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Chapter 768 Grandpa Gao's Illness

The two of them were talking and looked at Dad Gao who was practicing calligraphy behind the desk.

Dad Gao stopped writing, looked at the two of them, and said displeasedly: "Since Meilan brought that young man home, she must be willing to do so.

I've said it before, as long as you're not in the entertainment industry, it's easy to talk.

What's wrong with the village director? He's still considered a cadre.

Moreover, young people nowadays are so ambitious and are moving to big cities one by one. Those who are willing to develop in rural areas are down-to-earth, which I think is good."

Seeing what Gao Mama wanted to say, Gao's dad waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop talking. It's not our turn to worry about this matter. Meilan's opinion is so strong. If she really wants to be determined, it's not

This little thing can convince you.

It's a good thing that Meilan can bring boys back. I see that all of you are worried.

Hurry up and make some medicine for the old man. Don't waste time taking the medicine.

I'll go downstairs to meet this guest."

While Dad Gao was talking, he went to the bathroom to wash off the ink on his hands. With an elegant smile on his face, Shi Shiran walked downstairs.

When Fang Lin saw Gao's father, he stood up again and greeted politely: "Hello, uncle, I am Meilan's friend, my name is Fang Lin."

Dad Gao came over, smiled, extended his hand to Fang Lin, and said, "Welcome to our home."

During the handshake, Dad Gao felt the generosity and strength of Fang Lin's palm and nodded secretly.

Letting go of his hand, Fang Lin picked up two bottles of Wuliangye and said with a smile: "Uncle, this is your first visit. It's not respectful."

Dad Gao's eyes lit up and he nodded and said, "Good wine. Let's have a few drinks together during dinner later in the afternoon."

Seeing that the two of them had finished their greetings, Gao Meilan smiled and took Dad Gao's arm and said, "Dad, I know you are writing at this point, so I don't even dare to go up and disturb you."

Dad Gao patted Gao Meilan's hand, smiled and asked Fang Lin to sit down again.

After the two chatted for a while, Fang Lin asked: "Uncle, I just smelled some Chinese medicine. Is anyone in the family sick?"

Dad Gao looked at Fang Lin in surprise, nodded and said, "Yes, Meilan's grandfather has been feeling a little unwell recently.

I’ve been taking Chinese medicine these days.”

Gao Meilan was taken aback and asked: "My grandfather is sick?"

Why didn't I know? I thought he went out to walk the birds with other uncles."

Dad Gao shook his head and said: "Your grandfather has been ill for a short time and it is not particularly serious. We didn't tell you because we were afraid of disturbing your work."

As he spoke, Dad Gao pointed to a bedroom on the first floor and said, "Your grandpa is sleeping in the bedroom right now."

Gao Meilan knew how advanced Fang Lin's medical skills were. When he heard this, he immediately looked at Fang Lin with a worried look on his face.

Fang Lin smiled faintly and said to Dad Gao: "Uncle, to be honest, I happen to know some Chinese medicine, and in Handong Province, I also occasionally give lectures to the students of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Handong Medical University.

If you don't mind, you can let me show it to Grandpa Gao."


Do you still know about Chinese medicine?”

Dad Gao was surprised.

Gao Meilan said: "Fang Lin's medical skills are very good. Director Chen Guosheng's heart disease was all cured by him."

Dad Gao was surprised again and asked: "I remember you said before that Director Chen's heart disease is an incurable terminal disease?

In order to complete the filming of "New Forbidden City" in my lifetime, I have asked you to star several times."

Gao Meilan nodded and said: "Yes, so Fang Lin's medical skills are really powerful.

He cured a disease that even the country's authoritative experts could not cure.

What kind of disease does my grandfather have? Let Fang Lin check it out for him quickly."

Dad Gao did not hesitate after hearing this, stood up and said: "Since five days ago, your grandfather has always said that he has the same nightmare at night, dreaming about a group of green-faced little ghosts asking him to teach.

You also know that when you were young, your grandfather was a teacher in a private school.

I took your grandpa to see an old Chinese medicine doctor. He was told that he was suffering from mental loss, his soul was unstable, and needed rest and recuperation, so he prescribed a pair of traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate his body.

Your grandpa has not been able to rest well at night these days and has become sleepy during the day."

Gao Meilan looked at Fang Lin, who stood up and said, "Let's go in and see the old man."

The three of them came to Grandpa Gao's bedroom, opened the door, and walked in.

Then he saw an old man with sagging skin and white hair, his eyes closed tightly, snoring weakly, sleeping soundly in bed.

Fang Lin glanced at the old man, frowned slightly, and said, "I think I know what's going on with Grandpa Gao's illness."

Dad Gao was surprised and said: "You can tell it just by looking at it from a distance?"

Gao Meilan, however, did not have any doubts and felt much more worried after hearing this.

Since Fang Lin said he saw it, it should be curable.

"I can tell."

Fang Lin nodded and said: "Grandpa Gao's illness has nothing to do with his body. It is mainly caused by that dream."

As he spoke, he turned around and asked: "Uncle, do you know if there was any accident in the private school when Grandpa Gao was teaching there?"

Dad Gao frowned and said, "Probably not. I haven't heard the old man mention it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Grandpa Gao, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and said slowly: "Yes."

"Grandpa, you wake up!"

Gao Meilan ran over and asked with concern.

Grandpa Gao smiled weakly: "Meilan is back."

As he spoke, he looked at Fang Lin and asked, "Why did you ask me if there had been any accidents at the private school where I taught?"

Fang Lin did not answer why, but asked again: "Did the private school catch on fire and burn to death many children who were studying?"

Grandpa Gao's pupils shrank and he looked at Fang Lin intently. After a long time, he said: "Yes, that's right."

Gao Meilan and Gao's father were shocked for a moment! Grandpa Gao had never told his family about this matter, and they didn't know about it. How did Fang Lin know about it?

Seeing the doubts of several people, Fang Lin smiled softly and said: "Li means fire, south means Li.

Grandpa Gao, starting from today, when you sleep, the position of your head should not be south, but north.

The north is water, and water controls fire.

Just change your sleeping position and you won't have nightmares at night."

"you mean?"

Grandpa Gao said a little uncertainly.

Fang Lin smiled lightly and said: "You have had nightmares recently, and the kid who asked you to teach them is the child who was burned to death in the private school back then.

They are still learning from you.

They should have no ill intentions, but humans and ghosts have different paths, so many little ghosts come to you every night. Over time, the yang energy will be depleted, and the body will naturally develop symptoms."

What Fang Lin said was simply a fantasy, but they couldn't help but the Gao family's ancestors and grandson not believing it.

After all, Fang Lin could tell at a glance that Grandpa Gao had burned many children to death in his private school.

Grandpa Gao wondered: "I have been sleeping on this bed with my head facing south for many years. Why was it that I was fine before?"

Fang Lin pondered for a moment, thinking of the ghost mother who brought Sun Yi rib soup, shook his head and said with a smile: "Perhaps you have seen too many children recently?

Or maybe you have always been worried about the accident that happened in the private school back then."

When Grandpa Gao heard this, he fell silent.

After a long time, he sighed and said regretfully: "That day, a child broke his head during get out of class, so I carried him to the health center.

Just as I was leaving, a child was playing with fire and set the house on fire.

If I had not left that day, nothing would have happened to those children!"

This chapter has been completed!
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