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Chapter 537

While suturing the uterus, the doctor said: "Carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately!"

After the nurse tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation, she said anxiously: "No, the child may not be saved!"

Outside, when the woman heard this, she collapsed instantly and shouted: "My grandson, my grandson!"

Shouting, she tried to break in again!

"Don't let pregnant women's family members in!" Zhang Siwei shouted inside.

The crowd outside quickly grabbed the woman, who looked like she was crying.

At this moment, Fang Lin dodged and walked into the temporary operating room.

After looking at the pregnant woman on the operating table, he looked at the newborn and said, "Let me try."

Zhang Siwei scolded: "Who are you? Get out quickly!"

Fang Lindao: "I am a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. I will look after the child and you will do your best to treat the pregnant woman."

"Traditional Chinese medicine?" The medical staff were a little confused.

At this time, Dr. Cao from the obstetrics and gynecology department said: "The uterus is sutured, Dr. Zhang, hurry up and treat the intestines!"

Zhang Siwei could no longer take care of Fang Lin. He concentrated on handling the scalpel and looked at the perforated and ulcerated intestines of the pregnant woman.

Doctor Cao came over quickly and said: "You are young, even if you are a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, you are probably still a student of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, right?

This is not the place you should stay, get out quickly."

Fang Lin said seriously: "I have a way to restore the newborn's breathing."

Dr. Cao was stunned for a moment and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Fang Lin said: “Newborn asphyxia is caused by the shock of pregnant women, who stop breathing in the womb.

In other words, the newborn has actually died in the pregnant woman's belly before you perform the operation.

However, according to traditional Chinese medicine, this death is just a suspended animation, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation cannot awaken the newborn.

But if acupuncture is used to stimulate acupuncture points, the newborn’s breathing and heartbeat can be restored!”

Dr. Cao said coldly: "Give an acupuncture to a newborn? This child is less than eight months old. How do you inject it?"

Fang Linda said: "Children who are eight months old are also human beings, and they have all the acupuncture points they should have!"

Dr. Cao questioned: "Even if there is, can you do it accurately?"

Fang Lindao: "If you don't let me try, it will be too late!"

Dr. Cao took the child from the nurse, checked it and then tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but found that there was really no way to revive him.

Doctor Cao then looked at Fang Linda with a heavy face and said, "Then give it a try! I hope you are a reliable young man."

Fang Lin no longer hesitated, picked up the acupuncture needle that had been prepared at the tip of his finger, and inserted it into the newborn's body.

A needle was inserted into the newborn's belly button, and a gentle vitality was injected into it. The next second, the newborn suddenly opened its mouth and cried out!

At the same time, the little arms and legs also started to move.

All the medical staff looked shocked, and even Zhang Siwei, who was repairing his intestines, stopped what he was doing!

Outside, the woman said in surprise: "My grandson is alive, my grandson is alive!"

Fang Lin pulled out the acupuncture needle, and a very experienced nurse hurriedly wrapped the child.

Dr. Cao gave a thumbs up and praised sincerely: "Young man, you are really amazing. What is your name?"

Before Fang Lin could reply, the assistant doctor on the operating table suddenly said: "The patient's blood pressure has dropped. Doctor Zhang, the operation must be completed as soon as possible!"

Zhang Siwei said in a deep voice: "The patient's intestinal perforation took too long and the inflammation is serious. I need another minute!"

The assistant doctor said: "We can't wait any longer! The patient's blood pressure continues to drop, the patient's vital signs are disappearing, she can't hold on any longer!"

Everyone's heart was in their throats again.

Zhang Siwei was also stunned, wondering whether he should continue with the operation that was halfway through.

Outside, Long Qiangwei's face was heavy and she gritted her teeth. Will this new mother be like her mother and die without even seeing her own flesh and blood?

Fang Lin quickly washed his hands and disinfected them, then came to the operating table, held down the pregnant woman's wrist with one hand, and rhythmically played the veins on the pregnant woman's wrist with his fingers, and said: "Doctor Zhang, continue the operation!"

Zhang Siwei shook his head and said: "The operation is no longer possible. If we stop the operation now and suture the wound, it may be possible to save the patient's life."

Fang Lindao: "The patient cannot bear a second laparotomy, and her intestinal perforation has caused viral infection. Even if the wound is sutured, there is still a risk.

You continue the operation!" xdw8

While talking, Fang Lin continued to flick the pregnant woman's veins with his fingers.

Zhang Siwei said: "But the blood pressure of pregnant women is already close to the lowest limit. If the operation continues, even if the intestines are repaired, the person will be dead!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the assistant doctor suddenly exclaimed: "The patient's blood pressure has gone up, it's gone up!"

Everyone was puzzled: "Why did you come up?"

However, the value on the pressure gauge is indeed rising.

Fang Lin said in a deep voice: "I am stimulating the patient's life limit, but it can only last for two minutes at most. Hurry up and continue the operation!"

Only then did everyone look at Fang Lin's finger, surprised and stunned.

Dr. Cao murmured: "When did Chinese medicine become so powerful?"

Zhang Siwei no longer hesitated and continued the operation.

The damaged intestines were cut off, sterilized and sutured, and soon the patient's stomach was sutured together.

After looking at the vital signs of the pregnant woman, Zhang Siwei breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The operation was successful. Send the patient back to the hospital as soon as possible. Stay in the hospital for observation and pay attention to preventing wound infection!"

Only then did Fang Lin let go of the patient's wrist.

The medical staff opened the curtains and rushed the pregnant women and newborns to the hospital.

The crowd around burst into warm applause!

Zhang Siwei and Dr. Cao both came to Fang Lin.

Zhang Siwei asked: "What is your name and which hospital are you a doctor?"

Dr. Cao asked: "Where did you learn your medical skills? What was your technique just now? How could you raise the patient's blood pressure?"

Fang Lin waved his hand and said: "I don't work in a hospital. The technique just now is used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a way to increase blood pressure by speeding up the blood flow through a certain rhythm."

Zhang Siwei said: "Are you interested in working in our hospital and in our emergency department?"

Dr. Cao said fiercely: "Come to our obstetrics and gynecology department, our obstetrics and gynecology department needs you more."

Fang Lin smiled bitterly and said, "Sorry, I won't work in the hospital."

At this time, the others were ready, and all the people and equipment were loaded into the ambulance. The assistant doctor said: "Doctor Zhang, Dr. Cao, we have to go back to the hospital quickly!"

The two doctors were extremely reluctant to invite Fang Lin again, but were still rejected by Fang Lin. They didn't even ask for Fang Lin's name.

It's not that Fang Lin is unkind, it's that he told them that his name has no meaning.

The decline of traditional Chinese medicine cannot be solved by just going to the hospital and dedicating a little effort.

If he has that time, he might as well go to a medical university to give more lectures so that more practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine can learn more knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine. This is what he should do most.

This chapter has been completed!
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