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Chapter 9 The Splendid Courtyard

After a while, Wang Shaowei took the lead and stood up with a red face.

Wei Tingxuan and the other two men followed closely behind and stood up with a bow!

Wei Tingxuan pointed at Wang Shaowei and said: "Shaowei, hurry up, I know you have a woman here, find one for your brother quickly!"

Wang Shaowei said: "I have been waiting for your words for a long time. Come with me!"

The three men left in a hurry.

Only the man with a female companion grabbed his female companion's arm.

His green eyes startled his female companion, which made Cao Ranran's female companion laugh. She was also startled just now!

When Wei Tingxuan was about to go out, he turned to Fang Lin and said: "Fang Lin, I will host at eight o'clock in the evening and have a meal at the Splendid Palace. We will have a good chat about your wine then!" xdw8

Fang Lin smiled faintly and nodded in agreement.

After Wang Shaowei and Wei Tingxuan left, Cao Ranran, his female companion, and Fang Lin were the only ones left in the private room.

Cao Ranran was very kind to Fang Lin, and even looked up to him. He pushed glasses to Fang Lin enthusiastically, and begged Fang Lin to prepare a few more bottles of wine for him next time. Money was not an issue.

Fang Lin naturally agreed, as this was nothing to him.

After about an hour, Wang Shaowei finally walked out refreshed. He gave Fang Lin a card with exactly one million in it. Fang Lin accepted it without being polite.

There was still plenty of time before eight o'clock in the evening. Fang Lin went into the city with one million, found a time-honored medicinal material store, and bought all the medicinal materials needed to nourish Wang Xiu'e's body. In this time, the one million was almost spent.

, there are only a few hundred thousand left in the account.

He took out the remaining money, another 50,000 yuan, and put it together with the medicinal materials in a worn canvas schoolbag.

People on the street would never have imagined that Fang Lin's shabby backpack contained medicinal materials worth hundreds of thousands and a large amount of cash.

Eight o'clock in the evening, Splendid Palace.

This Splendid Palace is one of the only high-end hotels with a few stars in Shaoning County, and the boss behind it is none other than Wei Tingxuan's father, Wei Xiangyun.

If it weren't for the fact that Shaoning County is Wei Xiangyun's hometown, such a high-end hotel would never have been opened here.

After all, star hotels of this level can generally only be found in big cities.

Therefore, most of the people who come here to spend money are the powerful people in Shaoning County. People who don't have a lot of money don't dare to look inside when they see the door here.

Moreover, this has made Splendid Palace almost the first choice place for dignitaries in Shaoning County to eat. Once anyone invites a respectable person to dinner, he is afraid of being laughed at if he does not come to Splendid Palace!

When Fang Lin came to the hotel door, he raised his eyebrows and looked at a man and a woman not far ahead who were also walking towards the hotel door.

This pair of men and women, the man is not tall, slightly fat, and looks ordinary, but his clothes are well-tailored and seem to be expensive.

And his female companion, tall and handsome, wearing a light blue dress, holding his arm, looked really eye-catching.

The only flaw is that this woman's makeup is slightly thick, giving people a tacky look like rouge and powder.

Seeing these two people, Fang Lin felt a little happy. What a coincidence, he met an acquaintance!

He took the initiative to say hello and said to the two of them: "Wang Sicheng! Bai Yunyun! Long time no see!"

These two people were none other than Fang Lin's classmates in high school, and Bai Yunyun was Fang Lin's girlfriend in high school.

Although the three had some grudges, they were all in the past.

After not seeing each other for three years, Fang Lin was very happy to see them again.

Wang Sicheng and Bai Yunyun looked at Fang Lin, both stunned, and then seemed to remember who he was. They looked at each other, and when they looked at Fang Lin again, their faces did not show any joy at meeting old classmates they had not seen for many years.

, on the contrary, they all mean contempt and ridicule.

"Who am I talking about? The one who was shouting and screaming at the entrance of this splendid palace dressed like a migrant worker. It turned out to be Fang Lin!" Wang Sicheng was the first to speak.

"Tsk, Fang Lin, I didn't expect that after so many years, you still look so poor. Fortunately, I was wise enough to kick you."

Bai Yunyun shook her head repeatedly, her eyes full of disdain: "I thought I was so naive before, that I would think that a rural person like you who is better at studying would have a future. Look at what you look like now."

She pointed directly at Fang Lin and pointed at Fang Lin from head to toe: "He is absolutely useless."

Then, as if she had discovered a new world, she shouted in shock: "You are still carrying the backpack from high school!"

She looked at Wang Sicheng and said sarcastically in disbelief: "Ah Cheng, look at him, he is still carrying a shabby schoolbag that was outdated in high school!"

Wang Sicheng shook his head coldly and sneered: "It was your wisest decision to kick him. I told you three years ago that people like this will never make a difference in their lives!"

After Fang Lin said hello, he watched the two men sarcastically mocking him in unison. His expression was dull, but there was a fleeting coldness in his eyes.

In the three years since he joined the army, he has experienced too much life and death, fighting against evil forces abroad, and fighting bloody battles with his people.

This gave him an extremely pure feeling for the Chinese and his former close friends.

He was very happy to meet his former high school classmates here, and he was very happy to greet them. He thought that after not seeing each other for many years, the small grudges and grudges from back then would have long gone with the wind. Even if we would never see each other again, we would at least receive a polite word.

Greetings are never too much, right?

But what he never expected was that these two people would mercilessly ridicule and ridicule him as soon as they met.

"Haha." Fang Lin shook his head and smiled. His laughter was complicated and difficult to understand. He was too lazy to say another word to these two people and walked towards the hotel door.

However, in this society, it is often not the case that you think you can truly achieve by taking a step back!

Then Wang Sicheng pointed at Fang Lin and said to the security guard at the hotel door: "Security, how can a poor person like this enter your hotel? When did your Splendid Palace become able to afford such guests?"

"That's right, don't let people like this in. Not only will they dirty the hotel, they will also affect the mood of other guests!" Bai Yunyun also frowned and agreed.

"Young Master Cheng said yes, Young Master Cheng said yes!"

The security guard obviously knew Wang Sicheng. He bowed to Wang Sicheng with a hint of flattery and agreed.

Then he stretched out his hand to stop Fang Lin and said with a straight face: "This hotel has high-end consumption and distinguished guests. People with disheveled clothes are not allowed to enter!"

On one side was a very capable young man, on the other was a shabby-dressed Fang Lin. The security guard did not weigh too much about the choice.

This chapter has been completed!
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