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Chapter 967 Immortal

I looked around through my clairvoyant eyes and saw that the compliments were coming from right in front.

Right in front is a small stall, and an old man in his eighties is carefully checking the pulses of the people in line one by one. At a glance, he can tell that he is a wandering doctor.

From the beginning of breaking to the end of square opening, it only takes one minute, which can be described as a miraculous skill.

But what made Fang Lin curious was that in less than two minutes, hundreds of people gathered around the stall, and the originally narrow road was directly divided into two parts by them.

“Brother, where did this miracle doctor come from?

Can the dead really be brought back to life?

Do you want to be so evil?"

Since he couldn't move for the time being, Fang Lin decided to do as the Romans did and curiously asked a man next to him.

"Coming from out of town?"

When he saw that Fang Lin didn't even know about the miracle doctor, the man suddenly said with a look of disgust.

"Yes! Not long after I came to Xingzhou, I happened to have some health problems. I heard that there is a miracle doctor here, so I came here to try my luck."

Fang Lin replied casually.

"Then you have found the right person. Doctor Qu is the most powerful doctor in our town. There is no disease in the world that he cannot cure."

"Yeah...if you had come five minutes earlier! You would have seen the great show just now."

“Really, it’s amazing.

Brother, let me tell you, there was a patient here just now who suddenly foamed at the mouth and almost died."

"Yeah...fortunately, the miracle doctor Qu is here. That technique, in one word, is amazing! A few clicks, a few silver needles, hey, what did you say?


"Shenjin Dr. Qu is very capable! Not only difficult and complicated diseases, but also serious illnesses and severe pains can be cured by his medicine."

"Besides these, Divine Doctor Qu can also tell fortunes and read Feng Shui! If he says you are unlucky, you will definitely be unlucky. He is extremely accurate."

......... There was no need for the man to answer. As soon as he talked about Divine Doctor Qu, everyone became excited instantly, and they danced and talked about the greatness of Divine Doctor Qu.

"It's pretty awesome!"

If all this is true, he is really a master of the world.

However, Fang Lin didn't take it seriously, because he had already seen some clues, so he just smiled casually.

"It's more than amazing! That's simply a god! Let me tell you, there was a young man a few days ago who didn't believe in evil because he read a few bad books.

Qu Shenxian said that he would suffer retribution within one day and would suffer from a serious illness.

Guess what?

I almost died yesterday.

If Lord Qu Shenxian hadn't saved him without remembering the villain's fault, he would have died long ago."

"Yes! It's amazing. My old mother has suffered from rheumatism for decades. She went to dozens of hospitals and took so many medicines that it didn't heal.

Hey, Divine Doctor Qu took a look and found that it’s been less than a week, it’s fine, it’s completely fine.”

"Young man, don't believe in evil. Let me tell you, since Qu Shenxian came, the two hospitals near us have closed down, and no one goes to the hospital for treatment at all."

"That's really our savior! Hey... if Qu Shenxian had a few more apprentices, what kind of hospital would there be in this world?"

“That’s right, once you enter the hospital, the price can range from hundreds to hundreds, and it becomes a bottomless pit when it gets more expensive.

Things are different here at Qu Shenxian, they are basically priced at ordinary people, he is a good person!"

As if talking about their own glorious achievements, when everyone talks about Divine Doctor Qu, their eyebrows are beaming, and their eyes are filled with infinite light.

They are really stupid people. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Even I don't dare to say that he is half as good as this miraculous doctor! He nodded casually as a response, but in fact, Fang Lin was sneering in his heart.

But what made Fang Lin even more speechless was that once those people were opened to talk, it would be like a torrential flood, and they would not be able to survive it at all.

In their examples, Fang Lin briefly summarized it, that is, this Qu Shenxian has saved thousands of people in this small town, and his ability is very miraculous.

"Don't tell me, this medical skill is really as good as yours."

The crowds were getting more and more crowded, and it didn't help that Zhu Ling was anxious, so he had no choice but to follow Fang Lin in his arms and say casually.


Does this little brother also have medical skills?"

Without waiting for Fang Lin to reply, a young man looked at Fang Lindao curiously.

"I'm just a layman, I only know a little bit about it."

Fang Lin didn't want to get involved in anything, so he just responded casually.

"That's great! Qu Shenxian is looking for an apprentice! He said he needs to be handsome and have some basic medical skills. You just fit the bill! Let me tell you, if you can learn even a little bit of Qu Shenxian's skills, you will definitely have a bright future.

It is unlimited.

You don’t know, everyone in our town dreams of becoming Qu Shenxian’s disciples! It’s a pity that people have always disliked us for not meeting his standard of handsomeness. Brother, you can do it! You have to thank your parents for this.

She gave birth to a good skin."

Everyone talks about Qu Shenxian as if he has really become a god, and he is probably even more smiling and respectful than their parents.

Fang Lin felt a little strange. What Chinese craftsmen pay attention to when recruiting apprentices is character and talent.

But this so-called Qu Shenxian doesn't want either of them, he just wants a handsome one.

Let's say he is a woman! That makes sense, after all, a woman likes handsome and nice men.

Could it be that this guy has some kind of Longyang habit?

That’s not possible! I’m already in my eighties or nineties, so if I even think about it, it’s just out of my power.

"No, I have no interest in treating illnesses and saving people."

It's not that someone with some ability can become his master. Fang Lin didn't even think about it and felt that the person named Qu was not worthy.

But he didn't say anything out of his mouth, he just smiled casually.

"Qu Shenxian, I have found a good apprentice for you. You will have a successor."

But it seemed that no one heard Fang Lin's words at all, as the words had already been passed on before.

"Brother, are you okay?

If Qu Shenxian is really capable of taking you as his disciple, then your eighteenth ancestor will accumulate blessings on your behalf.

Don't even think about it, just look at these doctors, they can block the road.

You have to learn! Make sure you have enough food and clothing, and enjoy endless glory and wealth. The key is to leave a good reputation, right?

Even if the arrogant Zhu family comes to invite Qu Shenxian, they have to drive a luxury car and first visit the thatched cottage. Now you should know how noble it is, right?"

Becoming a teacher to the God of Music was something that countless people in this town dreamed of. This guy actually refused without even thinking about it. Everyone around him was shocked and speechless. Only the little brother continued to talk happily.


As soon as the Zhu family was mentioned, Fang Lin became slightly interested in this Qu Shenxian.

The crowd, which was originally packed to the brim, suddenly had Fang Lin as the center point and a passage was drawn from the middle. When I looked up, I found that the Qu Shenxian had not only stood up, but was also looking towards me.

This chapter has been completed!
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