Du Da took out the cigarettes at this time and ordered Wang Qunshu. He and the political commissar ordered one, and then asked the camerar to open a little sewing the window of the car.
"If you are so young, you should be the director. You should have a good family, but I advise you to go back as soon as possible. As long as you are not true, my family may be safer."
Wang Qunsu smoked a few cigarettes and said.
"This cigarette has not been addicted, and those things are also used by them. At the beginning, I gave me the high purity, so twice, I am addicted, how powerful you say!
Can you get that high -purity drug, do you think you can fight them? "
Du Da finished with a few sips of cigarettes, handed the cigarette butt to the camera, and fanned with his hand.
"Wang Qunshu, I have no family life. My parents are doing business. I have to talk about money. I want to talk about power. Let me say that, I know that I know my ancestors' eighteenth generation.
Dang Guan. Do you know why I can be the director? I proudly tell you here, do a part of the case, the leader appreciates part, there is a part of my heart! "
"Then you can do it! At least you can do something for our people."
Wang Qunsu also handed the cigarette butt to the camerar, and the camerar took it out and threw it out.
"Master Director, want to know who the gold mine is cooperating with me. This is only you checked it yourself. This is the truth. The person who dealt with me is all Xiao Yan.
If you come, there are no license plates. People who come are wearing hats and masks, camouflage clothes, black leather boots. "
"I have seen the one who leads the leader once, or because he is spitting, it is very ordinary. You let me say that there is any characteristic. But it can be seen that the spirit is very good.
And they are all trained. As for my guns, there is no way. They take my gold too much. I am going to rob them. They are all pistols.
It is impossible, those people guarantee that there is no one left! "
"I asked my father to change the rifles sent to our villagers X. I got some tattered stuff from other places, grind the original gun number, and send it to the gun number of those guns.
Looking back at the city or the people in the city of Yantao, the head of the martial arts department of Yantao is a little bit, and it is destroyed smoothly. The main guns are still too small now. Every time they come to nearly 20 people, I don’t have that in my hand.
People who dare to desperate, even if I dare to desperate, I am a person who is not very good. I can only wait for the opportunity. I did not expect that I did not wait for me to get them. As a result, I will give you this director. "
"But you are very courageous! Using so many police forces, it is much stronger than the public security director in front. The guy just wanted to do something, but what else can you do in your heart?
It can only be a little trouble on the tiger -headed snake tail, grab some small dumplings on the corners, and grab some of the people who are quarreling.
"Wang Qunsu, say the point, don't entangle these issues, you have not found the group of people who cooperate with you to develop gold mines at all?"
After Du Da finished speaking, he stared at Wang Qunshu.
"Director, do you think me and you are joking? But you remind me that there is a eagle engraved on their wrists, a eagle flying with wings, at least I have seen it a few times.
, But for the last time, I found that the eagle was gone, do you say they would be intentional? "
After Wang Qunsu's words, Du Da can really be vigilant. Ωw..net
Because in Shen Chunmei's mouth, the eagle on the wrist also mentioned.
But now Wang Qunsu said that the last time he saw was different from before, the eagle was gone.
Then it shows that these people's anti -investigation experience is very rich. It may really be the person who is deliberately misleading. So as long as the clue is leaked, the police will waste a lot of time and energy on this clue.
"There is still a place, I don’t know if it is a clue. I will talk to you anyway. Since you all say that some of your directors have broken the case, you can judge yourself!"
Du Da nodded listening.
"Every time these people come to get gold, they will never choose on a rainy day. Every time they leave, two brooms will be tied behind the car, which will eliminate the cars of their cars
Just under the car of their last car, a piece of wet mud was stuffed under the car. That was no way to take away the broom, but after they left, I saw that it was not the difference between it and ordinary tires for a long time.
Photos, you can find it after searching at my house, you should be installed in a certain envelope. "
"Another thing I think is worth noting, but I personally think that you are credible or unbelievable you!"
Du Da was ready to nod at this time, and the call of Dou's political commissar suddenly rang. Dou's political commissar saw it and said at Du Da.