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Chapter 22: Speak up for a good squad leader

Su Caijuan's grandson He Yuan learned from his grandmother that the tuition fee paid by Su Xue's father Su Ming yesterday was money borrowed from a casino at a high interest rate.

Therefore, when he was in school today, as soon as get out of class was over, he spread bad words about Su Xue to his classmates, making this incident known to everyone in the class.

For a time, all the little sisters and buddies in the class were talking about Su Xue.

"Do you think Su Xue will be sold to the casino by her father? From now on, she will clean the toilets for them in the casino."

"What? He might be sold to someone else's family to be a child. I have an older brother. They couldn't give birth to a child, so they brought one back from outside. I guess Su Xue's father must have sold Su Xue to someone else's family."

"That's right when you say that. Su Xue is so pitiful. How could she be sold to others like a pig by her own father? My mother would have been the first to refuse!"

"Then they are short of money. There is only one way to get money. Su Xue's father is not a human being!"

Things always get more and more weird as they are spread, and everyone adds a little more salt, soy, vinegar, etc. when they spread it. In the end, they don’t even know what they are spreading.

The lunch at Dayuan Primary School is brought by the students themselves. Each student brings his own lunch box with vegetables and rice. When he comes to school, he puts it in the steam oven in the school, and a special aunt will come to prepare the meal.


At noon, the students took their lunch boxes from the aunt's hands and took them to their seats to eat.

Many students' lunch boxes were packed by their parents when they got up in the morning. So now when it's time to eat, it's like opening a blind box to see what's inside.

He Yuan is the first in their class and is basically the top student in the class every time he takes an exam. Teacher Li praised him more than once that he will definitely be admitted to a key high school and a key university in the future.

So when eating lunch, everyone likes to gather around him.

The dish Su Caijuan prepared for He Yuan today was a large piece of bacon with an egg.

As soon as he opened his lunch box, the aroma rushed out instantly, and the students' mouths began to salivate unconsciously.

"He Yuan, you eat really well, I envy you so much." A classmate looked at it with gleaming eyes, holding his own rice box, picking up his own stir-fried vegetables, and a few chicken racks that were basically bones.

The shiny marinated meat in He Yuan's bowl.

"Yes, He Yuan can drink milk and eat meat every meal. He is so rich."

Although in the village, basically every household works hard and can earn 40-50 yuan a day. But they will not spend 5 yuan to buy a pound of pork every day. The villagers of Dayuan Village

I understand a truth well and know that money is saved.

If you want to save money to build a house, buy a motorcycle, buy a TV, marry a wife, and save some money to prevent major disasters or minor illnesses, you can save whatever you can on daily expenses, and the food for the children is also very poor.

When children make noises about eating meat, adults will say, "Look at me when I was a child, I gnawed tree bark and ate sweet potatoes every day, and I couldn't survive like this."

Only a family like the He Yuan family with a little bit of foundation would think of giving meat to their children.

A classmate mentioned milk, and everyone immediately thought of the milk Su Xue drank at the door of the classroom yesterday. Of course, they also thought of the Feifei rumors that spread in the class in the morning.

But some people still couldn't help but ask Su Xue: "Su Xue, what does the milk you drank yesterday taste like? Is it sweet?"

Su Xue just got her lunch box, raised her head and said: "It's not sweet. My father bought me the most expensive pure milk. Pure milk is nutritious. My father said that sweet milk is sweetened with ammonium chloride.

Made of water, eating it is not good for people, and they will not grow taller in the future.”

These words conflicted with what He Yuan said last time that the milk was sweet. In addition, Su Xue had just drank it yesterday, so some people immediately suspected He Yuan.

"But He Yuan said that the milk he drinks is sweet?"

"Is the milk He Yuan drank made of ammonia?"

"No wonder He Yuan is so short. He was harmed by drinking that sweet milk."

Children don't have any bad intentions, but they have very good memories, especially for things that they yearn for. After hearing them, they will remember them firmly in their hearts.

He Yuan was unhappy when he heard everyone say this.

The veins on his forehead popped out in anger, and he shouted at the top of his lungs: "You fart, my grandma said that only sweet milk is nutritious, and pure milk is poisonous."

"Your father is a liar. Your father's money was borrowed from loan sharks from gambling houses, and he will use it to pay off your debts in the future! He used up the money yesterday, and you will have free lunch again today!"

"Who in Dayuan Village doesn't know your father? Your father is not a human being, he is a beast!"

He Yuan has followed his grandma since he was a child. When Su Caijuan was scolding people outside, He Yuan listened perfectly, so now he curses people in the same way, like a machine gun.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Xue's eyes instantly turned red.


Suddenly, a book hit He Yuan hard on the head.


He Yuan stood up angrily and found that it was Zhu Yuting, the class monitor.

The momentum he had just lost instantly dropped by half, because Zhu Yuting is the granddaughter of the head of Dayuan Village.

In the remote Dayuan Village, the village chief is the local emperor of the village, and many resources come into the hands of the village chief first.

Building a house, building a wall, and registering a household registration all require the consent of the village chief. Even the head teacher has to give Zhu Yuting face and make her the class leader.

Zhu Yuting has a ponytail tied neatly on the back of her head. She looks a bit fierce, but she is very kind-hearted and hates people who bully the weak and fear the strong. She has helped Su Xue a lot in the past.

"You, why are you hitting me!" He Yuan asked with his hands on his hips, but his voice was much softer.

"Did our teacher teach us not to curse and say swear words? Why do you say swear words!"

"I didn't say bad words, her father is a beast! My grandma said that!" He Yuan argued with reason, and of course his reason was Su Caijuan.


He Yuan's head was hit by a book again.


In front of the powerful Zhu Yuting, He Yuan was intimidated.

He sat down angrily, taking big mouthfuls of rice and chewing on the bacon to express his resentment.

Zhu Yuting brought her lunch box to Su Xue: "Su Xue, I'll eat with you. I have scrambled eggs today."

Su Xue looked at the squad leader in front of her who was helping her, and said softly: "Thank you, squad leader."

"It's okay!" Zhu Yuting waved her hand and opened her lunch box: "If you dare to scold him like this, I will help him tell you!"

In Zhu Yuting's lunch box, there is indeed a large piece of scrambled eggs, the bright yellow color arouses everyone's desire.

Zhu Yuting pinched off a piece from the egg and said: "Quick, Su Xue, open your lunch box, this is for you to eat!"

The classmates all looked at Su Xue with some teasing and envy.

As if waiting to see Su Xue's joke about a bowl of white rice.

He Yuan even deliberately held the meat in his mouth to show off to Su Xue.

"Monitor, you can eat this egg yourself. I have some food today and I will give you some later."

Su Xue opened the lunch box confidently.

But not before the classmates secretly laughed at Su Xue for bragging.

Everyone's eyes widened...



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