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Chapter 220 In this world, there is white and there is black

Gao Lan raised his head with his hands.

Afraid that he would move randomly, his hands were fixed by the doctor.

Lin Min stood beside the bed and inserted needles into his ears and head.

Then his eyes fell on Gao Zheng's hand.

She said to the doctor next to her, "Can you untie his wrist? I need to put needles in the wrist and hand."

The doctor glanced at the man who was still trembling on the bed, with a confused look on his face.

What if you let go and he loses control and breaks free again?

Lin Min knew their concerns.

In fact, she was quite worried and scared.

Once Gao Zheng loses control, she will be the closest to him. Besides, he has a needle in his head, so the danger can be imagined.

Lin Min's little heart trembled, and she had the courage to give Gao Zheng some psychological support, "Comrade Gao, just hold on, I believe you can do it. Jingchuan often told me that you are his

I am a very respected leader. He also told me many stories about you. We all believe that you are as strong as your name suggests. You will definitely be able to withstand this little pain."

Lin Min stood in front of him with a sincere expression. Her eyes seemed to have the power to calm people's hearts, causing the person on the bed to gradually calm down as if by some strange mistake.

The doctor untied his hands, but pressed his legs to prevent him from moving.

Lin Min injected needles into his wrists and the backs of his hands.

Then he signaled Gao Lan to talk to Gao Zheng to divert his attention.

Gao Lan was not a talkative person, on the contrary, she was very cold and kept repeating a few words to Gao Zheng to keep him going.

Lin Min was not familiar with them and didn't know what to say. She sat next to Gao Zheng and had an injection in a few minutes.

The atmosphere in the ward was very solemn, and everyone was nervous and scared.

He was afraid that Gao Zheng wouldn't be able to hold on, would suddenly break away, and suddenly go crazy.

Hurt others and hurt yourself.

Finally, after nearly half an hour of acupuncture, the man on the bed gradually became quiet.

The trembling all over my body is no longer so severe.

Everyone present finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Min began to pull out the needle.

When she finished inserting the needle, Gao Zheng became completely quiet and slowly closed his eyes.

The drug addiction broke out, and his body was greatly depleted. After a while, although Gao Zheng fell asleep, he slept very unsteadily, and there were still beads of sweat on his forehead.

Gao Lan sat aside and wiped his sweat.

Lin Min was also very tired. Coupled with fear, she felt that her heartbeat was speeding up and the wound on her forehead ached faintly.

She couldn't hold on any longer and was eager to leave this oppressive and frightening environment.

Lin Min said goodbye to Gao Lan, "Doctor Gao, I'm going back first. If you need anything, you can call me."

Gao Lan looked tired, stood up, looked at Lin Min, and said with gratitude, "Okay, Xiao Lin, thank you for your hard work."

The two doctors at the detoxification center expressed surprise when they saw Gao Zheng sleeping without taking a sedative.

In the past two years, there have been reports of successful cases of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in detoxification, but they have never seen them with their own eyes.

When I saw it today, it was really magical.

When Lin Min returned to the ward, Gu Jingchuan was sitting by the bed rubbing his legs.

Hearing the movement at the door, he immediately stopped what he was doing and raised his eyes to look at the door.

Seeing Lin Min coming back, his heart instantly felt at ease.

He asked with a worried look, "How are you? Are you okay?"

Lin Min walked in, "He has fallen asleep."

Gu Jingchuan stood up, took the medical bag from her shoulder, then placed it on the bed, looked at her forehead, and asked with concern, "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt at all, it's just a little skin injury." Lin Min sat down on the bed tiredly and exhaled, "I was just scared."


Gu Jingchuan poured a glass of water for her and brought it over, "Drink some water to calm down the shock."

Lin Min took the water glass and took a sip. Her mouth was not so dry, and her throat felt better when she spoke.

She couldn't help but sigh, "Comrade Gao has really suffered. He saved his life, but now he has to suffer such torture."

Thinking of the scene just now, it still made her heart beat with fear.

It's really terrible.

"Drugs are the public enemy of mankind. Because of that kind of thing, how many people have lost their lives, how many beautiful and happy families have been destroyed, and how many people have lost their conscience and destroyed people.

Sex bastard.”

When Gu Jingchuan mentioned those drug dealers, he gritted his teeth and looked furious. It was precisely because he hated drug dealers that he volunteered to be an undercover agent and fight against criminals.

Although both he and Gao Zheng were injured, fortunately, the gang was finally wiped out.

But the price they paid was also painful.

Lin Min sighed, "That's how the world is, where there's white there's black."

Gu Jingchuan's own body was fine, and Gao Zheng's condition was so critical. Gu Jingchuan felt heavy. He looked at Lin Min and placed his hope on Lin Min again, "Little

Min, Lao Gao's condition is so serious, is there any way you can relieve his pain as soon as possible? It feels really uncomfortable for us to stay with him like that."

He believed that Lin Min could cure him and there must be a way to cure Gao Zheng.

"There is no panacea in this world. Whether it is the doctors in drug rehabilitation centers or our Chinese medicine practitioners, they only play a supporting role. You know, for drug addicts, psychologically,

Sometimes dependence is greater than physical dependence. Comrade Gao was framed again and had multiple overdoses of drugs in his body. It would be great if he could save his life. He could only treat it slowly. In addition, he himself had to

You have to have strong willpower to overcome it.”

The soup and medicine prescription Lin Min gave Gao Lan was mainly for illicit drugs. Those medicines were the painstaking research of her and her master in her previous life. They were mainly for drugs like illicit drugs.

As long as you persist for a course of treatment, the effects will appear.

However, Gao Zheng also had other toxins on his body, which gave her a headache.

At the moment, we can only discuss with the comrades in the drug rehabilitation center and Gao Lan to formulate a method suitable for Gao Zheng.

In addition, as long as Gao Zheng recovers from his trauma and his body can resist, his willpower will become stronger.

I believe I can survive it.

He is a soldier, so as long as he resists, there is little chance of relapse.

After all, he was passively injected and did not take the drug voluntarily.

Lin Min had been struggling all afternoon and hadn't eaten until this point. She noticed that Gu Jingchuan had been rubbing his legs.

She sat next to him and reached out to touch his leg, "What's wrong? Your legs don't feel right?"

Gu Jingchuan didn't want her to worry, so he shook his head, "It's okay."

Just now, he was standing in the corridor waiting for Lin Min, but his legs became more and more painful and he couldn't stand at all, so he had to go back to the ward first.

"Let me take a look." Lin Min is a doctor, and Gu Jingchuan's actions cannot be hidden from her.

She knelt down and rolled up his trousers.

I saw a big bruise on his knee and his leg was a little swollen.

Lin Min's heart ached and she touched the affected area, "Did you fall?"

Gu Jingchuan didn't take it seriously and went to pull off his pants, "It's okay. You were thrown away by Lao Gao at that moment. When I squatted, I pulled it."

This chapter has been completed!
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