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Chapter 378

"Ah?" Su Jian opened his mouth wide, feeling like his brain was completely shut down.

Guo Wenhua knelt on the ground with a plop, and said with tears streaming down his face: "Godfather, do you not like your godson anymore? Please spare your life, godfather!"

Xie Kun lowered his head and glanced at Guo Wenhua, and scolded: "You're not living up to expectations! After you go in, you should change your ways, you know?"

Whether it was Guo Wenhua or Su Jian, everyone present looked astonished and felt like they were dreaming.xdw8

Why did Xie Kun, who had a notorious reputation for evil, suddenly become so tall, majestic, true, kind and beautiful!

I can’t figure it out!

Finally, Xie Kun left with his people.

Guo Wenhua was taken away by the police for the crime of provocation and intentional injury.

However, before leaving, the police picked up Guo Wenhua's finger out of humanitarianism and took him to the hospital for treatment.

Before leaving, Su Jian came to Fang Lin, stared deeply at Fang Lin, and asked, "How did you do it?"

Fang Lin smiled and did not answer, but said: "Comrade police, after a while, a Tianrun cosmetics store will be built here. Then you are welcome to bring your wife over to buy some sets of skin beauty products."

Su Jian was silent and said, "Let's see again."

After Su Jian was sent away, the place was finally clean.

Fang Lin and Qin Muwan had something to eat outside, and carrying some fruit basket gifts, they went to the hospital to see the decoration workers.

These decoration workers were beaten very badly. They were all wearing bandages and hanging bottles, and their faces were bruised and bruised.

Originally, they were so full of resentment that they would never work for Tianrun Company again.

But after Fang Lin and Qin Muwan came over, they sincerely apologized and made generous compensation, and these workers slowly calmed down.

Master Yang, who was leading the team, said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Qin, as long as you are sure that there is no more danger, I will help you contact another group of people now and continue working."

Qin Muwan shook hands with the other party and said gratefully: "Thank you very much, Master Yang. Don't worry, it will never happen again."

After leaving the hospital, Qin Muwan asked Fang Lin to send her to the factory, where there were still things to be busy with.

After sending Qin Muwan to the factory, Fang Lin couldn't wait to leave.

Qin Muwan asked: "Where do you plan to go?"

Fang Lin then smiled and said: "The film and television base has been completely built. Filming will start in the afternoon. I'll go over and take a look."

Qin Muwan rolled her eyes at Fang Lin, thought for a while, and asked, "I plan to go back to Shaoning tonight. It's okay for you to stay in the provincial capital all the time. Do you want to go back with me?"

Fang Lin thought for a while and said noncommittally: "I'll call you in the evening. If nothing happens, we'll get back together."

After leaving the factory, Fang Lin drove directly to the film and television base.

At the same time, he could easily sense what was happening to Xie Kun's soul.

It's like two eyes that see different views without conflicting with each other.

Lighting a cigarette, Fang Lin suddenly smiled and said to himself: "Tsk, tsk, suddenly I feel a bit like the Song Qiuman sisters, and I have a clear understanding..."

Development Zone Film and Television Base.

Deng Lun's face looked a little ugly.

As expected, the film and television base was built in just half a month!

And, it’s impeccable!

It's really scary when this behemoth Qisheng Group is operating at full strength!

Deng Lun was the loudest at the beginning, believing that Fang Lin and Qisheng Group would never be able to build a film and television base within fifteen days.

He even confidently made a bet with Fang Lin for this reason. If it was completed, he would rather give up the role of the male lead!

Now that the film and television base has been completed as promised, his face made a crackling sound.

Everyone knows about the bet, not just the crew, but even the construction workers of Qisheng Group.

Moreover, just last night, I don’t know who actually broke the news online.

Now there is a quarrel on Weibo!

In China, although there are many fans who like him, there are even more people who hate him.

Many people are watching movies online, wondering whether the film and television base can be built as scheduled, and whether Deng Lun will fulfill his bet.

There was a guy who said something very unpleasant online, but he got a lot of likes.

The guy said: "'Doing what you say' is something that only a man can do. A sissy like Deng Lun, if he can fulfill his bet, I will eat ten different flavors of shit on live broadcast!"

Deng Lun could not wait to find that man out and use his strong hands as a man to smash his mouth into pieces!


Will I be a sissy if I don't fulfill my bet?

I bother!

When the film and television base was completely completed this morning, someone asked Deng Lun: "Are you going there yet?"

Deng Lun's answer was: "Go, of course, why not?"

He has signed a contract with the crew, and he is the designated male lead. Why can't he go?

In fact, if it were another movie, he wouldn't act if he said he didn't want to act. After all, face is the most important thing.

But Chen Guosheng's new film "Top of the Forbidden City" is different.

This drama has a large investment, a large cast of celebrities, and is highly anticipated. It may be a box office hit.

To be able to be the male lead in this drama, his company has done a lot of public relations to pave the way for him to build momentum. How can he just say he won't act?

Even if he wants to fulfill the bet and choose to withdraw now, the company will not allow him!

The nanny car arrived at the film and television base. The injuries on Deng Lun's face had basically healed, and his handsome face was restored again.

He picked up the makeup mirror and took a closer look. While intoxicated, he gritted his teeth and said, "From today on, I swear that I will never let anyone hurt my face! Never!"

His manager, Sister Rong, was sitting opposite her. The 150-pound Sister Rong smiled and stretched out her fat little hand, and wiped a handful of oil on Deng Lun's thigh.

Then he said earnestly: "Alan, when you get off the car later, no matter who asks you about the bet, just pretend you didn't hear it.

We have a contract in hand, no one can drive you away, you know?"

Deng Lun clamped his thighs tightly, and with a grimace, he avoided Sister Rong's hand, which was still trying to pick peaches, and said, "Sister Rong, I understand."

Sister Rong retracted her failed hand with some regret, nodded and said: "Anyway, don't worry, just act well. Playing with Gao Meilan is also a big opportunity for you.

You may not know that the net worth of male stars who play opposite Gao Meilan almost triples after filming with Gao Meilan.

Moreover, Gao Meilan now has considerable influence internationally and is the first Chinese actress to truly go abroad.

The company is still counting on you to be favored by foreign audiences through this drama and go global in one fell swoop."

Deng Lun breathed out and said: "I understand, I'm just afraid that guy Fang Lin will hold on to the bet and prevent me from stepping down."

Sister Rong didn't pay attention to Fang Lin at all, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the company has got in touch with a big shot in Handong Province for this matter, and someone will naturally come forward to arrange Fang Lin's situation for you.


This chapter has been completed!
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