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Chapter 720 Grey Fog

At five o'clock in the evening, the bus started.

Longhu Mountain is very close to Hongdu, only an hour away.

If you want to return to Chucheng, you have to pass through Hongdu, which is one of the reasons why Teacher An agreed.

In the bus, Fang Lin and Teacher An were sitting in the last row.

The car had not been driven for a few minutes, and Teacher An looked very tired.

Fang Lin could tell and let her sleep for a while.

Teacher An also believed in Fang Lin and fell asleep with a relaxed expression.

Fang Lin didn't waste any time, secretly ran the "Huilong Jue" and started practicing.

But the next moment, Teacher An tilted her head and leaned on his shoulder.

The beautiful face full of charm was sometimes disappointed, sometimes uneasy, and finally turned into a sweet smile of peace of mind.

Fang Lin shook his head, knowing in his heart that Teacher An felt at ease because of him.

I didn’t think much and continued practicing.

Leaving Longhu Mountain, there is a 20-minute mountain road.

The road was bumpy, and there were dark clouds outside the window, like a dark night, and it looked like a storm was coming, so the inside of the car seemed dull.

The other students were not as excited as they were when they came. They all felt tired and closed their eyes to rest.

Fang Lin frowned. He smelled an unusual smell and couldn't help but be wary.

Suddenly, the bus driver slammed on the brakes. Most of the students, who were not wearing seat belts, leaned forward and bumped into the front seats, causing them to wake up.

Fang Tianai and An Nuan sat together, fastened their seat belts, and nothing happened.

Teacher An was okay, Fang Lin reacted quickly and put his arms around Teacher An.

Teacher An also woke up. Seeing himself in Fang Lin's arms, his face turned red at first. Then when he saw the bus stopped, he stood up and said, "Uncle Wang, what's going on?"

Uncle Wang, the bus driver at the front, trembled at the corners of his mouth and looked pale: "I...I seem to have seen a ghost!"

"Uncle Wang, what kind of ghost is there in this world?"

"Uncle Wang, are you driving while fatigued?

For the safety of the whole car, why don’t you take a break.”

"Really, even if there are ghosts in the world, this mountain road is still within the scope of Longhu Mountain. Longhu Mountain has been famous for killing demons since ancient times. No ghost dares to come here."

Before Teacher An could speak, other students couldn't help but complain.

"But...really..." Uncle Wang broke out in a cold sweat, as if he had just seen something terrifying and had not yet recovered.

Teacher An was helpless: "Okay, Uncle Wang, rest here for ten minutes and then start again."

"No, I won't..." Uncle Wang's head shook like a rattle.

"Uncle Wang, if you don't drive, who will? Take a rest quickly!"

The most anxious person was Gu Junze. If he delayed any longer, he might not be able to go to Hongdu for dinner.

In this case, how to show his identity?

"I open."

A soft word came out of Fang Lin's mouth.

"Are you kidding! This is a bus! Can you drive it if you want?"

Gu Junze was overjoyed, thinking that there was something wrong with Fang Lin's brain, so he took the opportunity and scolded him.

Fang Lin didn't respond, lit a cigarette, and walked to the front.

Uncle Wang was still in a state of panic. When he saw Fang Lin approaching, he subconsciously moved out of the way.

Seeing Fang Lin really get into the driver's seat, Gu Junze acted like a fool and immediately stepped forward to stop him: "Are you crazy?

You are risking the lives of everyone in the car! If you die, you will die. Don’t hurt us, or get off!”

Although other students did not speak, their eyes were full of doubts.

"My brother won't do anything he's not sure about!"

Fang Tian loves Tao.

"Hey, he's trying to show off!"

Gu Junze sneered: "Fang Lin, let me tell you, if you don't get down, don't blame me for using force..." Before he finished speaking, the car started suddenly. Gu Junze had no time to hold the handle and fell to the ground.

Fang Lin was seen driving the car calmly and smoking at the same time. The mountain road was gentle, but he drove the bus extremely skillfully through the curves.

At this scene, everyone on the bus was stunned and fell into silence.

The same goes for Fang Tianai. It was entirely out of blind confidence in her brother that she actually knew how to drive a bus, and she was even more skilled than Uncle Wang, an experienced driver.

Gu Junze stood up unwillingly and glared at Fang Lin fiercely.

Knowing that he could no longer make things difficult for Fang Lin, he silently retreated to his original position.

"When I get to Hongdu, I'll look good with you!"

Gu Junze felt furious in his heart. If it weren't for Fang Lin, would he be able to make a fool of himself in front of his classmates one after another?

Damn it! The more Gu Junze thought about it, the angrier he became. When he saw Fang Lin driving the bus skillfully, he simply closed his eyes, out of sight and out of mind.

But they didn't know what Fang Lin was going through.

At this moment, Fang Lin turned another corner, and the gloomy sky looked like a huge beast, opening its mouth as if it was about to swallow something.

In an instant, the sound of horse hoofbeats and the sound of fighting surrounded Fang Lin's ears, and a surge of resentment hit the sky.

The sound became louder and louder, and the resentment became stronger and stronger, as if I was not driving a bus, but on an ancient battlefield.

Fang Lin finally understood why Uncle Wang was so frightened. It was Yin Qi.

He didn't expect that Longhu Mountain was filled with Yin Qi, thus causing this 'supernatural phenomenon'.


After Fang Lin turned the tenth turn and was about to leave the mountain road of Longhu Mountain, the mountain wall at the turn fell apart in vain.

The thick gray fog visible to the naked eye was gathering towards the bus.

"How is this going?"

"It's getting foggy?"

Most of the students did not go to bed and felt strange looking at the thick gray fog outside the window.

Fang Lin remained calm and the steering wheel suddenly turned towards the mountain wall.

The classmates who were awake were even more shocked when they saw Fang Lin's move.

What is Fang Lin doing?

Commit suicide by hitting a wall?

Before they could react, the gray fog around them immediately dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

Not only that, the bus was fine, and it left the mountain road and was already driving on the highway.

Those students who were awake looked at the mountain road behind and then at Fang Lin. They were all surprised and confused. Is there really a ghost?

It's so weird! Fang Lin spit out the cigarette at this time, and a purple light flashed in his eyes. Through the rearview mirror of the bus, he could clearly see that Longhu Mountain was shrouded in this layer of gray fog.

Only the Xuanwu Temple on the top of the mountain was not shrouded, but the gray fog had penetrated a little.

Fang Lin frowned deeply. It seemed that Longhu Mountain was not as simple as it seemed.

And the gray mist felt familiar to him, as if he had been exposed to it before.

"Yao Chengjun?"

After Fang Lin pondered for a moment, he realized that he had seen Yao Chengjun take action before, and the techniques he practiced were not like those inherited from Longhu Mountain.

As the righteous path of Longhu Mountain, even if it is now in decline, its techniques will not give people a sense of evil.

When Yao Chengjun took action, he felt like an evil spirit.

This kind of evil seems to be inextricably linked to the gray fog shrouding Longhu Mountain.

Of course, it's just his guess.

To find out, it is better to wait for the meeting between the three provinces and defeat Yao Chengjun personally.

Fang Lin stopped thinking about it and continued driving the bus in the direction of Hongdu.

This chapter has been completed!
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