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Chapter 173 Are girls demanding?

"Hey, Mr. Nan, I've told him here, but he still doesn't want to let my daughter pass."

Su Ming explained the situation truthfully.

"Okay, I understand, I'll tell my son."

Nan Huaili responded on the other end of the phone in a very simple and quick manner and hung up the phone.

Lou Jiande on the side listened to Su Ming's words.

Somewhat confused.

Could it be that Su Ming really had a relationship with someone in the Education Bureau?

He quickly ran through the names of the leaders of the County Education Bureau in his mind.

After confirming that no one named Nan.

Went through it again.

Still not.

Now, Lou Jiande felt relieved.

Su Ming must be pretending.

Su Ming originally planned to leave after Nan Lao's son personally resolved the problem.

But Nan Lao's phone call just hung up.

Su Ming's phone rang again.

At first glance, it turned out to be his father, Su Xinhai.

Su Xinhai rarely called himself. Why did he call himself today?

There is always some uneasiness in my heart.

So he picked up Su Xue's information and left first.

"Hey, dad, what's wrong?"

Su Ming got into the car and answered the phone.

"Xiao Ming, where are you now? Why don't you come back? Something seems to have happened to Ding Anping."

Su Xinhai said anxiously.

Something happened to Ding Anping? Su Ming was stunned.

After all, Ding Anping is taking care of his out-of-season vegetables now.

Along the way, Ding Anping’s contribution is not insignificant.

How could anything happen to this boring man?

"What exactly happened?" Su Ming asked, "It will take at least a long time for me to come home."

As he asked, he inserted the car key into the keyhole and started the car.

"Hey." Su Xinhai sighed: "We'd better talk about it when you come back. I feel like this kid has been hit hard this time."

After Su Xinhai finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Not for anything else, because he thinks it costs money to make phone calls and save some money on phone bills.

Su Ming, who was left alone, looked at the time of 1:01 and was a little speechless.

It was so hard to hang up, but it just took one more second to hang up.

Don’t you know if one extra second is charged as two minutes...

Su Ming couldn't help but started the car and rushed towards Dayuan Village.

Ding Anping can't get into trouble now. After all, Su Ming can't ignore the profits from off-season vegetables.

Even in his previous life, Su Ming had such a huge business territory, but he still had to stick to out-of-season vegetables. After all, eating them was something no one could spare, and it was also the most stable business.

The two people he placed on the seasonal vegetables were Ding Anping and Zhu Qingyong.

They are all my current go-getters.

If you want to continue to open up new off-season vegetable bases in the future, let one of them go to expand the territory, and the other person stays to maintain the operation of vegetables.

Although Wang Wenwen is here now, Wang Wenwen is not proficient in some farming knowledge and can only be used to send and receive records.

After he galloped home.

Finding no one at home, he rushed to his new home.

Su Xinhai is in the new house, instructing them to decorate it.

Seeing Su Ming coming, he took off his clothes that were stained with a lot of white paint and came out: "Xiao Ming, are you back?"


"What's going on?"

Su Ming looked around the off-season vegetable base and didn't see Ding Anping.

"I clearly remember that Ding Anping was normal some time ago. Why did something happen today?"

In the past two days, Su Ming has been traveling to the county and city. Indeed, he has not been here for a long time. Anyway, it would be good if he had money coming in every day, and Su Ming would not suspect that they were cheating.

Ding Anping can't do it, and Xia Xiang can't do it even more.

"Ding Anping talked about a girl a few days ago. It seems that the girl's conditions are not bad, so the requirements are a bit high. Ding Anping doesn't want it anymore, but Ge Meihua refuses and is making a fuss."

"Ding Anping has been in a bad state lately. Today he even knocked over several boxes of vegetables."

Su Xinhai didn't complain. Now he doesn't dislike Ding Anping as much as he did at the beginning.

Because Su Ming is really too busy, Ding Anping is a kid who is willing to do the work and has great strength. He usually moves vegetables up and down, and when he is free, he will come to the new house to help.

Very real.

He said this because he hoped Su Ming would care about his subordinates.

When he was working outside, his foremen would ask them from time to time if they wanted to eat and if they needed anything.

"Okay, I understand, I'll go to his house."

Su Ming turned around and arrived at Ding Anping's home.

At this time, there were noisy sounds coming from inside.

Apparently a family of three were quarreling.

"Anping, such a girl is very good. I finally found a matchmaker to introduce you to a girl in the city. Why don't you know how to cherish her?"

Ge Meihua yelled inside anxiously.

Ding Anping retorted: "She is a nice person, but who are her family members? The bride price is 88,000 yuan? And a car? I have to go to the county to buy a house. Do we have it?"

As soon as Ding Anping's voice fell, Ding Tian retorted: "What's the matter? I am an educated person. I am a college student. You are lucky to be attracted to you. Now there are several native children in our village.

Wancai gift, let alone a city girl."

"That's right, who doesn't borrow money when they get married now? Let's pay it back slowly in the future." Ge Meihua helped.

Obviously, Ding Anping was fighting one against two in this matter.

"Borrow? Don't you have to pay back the borrowed money? Our family has just gotten a little better, so why are we spending all the money like this? Why don't you renovate the house at home so that you can live more comfortably."

Ding Anping refused.

Su Ming smiled outside, "Ding Anping was very filial in his previous life, and he will still be very filial in this life."

When you have money, think about your parents first.

After roughly understanding the situation.

Su Ming shouted from outside the door: "Anping, open the door for me."

The noisy sounds inside immediately stopped.

Then I remembered the sound of someone running out to open the door, and the sound of someone dragging tables and stools inside.

"Brother Su, why are you here?"

When Ding Anping saw Su Ming, he quickly opened the door wide.

Entered the house.

Su Ming looked at Ding Anping and said with a smile: "What, are you ready to talk to someone?"

In rural areas, people usually go on a blind date early and then get in touch first.

When the time comes, get engaged or get married.

Generally, when a boy is around 22 years old, a good partner must have been found for him.

Ding Anping lowered his head in embarrassment.

Ge Meihua explained with a smile: "Well, my parents introduced a nice girl to Anping. Thanks to you, Su Ming, many people want to go on blind dates with Anping now."

Ding Tian also served tea to Su Ming and agreed repeatedly.

"Anping, do you like that girl?" Su Ming looked at Ding Anping and asked.

"I like him, but he has high demands." Ding Anping scratched the back of his head.

"Is the girl more demanding, or is her family more demanding?" Su Ming asked again.

This chapter has been completed!
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