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Chapter 530: The Realm of Fortune

Qiao Zhengchu's face turned red, but he held back his anger and said: "President Fang keeps saying that my calligraphy is worthless and full of craftsmanship. He must have some opinions on this calligraphy.

In this case, why don't you, President Fang, explain in detail why it is so craftsmanship and why it is so worthless?"

Ge Dachunpi smiled and said: "I am also willing to hear good advice."

Fang Lin waved his hand, pushed Qiao Zhengchu away, picked up the brush and said: "Since you are writing a chapter, I will also write a chapter.

After I finish writing, everyone will naturally understand where your handwriting is rotten."

Fang Lin said before that he didn't know calligraphy, but it was just a casual remark. The inheritance of Huilong Jue also has some immersion in calligraphy.

The Huilong Jue in my mind is itself an extremely precious calligraphy work. If written into a book, it can even surpass countless famous calligraphy works from ancient times.

Living with these fonts all day long, it is difficult for Fang Lin's calligraphy not to improve.

There are two types of Zhangcao. The first one started in the Qin and Han Dynasties and evolved from cursive official script into standard cursive script.

It can be regarded as the predecessor of today's cursive script. The main difference from modern cursive script is that it retains the traces of official script writing, and the upper and lower characters are independent and not written consecutively.

The second type is a completely mature font that has basically nothing to do with official script and is self-contained. The famous calligraphers Song Ke and Zhao Ziang in history all followed this method.

And the calligraphy written by Qiao Zhengchu was exactly this second kind of chapter cursive.

Fang Lin held the pen in his hand and raised it in the air, but he still didn't start writing.

This made everyone around them laugh.

Fang Lin was originally the protagonist today. Whether he shot the female killer or made a bet with Yao Chengjun, the God of Blood, to exchange a thousand pieces of gold for a beauty, he brought countless shocks to everyone present.

Compared with Fang Lin, Ge Dachun and Qiao Zhengchu are just an interlude.

Except for a few people such as Gu Hansheng who really love calligraphy, for most people, they still prefer to see Fang Lin's performance.

Seeing that Fang Lin was planning to write, everyone was waiting to see.

Unexpectedly, he had been writing for a long time, but he had no intention of finishing it.

Someone secretly muttered: "Does Fang Lin not understand calligraphy? Otherwise, why can't he put down his pen for a long time?"

"If you say he doesn't understand, then you don't understand. No one is laughing at him. Why do you want to belittle Ge Dachun's disciples and demonstrate calligraphy to others? Isn't this just shooting yourself in the foot?"

"I don't understand, I don't understand..."

Hearing everyone's murmurs, Gu Hansheng shook his head and persuaded: "Fang Lin, I admire your medical skills and also your business methods.

But not everyone is an all-rounder. You are already good enough in other aspects, why do you still have to show off your calligraphy?

In my opinion, you’d better take back what you said before and let’s just pretend that nothing happened.”

Fang Lin glanced at Gu Hansheng and the people muttering lightly, and continued to hold his pen still.

Everyone has one thought in their minds right now: just forget it if Fang Lin can't write. Why do you have to force yourself?

But at this moment, Ge Dachun saw a solemn look in his eyes, and said incredulously: "Fang Lin, what's his... fortune?"

"Luck?" Everyone around was confused.

Qiao Zhengchu was horrified when he heard this and looked at Fang Lin carefully.

Gu Hansheng asked: "Mr. Ge, what do you mean by luck?"

Ge Dachun said: "Writing also has realms. This fortune is a very high realm. At the time, the saint Wang Xizhi realized Taoism by the river because he realized the power of fortune.

Later he wrote the preface to Lanting, which was written in one go under the influence of good fortune. xdw8

The state of fortune can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. I am ashamed and dying, but I still have not touched the threshold of this state."

After speaking, Ge Dachun shook his head in shame.

However, the eyes staring at Fang Lin were no longer contemptuous and hostile, but serious. A faint feeling of admiration emerged in his heart.

When everyone heard what Ge Dachun said was so mysterious, everyone was confused and stared at Fang Lin carefully.

Fang Lin's hand holding the pen remained motionless, and his rhythmic breathing allowed him to maintain a rhythmic rhythm.

Keep your mind calm, as quiet as a virgin.

I start writing suddenly and move like a rabbit!

After the fortune, Fang Lin's eyes flashed, and he immediately started writing!

What Fang Lin wrote was "Zhi Yu Dong Tie" by the calligrapher Wang Xizhi

It's all done in one go!

Every horizontal, vertical, dot, stroke, hook, fold, and stroke in the whole article can be said to be the most wonderful use of the pen. Every word has a different posture. It can be said that it floats like a floating cloud, and is as sharp as a startling dragon.


Especially the joyful feeling when he writes, as if he can just pick it up with his hands. Compared with Ge Dachun and Qiao Zhengchu, I don't know how many times more wanton!

Not to mention whose calligraphy is better, just for the free and easy way when writing, Ge Dachun and Qiao Zhengchu are even one-tenth as good as Fang Lin!

This is the realm of fortune, where the momentum brings the pen, and the human pen becomes one!

Gu Hansheng looked at it with fascination. The old man with his old mouth opened his mouth and let out bursts of exclamations. He came to the table, shook his head and looked at it, and exclaimed sincerely: "Mr. Fang is a great talent, a great talent.

!I am completely convinced, old man!"

A few days ago, Fang Lin was in the hospital, using miraculous acupuncture and Chinese medicine, which put the ancient Han people to shame.

Now, Fang Lin has completely conquered this old man with this hand of calligraphy.

And Ge Dachun, the most authoritative calligrapher in Handong Province, was cautious at this moment and looked at Fang Lin's Zhiyudong post with excitement. Looking at it, he was like a child who had found a treasure.

Very excited.

People who don't know calligraphy would like to ask whether Fang Lin's calligraphy is better or Qiao Zhengchu's calligraphy.

But when they saw Ge Dachun's appearance, everyone understood.

Ge Dachun took a long time to look away from the copybook, looked at Fang Lin, bowed his hands and said: "Mr. Fang, old man, I am blind! Your calligraphy skills are the only ones I have seen in my life!"

If I were not a modern person, I would have asked you if you were the reincarnation of the Book Saint!"

Ge Dachun put Fang Lin and Wang Xizhi on the same level!

This Zhiyudong post written by Fang Lin is different from Wang Xizhi’s original post. It is not an imitation at all, but each has its own characteristics!

Even Ge Dachun felt that Fang Lin's copybook was even worse than Wang Xizhi's original copybook.

His disciple Qiao Zhengchu previously said that his Xingkai was as good as Wang Xizhi's, which actually contained a lot of flattery.

His family only knew his own affairs, but in Ge Dachun's opinion, Fang Lin's handwriting could really be compared with Wang Xizhi's.

Hearing Ge Dachun's high evaluation, everyone present couldn't help but start to praise him one after another.

Gu Hansheng said: "I finally understand why Mr. Fang said that Qiao Zhengchu's calligraphy is so skillful that it is not worth a penny.

Compared with your handwriting, his handwriting is indeed shit!"

This chapter has been completed!
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