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Chapter 126 Su Ming goes downstairs with Lin Tongtong on his back

After discussing with Zheng Yuanjun, Li Chengping decided not to thank Su Ming tonight.

It's so late, people may be asleep.

Let’s go and thank Su Ming in person tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Su Ming received calls from Zheng Yuanjun and Li Chengping.

They all wanted to invite Su Ming to sit outside together and treat him to a meal.

Su Ming refused.

He basically doesn't eat out now and wants to stay with Amelia Su.

Su Ming didn't even take their words of gratitude to heart.

After all, the two of them also gave themselves some corresponding conveniences in business.

Su Ming's rejection not only did not make the two of them feel disappointed or awkward, but his attitude towards Su Ming that they took these things for granted made them feel that Su Ming was an expert even more.

However, Su Ming didn't care about these things.

He is currently busy with his new business.

That is to prepare ginger milk for Lin Tongtong.

To talk about what is going on, we have to start with Su Xue.

Su Xue got up this morning while Su Ming was cooking breakfast outside.

Secretly took Su Ming's cell phone and called Lin Tongtong.

Because today she had to apply the cream given by Lin Tongtong and go to school.

Su Xue was very happy smelling the fragrance emanating from her face.

She felt that this was a very happy and thankful thing, and she must share it with Lin Tongtong.

But after calling Lin Tongtong, I heard Lin Tongtong's feeble voice over there.

The shrewd Su Xue immediately guessed that Lin Tongtong must have a stomachache again.


Su Ming, who has a "good!" daughter, not only prepared breakfast for Su Xue, but also used ingredients at home to make ginger milk and brown sugar and red date tea.

However, Su Ming's attitude towards Lin Tongtong is obviously much more relaxed now than before.

Maybe it’s because I’m making more and more money now. As a man, the strength of his waist is closely related to the bulging degree of his wallet.

After Su Ming sent Su Xue to school, he carried a thermos cup and a lunch box to Lin Tongtong's community.

Lin Tongtong opened the door with a pale face again.

Su Ming quickly put the things in his hands aside.

Help Lin Tongtong in.

Seeing Lin Tongtong in such miserable condition that she was sweating profusely from pain, Su Ming also felt a little distressed in his heart.

He immediately got a hot water bottle for Lin Tongtong and put it on her belly.

He opened the thermos cup again and let Lin Tongtong drink brown sugar and red date soup.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Tongtong felt slightly better.

"Su Ming, can you take me to school? I can't drive anymore." Lin Tongtong said shyly.

She really didn't want to trouble Su Ming, but her current situation didn't allow her to continue going to school.

It hurts for a while and I feel faint on the way, which is not good.

"You're like this, you still want to go to work?" Su Ming was a little surprised: "You're like this, you can't even stand up, you still want to go to work? Please take a leave."

"No!" Lin Tongtong refused immediately.

"I can't be unemployed now. If I take a leave of absence, I will need to spend several times the time to make up for this day's classes."

Lin Tongtong told Su Ming about her difficulties.

It turns out that as teachers, they are not allowed to take leave at will.

After all, schools are usually a mess. If a teacher asks for leave, other teachers will be needed to cover the shift.

Therefore, their teachers would rather be in poor health and sit in the classroom to study for their classmates than ask for leave at will.

"This job is too painful for you. You can work with me from now on." Su Ming blurted out.

He always thought that a teacher's job was very easy. He had to commute to and from get off work at a certain time every day, and there were winter and summer vacations, so he shouldn't be too comfortable.

I didn't expect the real situation to be so miserable.

It's really better to do business with yourself.

"No, I can do it. I'll be fine as long as I survive this period of time." Lin Tongtong shook her head, bit her lip and stood up from the sofa.

"How come your girl's family is so short of money? How much money do you need? I'll help you get it together." Su Ming asked curiously.

He felt that Lin Tongtong was not very lavish some time ago, and she basically didn't seem to be short of money.

Why are we so short of money now?

"Hey, don't worry so much, just send me there." Lin Tongtong didn't want to push too much on this issue.

Su Ming couldn't defeat Lin Tongtong.

I had no choice but to agree to her.

After tidying up everything that needs to be done at home.

Su Ming helped Lin Tongtong out of the door.

When we got to the stairs, something went wrong.

Lin Tongtong did not dare to move violently at all.

"Well, how about I carry you down?" Su Ming looked at Lin Tongtong who was sweating every time he went down the stairs.

After much hesitation, he finally asked.

In this era, most communities still don’t have elevators.

Dongzhou Community is also considered a relatively good community in Qinghe County.

But there are only six floors in total, so installing an elevator is a bit redundant.

You may not feel anything when there is no elevator, but at this time, you will feel that the sixth floor is so high.


Lin Tongtong was not pretentious because her first class time was coming soon.

In addition, it is really difficult to walk on your own.

Su Ming also happens to be the person he likes, so of course he won't refuse.

So Su Ming asked Lin Tongtong to stand on the step higher than him and turn around.

He patted himself on the shoulder: "Come on, come up."

Immediately, a warm body pressed against Su Ming's body.

Lin Tongtong's figure is tall and well-proportioned, and there is no ambiguity at all where flesh should be.

Su Ming clearly felt that something different was pressing on his back.

This strange feeling of warmth almost made Su Ming stagger.

"Well, hold me tight, I'm afraid you'll slip down later."

Su Ming took a deep breath and said to Lin Tongtong.

So two tender jade arms wrapped around Su Ming's chest.

The moment Su Ming's hands moved back to support Lin Tongtong's thighs.

He felt Lin Tongtong's body trembling violently.

In this way, Su Ming smelled the fragrance of Lin Tongtong's body, felt the warmth coming from his back and hands, and suppressed his own thoughts.

But he didn't notice.

The door of the house next door to Lin Tongtong is ajar.

When they went downstairs, the sound of people decorating the house could be heard coming from the house.

This chapter has been completed!
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