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Chapter 283 My Card Is Big

"Boy, she owes more than 10 million, do you have the money to pay it back?" The man in black stared at Fang Lin with an unkind expression.

Fang Lin tossed the chips in his hand and said, "This is a casino and you have plenty of money. Am I not going to win?

To tell you the truth, not only do I want to win the money she owes you, I also want to win 30 million chips to play with your Mr. Kai!"

The man in black and other staff seemed to have heard something funny, and they all opened their mouths and laughed. They looked at Fang Lin with eyes full of contempt.

Hu Keer acted as an experienced old man on the side and advised with regret: "Fang Lin, you can't win, I am a living example!"

Fang Lin chuckled and said confidently: "You are you and I am me. Don't confuse me with you."

With that said, he walked towards the nearest gaming table and sneered: "I'm going to make their casino lose so much today that they can't even hold up their pants!"

"Good boy, your tone is not small!

If you lose all your money later and can't pay for the debt, you two will never leave here tonight!" The man in black snorted angrily and gave the croupier at the gaming table a hard look!

There are many gamblers around this gambling table. What Gain is playing here is the Chinese way of playing, Jinhua.

The rules of gambling are simple, mind-less and exciting. It is a gambling method favored by many gamblers.

The croupier and banker received the look from the man in black, nodded slightly, looked at Fang Lin, and said with a smile: "The bottom bet is one thousand yuan each time, the first place must be black, there is no limit to the top."

Fang Lin nodded and placed a ante bet of one thousand chips. After all the dozen or so people present had placed their bets, the dealer dealt the cards.

After each person was dealt three cards, the first person to speak did not look at the cards, threw down the two thousand chips and said: "Black two thousand."

Black means placing a bet without looking at the cards, relying entirely on blindness. The first place must be black, this is the rule.

If the upper house blacks two thousand dollars, the person watching the cards behind has to bet at least five thousand dollars. This is called black two counting five, black four counting ten, and black eight counting twenty. This is a way for the upper house to cheat the lower house.

The second person behind looked at the cards, threw out a five thousand dollar chip and said: "Follow five thousand."

Someone threw a card in the back, and someone made a bet of 5,000 yuan.

Fang Lin did not move the cards, but used his clairvoyance eyes to look at the cards of everyone present. His cards were very small, just a pair of 2s, while the others present had cards ranging from straights to golden flowers.

The biggest card among them is the second person, that is, the first person to place a bet of 5,000. His card is the aqj golden flower.

It was Fang Lin's turn to speak. Fang Lin did not fold because he was against 2, but instead threw down four thousand chips and said: "Black four thousand."

Someone sneered and said: "You are stupid, you can't play at a glance. Everyone else has seen the cards, and you are still cheating?"

Fang Lin seemed not to have heard anything and smiled lightly.

Hu Keer said from the side: "You look at the cards before you say anything. If you follow the bet without even looking at the cards, you are completely gambling."

Fang Lin smiled lightly and said, "When you go to the gambling table, isn't it just gambling?"

At the same time, the man holding the golden flower card turned his head slightly and glanced at the dealer with some doubts. Then he saw the dealer showing a sneer and nodding to him subtly.

The middle-aged man was determined and immediately followed the bet.

Others either looked at the cards and continued to follow 10,000, or folded. In short, when Fang Lin came here, he was black with 4,000.

After four consecutive rounds, only Fang Lin and Jinhua cards were left on the table.

The bet pool has also accumulated to more than 100,000.

The man with the golden flower card looked at Fang Lin and sneered: "There are no open cards or hidden cards in this world. You can place as many bets as you want. I will follow you."

Fang Lin took out all his chips and said, "I still have 79,000 yuan in chips here. They are all down. You can keep up with 200,000 yuan. How about we compete with each other?"

"Okay!" The man with the golden flower chuckled, not feeling at all disadvantaged. Anyway, he was sure to win this round.

The two of them each placed their bets. The man in black came behind the dealer and asked in a low voice: "What is his card?"

The dealer chuckled and said confidently: "A pair of 2, he will definitely lose."

The cards present were dealt from his hand, and he knew everyone's cards very clearly.

The man in black sneered, feeling very relieved.

After the man with the golden flower card threw away his chips, he suddenly turned over his three cards and said with a big smile: "Did you see that I am a golden flower? If I have the ability, you can give me a deck that is better than mine."

Let me take a look at the big cards!”

As he spoke, he already had plans to collect the chips on the table.

"Don't worry!" Fang Lin picked up his cards and gently turned over the two cards above, which turned out to be a pair of twos.

"It's just a pair of two, how can you turn the world upside down?" The golden flower man laughed.

Fang Lin glanced at the cards and said thoughtfully: "If I want to beat you on this card, it seems that the only way to win is another 2."

The people around him couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

"Hearing what he means, do you still want to drive a leopard out?"

"Don't say that, there is still a chance!"

People around him sneered, and even Hu Keer thought it was impossible.

Fang Lin laughed, picked up the last card, turned it over and slammed it on the table, shouting at the same time: "Here comes a 2!"

"Bang!" The card hit the table, and it turned out to be a 2 of clubs!

Three 2s lined up one after another, it turned out to be a leopard!

"Holy shit, has this little brother opened his mouth before?" Someone exclaimed.xdw8

The croupier's face was full of disbelief!

How could it be Leopard 2? He clearly sent out a pair of 2 and 8!

Could it be that he made a mistake? The dealer was a little depressed.

Fang Lin stood up, took back the hundreds of thousands of chips, looked at the dealer, and said with a smile: "Continue?"

The croupier snorted coldly and stared at the Leopard 2 with a suspicious look on his face.

The middle-aged man in black whispered: "Stop procrastinating, beat him to death in one round!"

The dealer nodded and dealt the cards again.

This time, he dealt 3 10s to himself and a jqk straight flush to Fang Lin.

The cards of other gamblers are also not small. There are many straights, golden flowers, and almost no small cards.

This time, everyone had big cards. In the previous rounds, almost no one folded and all followed the bets.

Fang Lin, on the other hand, still didn't look at the cards. Seeing that everyone's cards were high and there was no intention of folding, he simply blacked out 40,000. The other people who looked at the cards followed up with 100,000 each time.

In a short time, the ante reached a million dollars.

At this time, in addition to Xiao Jinhua and Shunzi who folded their cards, there were five other people who did not fold their cards.

Fang Lin followed the bet again and again, and within a short time, he had invested all his 400,000 chips.

He chuckled, picked up the cards and said: "When will it be over if you continue like this? I'd better look at the cards. If the cards are low, I will fold them and you can play."

This chapter has been completed!
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