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Chapter 94 Wong Tai Sin

The weasel is also an excellent game. Some people are shunned by the meat of this animal. But in fact, the meat of the weasel is very delicious, even better than that of cattle and sheep. Only those who have eaten it will understand how delicious this bite is.

Holding the weasel meat in his hand, Fang Lin split open a table, lit a fire and started roasting the meat.

As the delicious taste of the meat gradually overflowed, a sinister voice came from a corner: "Boy, are you deliberately seeking death by eating my compatriots in front of me?"

Fang Lin curled his lips, turned his head and looked over.

I saw a tall rat shadow slowly appearing in the northeast corner of the warehouse.

It was a rat wolf that could stand up, as tall as an adult, and a bit bigger than a kangaroo.

The khaki hair, long ears, sharp mouth, and monkey cheeks, and the long beard fluttered against the wall like six sharp swords under the light.

"They say rats are timid and cautious, but I can't see anything like this." Fang Lin smiled faintly, stood up, and walked towards the weasel.

"Looking for death, I am going to eat you!" The weasel roared sharply and rushed towards Fang Lin!

The two approached quickly, and the weasel opened its mouth and protruded a mouthful of green gas, and quickly threw its mask at Fang Lin. At the same time, its two sharp claws made several afterimages and grabbed Fang Lin's neck!

"Poison gas?" Fang Lin smelled a stench, quickly held his breath, and then grabbed the weasel's front paws, like steel pliers, which shocked the weasel and couldn't shake it off.

"If you dare to eat secretly, I'll beat you to death!" Fang Lin shouted, grabbed the weasel, threw it over his head, and slammed it to the ground!


With a loud bang, a big hole was made in the concrete floor, and the whole warehouse seemed to tremble.

Wang Shaowei and others outside the warehouse looked at each other and wanted to go in to see the situation, but they held back.

The weasel was smashed to pieces in an instant. As soon as he showed his ruthlessness and planned to attack again, Fang Lin picked him up and smashed him to the other side again!


"Exalted Immortal, have mercy on me, Immortal... have mercy on me!" The weasel was completely frightened and lay on the ground begging for mercy.

Fang Lin squatted down with a smile, "Why, Wong Tai Sin, are you not tough anymore?"

Weasel smiled bitterly: "How can I be strong-willed in front of the Immortal? I only hope that the Immortal can spare my life. I have been practicing for decades and have never hurt anyone. I am just greedy and smell the fragrance."

, I just came here once to eat secretly.”

"Yeah." Although he didn't know whether this weasel had never hurt anyone, Fang Lin could feel that it had indeed never killed anyone.

Any goblin that has killed and eaten people will always have some evil aura in it. If it has killed and eaten people, its aura cannot be so weak, and it needs to be seduced out by yourself.

Seeing that Fang Lin seemed to be hesitant and not determined to get rid of him, Weasel rolled his eyes and immediately said: "Shangxian, as long as you are willing to spare my life, I will follow the instructions of the above immortal from now on.

You can look after the home and the courtyard for the Immortal, and protect your family."

Fang Lin had no intention of getting rid of this weasel. After all, it was not easy for him to cultivate and he had never done anything harmful to nature. Hearing what it said, he was immediately moved.

He will inevitably go out often in the future, and there really needs to be such a master who knows some magic in Fenghuang Village to protect him. Otherwise, it will not be safe if someone takes advantage of him to go to the village to find his parents, sister, and others while he is out.

Moreover, the spiritual vegetables in the spiritual field and the medicinal herbs on the Nanshan Mountain are looked at during the day, so I don’t worry about them. But at night, they don’t have to be watched all the time.

With weasels staying in the village, it would be difficult for ordinary people to do anything sneaky and sneaky.

Looking at the weasel lying on the ground like a calf, Fang Lin said: "Your size is too exaggerated. Is there any way to make it smaller?"

"Yes! Yes!" the weasel agreed, shaking his head and turning into the size of a civet cat.

Weasel said: "This is my true body. If the Immortal thinks it is big, I can become smaller."

Fang Lin smiled faintly: "No, that's good. At least I can take you with me and not attract attention."

Just as a hint of joy flashed through Weasel's eyes, Fang Lin said with a half-smile, "Okay, give me some of your life essence. You must at least show your sincerity." xdw8

"This..." Hesitation and reluctance flashed in Weasel's eyes, but when he saw Fang Lin's face turning cold instantly, he was startled and did not dare to hesitate at all, and hurriedly forced out a trace of white aura from Tianling.

There is a faint shadow of the weasel in this breath, which is the essence of the goblin. If Fang Lin inhales this essence into his body, from now on, the life and death of the weasel will be determined by his thoughts.

This is also the reason why the weasel is hesitant to sacrifice its soul to Fang Lin, because this means that it must submit to Fang Lin wholeheartedly from now on and never dare to have second thoughts.

The weasel is good at calculations, so why can't Fang Lin see that it is against its will? Only by getting its natal essence can he truly feel at ease and let it look after his home and courtyard.

Inhaling that white breath into his body, Fang Lin and the weasel immediately developed a wonderful connection.

The twinkling in the weasel's eyes also completely disappeared at this time, and he could only surrender with all his heart.

He lifted the weasel up and walked to the gate, asking Wang Shaowei to open the door.

After leaving the warehouse, everyone was shocked to see Fang Lin holding a weasel in his hand.

Wang Shaowei carefully distanced himself and asked, "Is this it?"

Fang Lin nodded and said, "Let all your employees go back."

After everyone else had left, Fang Lin said: "This is a weasel with only a little bit of wisdom, but you don't have to be afraid. From now on, it will listen to my words. I will take it back to Fenghuang Village."

Wang Shaowei hesitated and said: "Bring it back, don't you destroy all the vegetables and grain in the field?"

"Don't worry, it won't dare." Fang Lin smiled faintly.

Weasel buried his head in Fang Lin's arms, with a wry smile on his face.

"Oh, they are really humane and have expressions." Wang Shaowei looked left and right in surprise for a while, and then discussed the vegetable sales situation with Fang Lin.

The first batch of vegetables brought up yesterday, excluding those eaten by weasels, sold for a total of 430,000.

This is because the crops grown in three-tenths of the fields are not easy to sell and are not sold in the city.

Including these unnecessary losses, Wang Shaowei said excitedly: "If those crops can really be harvested every day, our daily net income should reach 500,000. In one month, we will have an income of 15 million."

, that’s an income of 130 million a year.”

The two had agreed before that they would split the account 28%, but even if they only took 20%, Wang Shaowei would still be able to get 26 million in one year.

This chapter has been completed!
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