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Chapter 822 Pig teammates

Although Qian Pin didn't pay attention to his superior at all, Master Dao just frowned slightly and didn't say anything more.

He is different from Qian Pin. He is a practical person. As long as he can complete the task, these small things don't matter.

"Your skills are really not that good. I have been waiting for you for nearly five minutes to catch up."

Fang Lin casually lit up a low-quality cigarette and blew out a smoke ring calmly.

According to common sense, Fang Lin should be more anxious at this time.

But Master Dao didn't see any panic on his face, except for his unusual calmness.

"No, I fell into a trap, retreat."

Dao Ye, who was always smart and cautious, suddenly understood that something was wrong, and his face darkened and he said anxiously.

"What are you withdrawing from?

I think you are really old and no longer worthy of being a coward.

Don't listen to him. If you kill these two boys, Brother Zhu will naturally get a reward.

Now go back and wait to experience Brother Zhu’s inhuman torture!”

Naturally, Qian Pin would not let the duck fly away. Instead of following the orders from his superiors, he sneered with disdain.

Not everyone in the world is as smart as Master Tao, let alone when their desires are extremely inflated.

Like Qian Pin, the other two men also scorned Dao Ye's decision, so instead of retreating, they stood firmly by Qian Pin's side.

Although Master Dao had already noticed that something was wrong, he was also a very moral person and was more afraid of the Zhu family's rules, so he had no choice but to turn back in the end.

I can only hope in my heart that the Fang Lin in front of me is not as powerful as I imagined.

Moreover, there are two Xuan-level warriors and two Yellow-level warriors on his side, so it's not like they don't have the strength to compete in a showdown.

"Boy, just brag! I think you must be panicking right now.

I'm just pretending to be calm and scaring some turtles."

Qian Pin still mocked with disdain.

Zeng Cheng, who had been panicking, was now calm and composed.

Just as Master Dao had guessed, they had indeed fallen into the trap, and Zeng Cheng was the witness to all this.

Just as Fang Lin said, they really slowed down and waited for them for nearly five minutes.

From this point alone, in Zeng Cheng's heart, Fang Lin was already a god-like existence.

He even suspected that when he was desperate, God saw that he was pitiful, so he sent such a god to help him.

"Although I think what you said doesn't make sense, it is indeed possible.

Since you have caught up with us and we have no way to escape, come and take our lives!"

With a slight smile on his lips, Fang Lin raised his little finger provocatively at the four of them.

"Okay, since you want to die so much, then I will make it happen for you.

You prepare the bags. I will personally take off two of their heads and take them back to Brother Zhu.

Don’t worry, except for some shy turtles, I will do my best for all of you.”

Rolling up his sleeves, Qian Pin stopped his two companions who were already furious and shook his arms very easily.

"court death."

These words were not spoken by Fang Lin, but came slightly from Master Dao's mouth.

However, this was not because Qian Pin had humiliated him many times, but because he felt sorry for his stupidity.

"You don't have to take action because you are so shy, so as not to hinder my performance and hold me back."

Appreciation and wealth are just around the corner, and money will become more and more abundant.

Seeing that Master Dao also wanted to take action, he immediately let out a contemptuous sneer again.

What Master Dao didn't expect was that as soon as Qian Pin's words came out, it was not his enemies who stopped him, but two of his subordinates.

And looking at this posture, it seems that they want to compete.

Although Xuan-level warriors would not take two Huang-level warriors seriously, Dao Master did not want to kill each other.

Otherwise, even if he wins, the Zhu family will not let him go.

"The pig teammates who can't be brought along."

Anger, heartache, helplessness, and many other emotions lingered in Dao Master's heart.

This guy has once again successfully lost his only chance of victory, and Master Dao can only helplessly shake his head.

With no moves or speed, Qian Pin was so confident that he walked proudly towards Fang Lin step by step.

"Can you hurry up? I'm still in a hurry to see the King of Hell!"

Fang Lin said impatiently.

"Don't worry, don't be anxious, I will send you to see the King of Hell soon.

I will take action, so fast that even lightning cannot catch up, and I guarantee that you will not suffer any pain."

Qian Pin said with a smile.

"Ah, very good.

However, if you lose, it will be a hundred times more painful than death."

Fang Lin's expression didn't change at all, and he still puffed out smoke rings leisurely.

"Don't worry, you won't have any chance."

Qian Pin's face suddenly darkened, with strong murderous intent in his eyes as he spoke almost every word.

Although it is not as exaggerated as Qian Pin said that he can't even catch up with Lightning, his speed is fast, indeed fast.

In the blink of an eye, Qianpin was already in front of Fang Lin a few meters away.

This was completely beyond Zeng Cheng's understanding of speed. He was originally full of confidence in Fang Lin, but now he had to put his heart in his throat again.

Fast, still fast.

It was so fast that Zeng Cheng and the two younger brothers of the Zhu family didn't even notice that Qian Pin had already taken action.

Slow, really too slow.

Although Qian Pin's fist only drew a lone shadow in the air, in Fang Lin's view, the speed was about the same as that of the doctor, so slow that it seemed like a slow-motion playback.

"Ah... be gentle... be gentle, it hurts me so much, oh... be gentle...!"

A shrill scream once again broke the silence. When everyone took a closer look, Fang Lin's hands had been folded back to his back by one of Fang Lin's hands.

At this time, Qian Pin was in pain so much that his facial features were distorted, his teeth were bared, his eyes were cracked, and he was screaming in agony.

Not only Zeng Cheng and the two younger brothers of the Zhu family, but even the Taoist master who had reached the peak of the Xuan level almost had his eyes popping out of shock.

Because Qian Pin's actions seemed very normal to Master Dao, but Fang Lin's actions were different. So different that he only had one doubt in his mind at this time, did this guy take action?

"Ouch...ah...fuck you..." A deafening scream caused the birds in the nearby mountains to startled, and also brought everyone back to reality from the shock.

Everyone could see it clearly this time. Fang Lin exerted force in his hand and swept his right foot across Qian Pin's thigh.

Seeing Qian Pin lying on the ground howling and unable to even stand up, everyone already knew that this guy's hands and feet had been defeated by Fang Lin's iron fist.

"This... this guy is a devil, run... run quickly!"

After muttering in despair, a younger brother suddenly yelled in panic.

He didn't care about his companions while he was talking, he stumbled and ran away, hating his parents for giving him dozens of legs.

The other man also fled, but Dao Ye did not move.

Because he knew very well that the Fang Lin in front of him was more terrifying than he imagined, and escaping was just a waste of effort.

Therefore, his eyes suddenly stopped on Zeng Cheng and passed by like lightning.

This chapter has been completed!
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