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Chapter 162 Semi-direct franchise

Xia Xiang stepped forward and opened the door.

Immediately, Hu Kaidi, Li Chengping and Zheng Yuanjun walked in from outside.

Outside the door, many people in the village were extremely curious when they saw Hu Kaidi's BMW.

These days, nowhere in the village have I seen such a luxurious car.

Everyone gathered around the door of Su Ming's house.

"Su Xinhai is so lucky now. Last time it was a Mercedes-Benz, and now it's a BMW. They are all good cars!"

"That's not because Su Ming is so powerful. Look at us now, because of Su Ming, our village will become the richest village in Guashan Town!"

"That's right, I can make dozens of dollars a day now!"

Now they are facing Su Ming and Su Xinhai's family.

Apart from awe and gratitude, I can no longer feel any jealousy.

inside the house.

Hu Kaidi and others politely placed some of the fruits and gifts they had in the living room.

"Oh my god, this fragrance comes from inside you. I'm still thinking that there are hidden masters in this rural area who can cook delicious food."

Hu Kaidi laughed loudly.

Li Chengping also joked: "Just now Hu Kaidi was talking about recruiting this chef into his hotel, but now it seems that he can't afford to recruit this chef!"

"Let's all sit down and eat together." Su Xinhai pulled away a few stools and asked them to sit down together.

Xia Xiang left first with sharp eyes.

The table can seat exactly six people.

Su Ming gave each of the three of them a piece of roasted pork belly.

Stir in the sauce seasoning powder.


The three of them exclaimed: "It's so delicious!"

Several large bowls of various meats were divided up immediately by several people.


Hu Kaidi burped deeply.

Looking at Su Xue's somewhat depressed expression, she asked: "Little niece, what are you doing? Your brows are furrowed like this!"

Su Xue stuck out her tongue and licked her dry lips: "I, I want to grow up quickly so that I can eat more barbecue!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed after hearing this.

"But to be honest, Su Ming, if you have such a level, why don't you consider opening a restaurant? We will definitely come to support you." Zheng Yuanjun scratched his head and said.

Su Ming shook his head.

"Hey, it's a pity that such a delicacy can no longer be spread around the world."

Li Chengping looked at the empty bowls with unfinished content and said with some regret.

Su Ming smiled slightly: "I won't open a store, but you can open one."


Upon hearing what Su Ming said, everyone became interested for a moment.

What's the meaning?

Three pairs of eyes stared straight at Su Ming.

"I don't want to open a store, but I want to open a brand management company. When the time comes, I will hand over the brand and recipe of this barbecue to the company. Then I will open a semi-direct franchise to the outside world."

Su Ming said slowly.

"What is semi-direct franchise?"

Hu Kaidi was immediately interested.

What if Su Ming suddenly stopped talking at this time?

You can definitely force Hu Kaidi to death.

"Semi-direct franchise means I only open half of the franchise to the outside world. For example, someone in our Qinghe County wants to open this barbecue restaurant."

"Come to me and want to join. Then I will provide the people and materials, and the people who join will provide the funds. I will get 51% of the store's shares, and the people who join will get 49%."

After Su Ming finished speaking, he quietly waited for the three people to digest it slowly.

Because of this relationship, it must be difficult for the three of them to accept it.

The reason why Su Ming proposed this semi-direct franchise was to allow him to open Rouzhijia BBQ restaurants all over the country as quickly as possible.

Just imagine if thousands of stores were erected at once.

The funds required would be terrifying.

Assuming that there are 1,000 stores and the cost of opening a store is 300,000, then a full 300 million is needed.

Although Su Ming can quickly earn the 300 million goal through his knowledge of future generations.

However, after all, he does not only have one project, but only one industry to deploy.

Now he must use every penny wisely.

"Su Ming, I'm not telling you that your appearance is a bit ugly. Others invest in you. The main store is still yours. You have the final say."

Hu Kaidi spoke quickly and frowned.

"Yes, I invest in technology and services, and the franchisees invest in capital, but I guarantee that those who join will not lose money!" Su Ming said confidently.

"What the hell, Su Ming, is that what you promise?" As soon as Li Chengping finished speaking, he saw the mysterious smile on Su Ming's face.

Immediately I thought of the Xingxiao spandex incident that happened not long ago.

"I believe it."

Li Chengping suddenly changed his mind and said: "Su Ming, if you want to join, I will be the first to join!"

"And me!"

"And me!"

Hu Kaidi and Zheng Yuanjun refused to punish and made concessions.

Everyone immediately stood up and said.

"Okay." Su Ming smiled. He was not surprised that these people chose to believe in him so firmly.

After experiencing so many things before, they still don't know their own energy.

Then these people are too stupid.

Su Ming, when will you start doing this?

Hu Kaidi rubbed his hands excitedly.

I can't hold back my little emotions anymore.

He knew with his butt that this must be another profitable business.

Produced by Su Ming, it must be a high-quality product.

"No rush, I need to make some preparations." Su Ming stood up and put away the dishes.

Indeed, now that the recipe is available, the first few funding sources are enough.

The remaining problem is people.

But people are not so easy to solve.

He still has to wait for an opportunity to acquire a person, or should I say, a team.

And it just so happened that this person was in Jiangzhou.

Seeing Su Ming get up to clean up.

Everyone quickly stood up and said goodbye.

Before Hu Kaidi left, he specifically grabbed Su Ming:

"Su Ming, I came with a mission today."

"Huh? What's wrong?" Su Ming asked curiously.

Looking at Hu Kaidi, he seemed to be working on some intelligence.

"Hey, my dad asked me to invite you over for dinner. He said he wanted to chat with you."

Hu Kaidi was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he felt that his father should not interfere in the affairs between young people like them.

But Hu Boshan had given him countless orders, and it was hard for him to refuse.

I had no choice but to drag Li Chengping and Zheng Yuanjun along.

"Su Ming, actually I think you can meet his father Hu Boshan. He was once considered a hero. He was extremely famous in Jiangzhou and even in several nearby cities. He was known as the Desperate Saburo."

"Now that I am older, I have kept a lower profile, so maybe you haven't heard of it."

Li Chengping said helpfully from the side.

"Wait a minute, what's your father's name? Hu Boshan?"

Suddenly Su Ming stopped.

I was originally going to take the bowl to the sink, but I suddenly took another step back.

"Yes, my father's name is Hu Boshan." Hu Kaidi didn't know why, but Su Ming's words made him feel a little panicked.

But the next second, Su Ming looked at Hu Kaidi, which made him even more chilly.

This chapter has been completed!
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