Turn off the lights
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Chapter 429 Design Planning

"I really don't understand what you are going to do. If you want to meet Hu Sixue and Chai Jing, you wouldn't let Liu Xuanxuan and He Jiawei accompany you as light bulbs, right?"

Chang Haibo rubbed his temples and gave up his plan to learn more. He smiled bitterly and said: "I'll try my best. Hu Sixue and Chai Jing should be fine.

Liu Xuanxuan's problem isn't big either. After all, I'm also her leader now. If I let her go, I can't help but refuse.

It’s He Jiawei, I’m not sure if I can make a date.”

Fang Lindao: "You try to make an appointment. Anyway, I have to meet one of Liu Xuanxuan and He Jiawei."

"Okay! Just wait for my news."

Chang Haibo hung up the phone, and after a few minutes, he called over and said: "Liu Xuanxuan and He Jiawei broke up, and I can't contact He Jiawei.

But except for He Jiawei, the three beauties all agreed.


Speaking of that, Chang Haibo laughed ambiguously: "The three of them are all flattered by your invitation. You may be lucky tonight."

Fang Lin smiled helplessly and said, "Then I'll see you at the ktv at seven o'clock in the evening."

It was still morning, Fang Lin thought about it and drove to the bottom of the Qisheng Group building.

After the film and television base was completed a few days ago, Qi Zejiang and Qi Wenya called Fang Lin respectively and wanted to confirm with Fang Lin the overall development and construction of the development zone.

When nothing happened, Fang Lin wanted to come over and discuss the matter carefully with Qi Zejiang, Qi Wenya and his daughter in person.

However, this reason was just that he planned to meet one of Qi Zejiang and his daughter in person. The most important point was that he wanted to talk to them about "shares".

I'm afraid the shares Qi Zejiang handed over to Qi Wenbing had been secretly taken away by someone before they knew it.

If nothing else, next week will be the time when Rongsheng Group fully exerts its efforts. In order to prevent Qi Zejiang and the others from being caught off guard, it is necessary to communicate these matters in advance.

As for Tianyu Group and Dunhuang Group, Fang Lin did not intend to inform them in advance, mainly because he was afraid of alerting the enemy.

Parking the car in the parking lot, Fang Lin strolled into the headquarters building of Qisheng Group.

At the front desk on the first floor, the front desk lady showing the company's image asked politely and dignifiedly: "Hello, sir, how can I help you?"

The other front desk lady next to her, who was equally good-looking, looked wary.

Fang Lin said directly: "Is your chairman, Mr. Qi Zejiang, here? I have something to do with him."

"Are you looking for our chairman?" The lady at the front desk was slightly startled and looked at Fang Lin.

I found that although the other party looked quite handsome, he was dressed very ordinary and wore a string of bone dragons on his wrist. He didn't look like a high-class person who could know the chairman.

So he asked with some reserve: "Do you have an appointment?"

Fang Lin patted his head and secretly thought that he was negligent. Qi Zejiang was also a group boss after all, so he could just drop by and see anyone he wanted.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll call him now."

The front desk lady next to me rolled her eyes and muttered in a low voice: "Call the chairman. If you know the chairman's phone number, I lose."

Fang Lin heard the whisper from the front desk lady, and while the phone was still connected, he said with a bit of ridicule: "Then if you lose, how about treating me to dinner tonight?"

The front desk lady’s eyes widened and her face turned red. She really didn’t expect that her whisper, which was as quiet as a mosquito, could be heard.

At this time, the phone was connected, and Qi Zejiang on the other end of the phone asked with a smile: "Fang Lin, you are calling me, an old man.

When do you plan to start the official construction over there in the development zone? I have all the workers’ equipment there, and it’s all money.”

Fang Lindao: "I just wanted to talk to you about this matter. I'm on the first floor of your office building now. The front desk asked me if I had an appointment, so I called you."

When Qi Zejiang heard that Fang Lin was already downstairs, he immediately said: "Haha, the front desk lady is doing her duty, don't blame her. Just wait a moment, I will ask Wen Ya to go down and pick you up now."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Lin waited patiently. The lady at the front desk looked at him suspiciously and thought to herself, why doesn't this guy leave?

After a while, the special elevator dinged next to it and came to the first floor. Qi Wenya walked over in high heels.

"Mr. Qi!" The two front desk ladies nodded in greeting with respect on their faces.

Qi Wenya nodded slightly to the two of them, then went straight to Fang Lin and said with a smile: "You're here, let's go!" xdw8

As she spoke, she naturally took Fang Lin's arm and said with a smile: "We have prepared three sets of plans and are just waiting for your decision."

The two front desk ladies stared wide-eyed. They didn't expect that this ordinary-looking man actually contacted the chairman, and even President Qi came down to greet him in person.

The most important thing is that Qi Wenya, who has always been calm and unassuming, actually held this man's arm with a friendly attitude and showed how he came here. This made the two front desk ladies a little stunned.

Fang Lin turned around and winked at the front desk lady, saying, "You lose!"

The lady at the front desk blushed and curled her fingers uneasily. She was already thinking in her mind whether this man would really ask her to treat him to dinner and what kind of treat she should treat him to.

There was a moment of panic.

"What's wrong?" Qi Wenya asked.

Fang Lin smiled, shook his head and said, "Nothing, let's go."

Going upstairs, Qi Wenya took Fang Lin directly to Qi Zejiang's chairman's office.

Qi Zejiang stood up to greet him and laughed loudly: "Fang Lin, you can come to Qisheng, old man, my whole office building will be full of glory!"

Fang Lin waved his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Qi, you are speaking harshly, I can't bear it."

"I can bear it, I can bear it." Qi Zejiang patted Fang Lin on the shoulder and said, "Shall we go directly to the planning drawing and chat while looking at it?"

Fang Lin nodded and said, "It's exactly what I wanted."

Qi Wenya immediately contacted several senior executives of Qisheng Group and the relevant important chief engineers.

After a while, in a conference room that could accommodate a hundred people, Fang Lin, Qi Zejiang, Qi Wenya, and a dozen of the main figures of the Qisheng Group sat together.

Among them is Zhang Xu, who built the film and television base for Chief Engineer Fang Lin.

An engineer stood at the front desk of the conference room. Behind him was a large projection screen. On the screen were detailed design drawings of the development area.

There are three parts of the drawing, which have been made into ppt. The chief engineer explained the three design plans in an orderly manner.

These three design plans are all based on the previous design drawings of Qisheng Group during the initial construction, and then adopted the opinions expressed verbally by Fang Lin to add, delete and modify the finished product.

After listening to the description of the three design plans, Qi Zejiang asked: "Fang Lin, what do you think? Can you decide which one to use?"

Hearing this, everyone else also stared at Fang Lin.

These people had different expressions, some were excited, some were worried, and some were confident.

This chapter has been completed!
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