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Chapter 375 No call came in, Kong Lian ran away

In fact, the man in the suit also has good intentions. He thinks that as an assistant, he must always fulfill his obligation to remind people.

That's why he gave Kong Lian a warning.

I just didn't expect that after listening to his words, Kong Lian's originally calm face suddenly showed a burst of anger. She frowned and said:

"I know all these things, I don't need you to teach me how to do them!"

The man in the suit choked at Kong Lian's words and closed his mouth angrily. He didn't understand why Kong Lian lost his temper for no reason.

He hurriedly left the company, and then muttered in his mouth: "I'm afraid this woman is on her menstrual period. She has a moody temper, so bad! A dog bites Lu Dongbin, but he doesn't know a good heart."

Kong Lian in the office finally had no choice but to make the decision to sell her gold.

She had her own order in mind.

That is to solve Wei Jin's matter first, and then exchange for more and bigger markets and more opportunities to make money.

Then he had to pay back the high-interest loans, and the price of gold couldn't rise, so he had to sell it more or less.

Finally, there are the company's salary issues and some payment issues.

She thinks these are the least important.

Ever since.

The next day, Kong Lian went to the bank in one morning and sold all the gold she had, earning several million.

She really wanted to cry when she looked at the money. After all, she had used nearly 10 million in principal at that time, and now it has almost been cut in half.

It's like I originally wanted to make money, but ended up losing millions.

I lost millions without making anything.

After receiving these millions, Kong Lian once again discussed with her assistant the man in the suit how to give the money to Wei Jin.

Today, the man in the suit is still a little resistant to Kong Lian. Anyone who was scolded like this yesterday would feel uncomfortable.

When Kong Lian spoke to him, she also struggled to reply and spoke a lot less.

"I think, how about I turn all the money into cash and send it to Wei Jin? I'll put a letter inside for him then!"

"If we directly tell Wei Jin that we want to give him money, he will definitely not agree, so we can only let him see the money directly, and he will not be able to refuse the money after seeing it."

"Invisibly, he will definitely be under pressure."

Kong Lian said smartly. At the same time, she looked at the assistant on the side and asked, "What do you think?"

It's just that today's assistants know better how to protect themselves wisely.

Therefore, although he felt that there were some unreasonable things in Kong Lian's words and this method.

But thinking that the money belongs to Kong Lian, and the company also belongs to their family. If he gets a benefit, he will not get a penny, but if he says something and makes others unhappy, he will have to be scolded.

Why bother? It’s better to do less than to do more. In the worst case, Huaxing Pharmaceutical will go bankrupt. If you change companies, you will still be an excellent assistant.

"Mr. Kong's method is excellent and I think it is feasible."

The assistant, the man in a suit, nodded and praised repeatedly, his words full of flattery and praise.

"Hahaha, right? When it comes to controlling people, I still have some skills."

As expected, Kong Lian was very satisfied with the assistant's affirmation and recognition of her, and a smile immediately appeared on her face.

The two men once again went to the entrance of Chuangshi Group to squat, but this time they were accompanied by a bag of cash in the back seat, amounting to more than one million.

Of course, there is also a letter in the money bag, which contains Kong Lian's apology for Wei Jin's last prescription, Kong Lian's appreciation for Wei Jin, and her sincerity in inviting Wei Jin to continue working at Huaxing Medicine.

Kong Lian spent more than two hours on this letter and revised it a total of 12 times before he got what he now considers to be the most perfect version and stuffed it into his wallet.

Another day of staring intently


Kong Lian was afraid that Wei Jin would live in more than one place at night, so she came to the company's entrance to stay guard.

The day passed, and it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

Wei Jin finally came out.

Kong Lian and her assistant drove to follow him again until they reached the door of the rental house yesterday.

Wei Jin went in again.

The two of them looked at the door for a long time, and after confirming that Wei Jin had not come out, they secretly drove the car to the door of Wei Jin's rental house.

Kong Lian looked around and saw that no one was around. She quietly came to the door with a bag containing letters and cash.

She put down her money bag and knocked on the door several times.

But before the people inside came out to open the door, she had already run back to the car, and her assistant had already opened the passenger door in advance.

So as soon as Kong Lian got in the car, they drove forward slowly...

At the same time, Kong Lian kept looking at the reflector to make sure that after the person inside opened the door, he could not see who the person was.

Just left.

In fact, the man in the suit has always felt that this approach is very risky. What if there are more than just Wei Jin inside?

What if it’s not Wei Jin who comes out and gets the bag?

Who can escape the temptation of more than one million?

But now he doesn't want to be scolded by Kong Lian. All capable people always have a temper.

In this way, both of them drove away without confirming that Wei Jin had received the money.

After returning to the company, Kong Lian was so excited that she didn't feel sleepy at all. She sat in her big general manager chair and looked at her mobile phone with interest.

Waiting for the call that can bring endless profits to Huaxing Group.

However, dreams are beautiful, and reality is skinny.

At eleven o'clock, no call came in.

At twelve o'clock, no call came in.

At one o'clock, a call came in, but it was from the loan collection company. They called and asked Kong Lian not to forget to pay back the money.

At two o'clock, no calls came in.


At six o'clock, there was still no call.

Now Kong Lian began to panic.

"Tell me, did you see them coming out to get money yesterday?"

Kong Lian had many questions in her mind, but she had no one to ask except her assistant.

"Mr. Kong, I was just driving around yesterday. I didn't even look carefully. I wonder if he came out to get money."

"What, you didn't even see who came out to take the money, and you just drove away? You are so irresponsible!" Kong Lian's eyes widened when she heard this, and she yelled again.

The man in the suit was confused...

Three questions came up in my mind: Who am I? What am I doing? Why am I being scolded again?

But he remembered it very clearly in his heart.

Yesterday, it was Kong Lian who kept shouting: "Go quickly, go quickly, people will see us when they come out, and it will be bad if they chase us!"

So with this kind of urging, can I not leave?

Besides, it was you, Kong Lian, who was staring at the door yesterday.

The man in the suit was even more speechless about what Kong Lian did.

He felt a little disdainful in his heart, disdainful of working at Huaxing Medicine, and disdainful of working as an assistant under Kong Lian.

Although I am an assistant, I also want to learn something from a powerful big shot.

Instead of following a rubbish like Kong Lian, not only can't you learn anything, but you have to come up with ideas to help her.

When the man in the suit was silent.

Kong Lian, who was at a loss, had already finished her thought change in her mind.

She no longer talked about assistant, but seemed to know that Wei Jin must have taken the money, and began to scold Wei Jin:

"Wei Jin, this beast, took his own money, does he only have money in his eyes?

No letter?"

"No, he must have gotten the money and saw the letter, but he just didn't want to call me!"

"Don't you want to be a cousin and build a memorial arch at the same time?"

"Hmph, how could I, Kong Lian, have such easy access to my money?"

"I'm going to block you today, tear you apart in front of the Creation Group, and make both sides of you inhumane!"

This chapter has been completed!
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