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Chapter 102 Miao Ziqiang is forced, arresting people on rainy days

Recently, Su Caijuan and Miao Chunfeng have been waiting impatiently.

Miao Ziqiang has been strong for so long, but he still hasn't taken action against Su Ming and arrested Su Xue.

If this continues, Su Ming's money will be spent.

For this reason, Miao Chunfeng went to Miao Ziqiang many times, hoping that he could take action as soon as possible.

However, what they don't know is.

Miao Ziqiang's only joy in life now is watching Su Ming and his daughter talking, laughing, and playing around at the school gate every evening.

He felt very enjoying it, as if he was experiencing the warmth of family.

He was even thinking that it would be great if he had a daughter, a daughter like Su Xue.

That night, Miao Chunfeng finally couldn't wait any longer.

She took advantage of the darkness and came to Miao Ziqiang's house again.

"Nephew, what are you doing? Haven't you had a chance to take action after so long?" Miao Chunfeng asked in confusion.

She couldn't understand why Miao Ziqiang hesitated when she had the free money in front of her.

Miao Ziqiang hated this aunt who pushed him, and said impatiently: "I'm looking for a suitable opportunity. I can't just make random moves. Not only will I not be able to get the money, but I will also have to help!"

"Stop talking nonsense to me. I've been watching you for many days in the past few days. You just went there alone and didn't even call your little brother. So forget it. Why are you still looking at me? Are you trying to curry favor with Su?


"This doesn't look like you anymore. Weren't you very decisive before? You can hit people if you want, and do whatever you want. Why are you like this now?"

Miao Chunfeng snarled unforgivingly.

Miao Ziqiang was scolded and questioned all the time.

"Hey, hey, hey, I know, I will take action depending on the situation!" Miao Ziqiang said impatiently.

Pushed Miao Chunfeng out of the door.

But this night, he tossed and turned without falling asleep.

Indeed, this is not him, but this is the real him.


In the middle of the night, there was a sigh.


In Dayuan Village, Jiang Yi's new house is in full swing, and the land has been plowed. Tian Xiangdi came here a few days ago, and the plastic sheds, glass sheds, and some heaters that will be built are placed with Su

Ming said it.

So soon, one white square box after another appeared in the fields of Dayuan Village.

The villagers looked strange and came every day to join in the fun.

He curiously asked Su Ming: "Xiao Ming, you can't build a fake house like this. How can you get compensation? Look at the fake house built by Sun Jinhua and the others. Only that one can get compensation."

Indeed, recently Sun Jinhua and several other villagers quickly built fake houses in their own fields.

With Su Ming's experience last time.

They are also built to be tall and big, but of course they are not strong.

In just a few days, they have already begun to reach the limit.

Sun Jinhua's house and Su Ming's house formed a sharp contrast.

This caused the villagers to feel that Su Ming was not worth it.

Sun Jinhua was also very proud of it, not to mention how excited she was when she looked at her fake house.

He brags to everyone that he is going to make a fortune.

The first few times, Su Ming would tell the villagers that there would be no demolition here and no fake houses would be built.

Later, seeing that they all looked convinced, he didn't want to say anything anymore. Time will verify everything.

Love God Live Broadcast 48851987. These people are so greedy for profit that they will suffer a lot from their houses in the future.

After Su Ming built each greenhouse, he eagerly obtained the first batch of specially cultivated seeds or seedlings from Li Shilin.

Li Shilin was very concerned about Su Ming's affairs. Su Ming guessed that it was probably because of the dignity of the ancient inkstone.

Li Shilin, who rarely travels on business, actually came to Su Ming's off-season vegetable base for two consecutive days to provide personal guidance.

This made Tian Xiangdi express his shock in front of Su Ming more than once.

Ding Anping followed Tian Xiangdi very smartly and kept asking questions about this and that, learning some knowledge that he didn't know.

Zhu Qingyong has recently gone out to collect wild goods every few days. As the son of the village chief, he has more prestige, so Zhu Qingyong is in charge of all the farmers in the village that Su Ming calls to help.

When everything was prosperous, only Liu Xiong seemed to be relatively leisurely.

Because Su Ming basically doesn't have to run to the county town every day these days.

But Liu Xiong still insisted on taking the bus back and forth every day to come to Su Ming to help.

On this day, the weather was a bit hot in the afternoon.

It's almost mid-November, and it's so hot that everyone is shirtless, pointing at the sky and cursing.

In the evening, there was an unusual roar.

A bolt of thunder and lightning flashed down from the sky.

Originally, as the weather got colder, nights came earlier and earlier. But as soon as this unusual thunderstorm came, it was already as dark as seven or eight o'clock at around four o'clock.

Su Ming looked at the time and drove to Dayuan Elementary School early in the rain.

The weather is quite bad and everyone is worried about their children.

So today, at the gate of Dayuan Primary School, there were many parents, or grandparents, who came to pick up their children. Each of them held a flashlight, and the little flashlights shone in the dark evening, trying to drive away

This is unusually dark.

Su Ming directly picked up Su Xue at the door of Su Xue's classroom holding an umbrella to prevent Su Xue from coming out in the rain.

Just when the father and daughter were on their way home.

The car can't move.

The roads in Dayuan Village are very poor, and due to heavy rain, the roads are covered with water, and it is impossible to know the depth of water in many places.

Normally, Su Ming could easily avoid these so-called landmines.

But today.

"Bang bang!"

Two loud noises were heard.

The front two wheels were suddenly stuck in a deep pit, and the sharp rocks in the pit instantly punctured the tires.

The huge hole caused the two tires to bubble in the water, and then they both quickly deflated.

In this case, the stone cannot be opened, otherwise it will damage the wheel hub.

Of course, there is no way to drive it, not even to climb out of this pit.

Su Ming got out of the car and took a look. He also had some doubts in his heart. Usually, there were no such big pits in this place. Could it be that the soil was washed away by the flood, so the pit became bigger?

Shaking his head helplessly, he planned to take Su Xue back on foot first, and then come back to study how to repair the car.

However, when Su Ming just took Su Xue out of the passenger seat.

Suddenly, a low shout came from the bushes on the side.

"Quick, let's go and tie up that child!"

Eros live broadcast 48851987.

This chapter has been completed!
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