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Chapter 892

Saving people is like putting out fires. After Fang Lin asked Ouyang Lin to wait for him at the barbecue restaurant, he accelerated and drifted to Chengnan Road.

In Haicang Building, Fang Lin could still vaguely hear the discussion about the murder in the supermarket just now.

The bodyguard's throat was pierced by a dart, and blood was everywhere. When he was taken away by an ambulance, his heartbeat was gone.

Talking about this, everyone felt insecure and even shuddered involuntarily.

Along the way, Fang Lin carefully observed his surroundings. Five burly men wearing black sunglasses and suits immediately attracted his attention.

It's not that the costumes are attractive, it's that they have been wandering around, obviously looking for something.

Moreover, they had what the surrounding people called darts on their waists, and in addition there were two pistols.

Dare to kill people in such a crowded place, these guys are obviously the legendary death warriors, and have no intention of leaving here alive.

Because a murder has just occurred, the area around the supermarket has been cordoned off by the police, and efforts are being made to investigate the murderer.

Using his clairvoyance, Fang Lin successfully found Jin Junxiu among a pile of groceries.

But what's so dangerous is that there are two men in black who have also avoided the distance of the police. They are hiding behind a row of shelves, carefully searching for something step by step, and they are only about ten meters away from Jin Junxiu.

Seven professional killers were dispatched at the same time to assassinate Kim Junsu regardless of the consequences. How intense was the series of bloody events triggered by the King of Kitchen Competition?

Before it even started, Fang Lin could already smell the strong smell of gunpowder in the competition.

Speaking of killers, Fang Lin immediately thought of Nanfu.

It is no secret that Nanfu made its fortune through the killer organization.

At this time, Fang Lin was two corners away from Jin Junxiu. If he wanted to save him from danger, he had to enter the supermarket first.

Saving people is like putting out fires. Fang Lin couldn't think anymore and rushed into the supermarket in a flash.

"Hey, it seems like a strange wind is blowing.

It’s so strange, do you feel it?”

"Yes! It seems like something has passed and disappeared in a flash. It's strange."

The two police officers guarding the passage looked at each other blankly, but they didn't pay attention to each other. They thought it was just their eyesight and lack of sleep.

At this moment, the two killers also noticed the slightly trembling carton in front of them. They looked at each other and smiled, knowing very clearly that it must be Jin Junxiu.

In the eyes of two ruthless, cold-blooded professional killers, killing an ordinary person like Kim Junsu is as simple and easy as crushing a small ant with your feet.

"Shh, don't worry, be careful of being discovered."

Just when the two of them were happy and about to take action, suddenly an extremely low and delicate voice came from behind their ears.

As professional killers, seeing and hearing in all directions is a basic skill. Even if the prey is right in front of them, the two of them still do not relax their vigilance at all.

Logically speaking, even a fly appearing behind them cannot escape their sight.

The sudden sound almost frightened the two of them out of killer instinct.

Even in fear, the two of them did not look back, but subconsciously touched the darts at their waists.

They are very fast and their reactions are instantaneous. Both their psychological quality and reaction ability are top-notch.

But Fang Lin was faster. As soon as the two of them moved their hands, they received a heavy slap on the back of their necks. Before they even had time to hum, they fainted on the ground.

"Stop hiding. With your skills, even the back of your feet is outside, so hiding is in vain."

After kicking Jin Junxiu's instep, Fang Lin was speechless.

He subconsciously thought of something and quickly retracted his feet.

After identifying Fang Lin's voice, Jin Junxiu stepped out of the clutter with relief.

"Fang...Mr. Fang, you are finally here. If you don't come, I will really die."

He kicked the two unconscious killers several times. Jin Junxiu, whose face was pale, was still frightened and trembling all over.

"There are five more powerful ones out there than these two guys. You'd better kick yourself less, otherwise you'll be captured by them and you'll be worse than dead."

Fang Lin said half-heartedly.

"With Mr. Fang here, nothing will go wrong.

Mr. Fang, you have to help me, I promise that I will definitely help you in tomorrow's Kitchen King Competition."

Although there are police officers outside, you can still keep yourself safe.

But the cunning Jin Junxiu saw further, and the police could only protect his own safety temporarily.

If you really want to completely eliminate all dangers, you have to kill those killers, even those behind the scenes.

And obviously Fang Lin is more capable of completing this for Jin Junxiu.

So after thinking about this, Jin Junxiu decided to pester Fang Lin first.

Anyway, he also knows that the King of Kitchen Competition is full of dangers and needs his own help.

Naturally, his little thoughts couldn't be hidden from Fang Lin's eyes, but Fang Lin didn't care. As long as he listened to him honestly, it was reasonable to solve some troubles for him with little effort.

The two killers had weapons hidden on their bodies and the supermarket was under surveillance. It was only a matter of time before the police discovered them.

There is legal punishment. Anyway, with the strength just now, they will definitely not wake up within four or five hours, so Fang Lin is too lazy to deal with them.

Going out is relatively simple. All you need to do is explain that you were hiding because you were afraid.

Coupled with Kim Junsu's status as the director, the two of them did not encounter any trouble or obstacles.

As soon as he walked out of the supermarket, Jin Junxiu was like a rat crossing the street, looking around cautiously, never daring to leave within half a meter of Fang Lin.

Although he found nothing, the killer's whereabouts could not escape Fang Lin's eyes and feelings.

The moment he went out, five people were slowly following him from different directions, and they seemed to be surrounding him.

Because of the large number of customers and police officers everywhere, the five killers did not dare to act rashly.

It wasn't until Fang and Lin drove away that they accelerated like crazy and began to pursue and intercept them.

"Fang... Mr. Fang, drive faster! We are about to catch up. Is there... something wrong with the car?

Now how to do?"

After nearly five minutes of acceleration competition, just as he was about to be overtaken by the two black Volkswagens behind him, Fang Lin suddenly slowed down.

No matter how strong-minded Ren Jin Junxiu is at ordinary times, when faced with life and death, he has completely forgotten his identity and image, and he is suddenly at a loss as to what to do.

But the more anxious he became, the slower the car slowed down, and finally stopped at a corner.

Fang Lin calmly got out of the car and lit a cigarette. At this time, the location was already remote, with few vehicles passing by, and it was still a one-way street.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with the car. With Fang Lin's driving skills, which were as good as the car behind him, he could outstrip them in less than a minute.

The reason why we stopped at this time was because Fang Lin felt that this was a very suitable place to solve the problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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