chain store, he did not have time to keep an eye on them one by one, and planned to leave them to Zhang Meiyu.

It was in the afternoon when I met Chai Mingzhe, an elegant man in his thirties.

After meeting Fang Lin, he shook hands with Fang Lin in a neither humble nor overbearing manner and said, "Hello, Mr. Fang, as entrusted by Mr. Wei, I will try my best to help you prepare this chain of hot pot restaurants."

Fang Lin nodded and said with a smile: "Then I'll bother you."

After a brief understanding, we quickly got to the point.

First, Chai Mingzhe took out a design drawing, which was the signature image of Huo Fenghuang Hot Pot Restaurant.

It was a hot pot, and above the pot, flying the image of a phoenix made of flames.

It looks simple and appropriate, and the five characters "Fire Phoenix Hot Pot" are also uniquely styled and impressive.

This chapter has been completed!
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