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Chapter 37 Where does a pool of lobsters come from?

Ding Anping just casually went to Su Ming's pond to see if any lobsters were dead.

But the lobster pool in front of me was actually full of lobsters.

He clearly remembered that when he poured the small half bucket of lobsters into the pond yesterday, there was only a shallow layer of lobsters in the pond.

But today, not only were there a lot more lobsters in the pool, but there were even many buckets and washbasins with lobsters on the edge of the pool.


Somewhat subverted Ding Anping's imagination.

"Su, Brother Su, why do these lobsters increase in number on their own? Are they born? Or will the pond built by my father turn into lobsters? Or, Brother Su, can you use magic to directly transform into lobsters?"

Ding Anping stated three hypotheses in one breath, perfectly using his imagination.

The more Su Ming listened, the more black lines appeared on his face.

The last chestnut cannon hit Ding Anping on the head.

"What are you thinking about? If it's really as amazing as you say, why should we accept the lobster? We can just change it in vain."

Ding Anping covered his painful forehead.

"No, I wish I could get lobsters easily."

"It seems that the blow I just gave you was not hard enough to wake you up from your dream." Su Ming pretended to hit him again.

"Hey, hey, hey." Ding Anping stepped back repeatedly: "Brother Su, tell me where these lobsters came from!"

In order to make Ding An feel at ease, Su Ming slowly explained the matter.

It turned out that Su Ming had thought of it that day when Ding Anping was fighting with the villagers in Xiashan Village.

He and Ding Anping were not familiar with the situation in the village next door, but there was one person they were definitely familiar with, and that was the village chief Zhu Decai.

So he took the package of Zhonghua he bought that night and went to the village chief Zhu Decai's home that night.

Zhu Decai originally looked down upon Su Ming, who only knew how to drink and beat his daughter.

But when a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes was thrust into Zhu Decai's hand, the disdain on his face immediately disappeared.

He enthusiastically invited Su Ming into the room and took out some fine tea leaves to make tea for Su Ming.

Su Ming explained his purpose to Zhu Decai.

He actually wanted the village chief to help contact the village chiefs of other villages and collect the lobsters.

After all, the village chief will definitely have some contact with the village chief.

Zhu Decai drank a few sips of tea and remained silent for a long time.

After a long while, he made a request, asking Su Ming to bring his son Zhu Qingyong.

This Zhu Qingyong is very similar to Ding Anping. He is also a relatively honest, honest and loyal person. He couldn't study well, so he had to follow the path of his father Zhu Decai and work as a worker in a factory.

However, he was too straightforward and he publicly accused his boss of accepting bribes. As a result, he was sent home by his boss after working for just one day.

Later, I could only lease a few acres of land for farming.

Seeing that he was getting older, Zhu Decai also wanted to find a profitable career for his son. After all, he still had a family to support at home.

He saw that Su Ming was smart and that he must have made some money collecting lobsters recently, so he begged Su Ming to bring Zhu Qingyong with him.

Su Ming agreed on the spot and handed over the job of collecting lobsters from other villages to Zhu Qingyong.

He gave Zhu Qingyong a price of one yuan per catty. As for the price to be charged in other villages, it was up to Zhu Qingyong's family to decide.

When Zhu Decai heard this, he was so happy that he knelt down and swore sworn vows to Su Ming on the spot.

In this way, after Su Ming told Zhu Qingyong some requirements for collecting lobsters, he left with the grateful eyes of Zhu Decai's family.

Zhu Qingyong was very diligent. On the first day, he dragged the shuttle bus to two villages under the leadership of Zhu Decai.

He harvested more than two hundred kilograms of lobsters, and the quality was also very good. He has a straightforward temper, one is one, and two is two. Whenever he sees any small shrimps, he will pick them out and throw them out, so these two hundred kilograms were all harvested.

They are all big lobsters.

Su Ming gave him cash at the rate of one yuan per catty, and also told him that the price for eels and soft-shell turtles could be higher. As for the price Zhu Qingyong paid for the lobsters, Su Ming did not ask.

This was the first time in his life that Zhu Qingyong earned so much money in one day. When he took the money, you could clearly see the tears in his red eyes.

Just like that, the number of lobsters in the pond in Su Ming's backyard increased instantly.

After Ding Anping found out that these lobsters were actually collected from other villages using this method.

The feeling of being a little angry because Su Caijuan collected the lobsters suddenly disappeared, and her admiration for Su Ming reached a new peak again.

He chuckled and said: "Brother Su, you still have a way! You can solve the lobster problem so easily."

Su Ming patted Ding Anping on the shoulder: "This is not a method, this is experience. If you follow me, you will naturally understand these things if you see them more in the future."

Early in the morning, Su Ming and Ding Anping each picked up a load of lobsters and came to the food city.

Liu Lu's complexion was obviously much better than yesterday.

Yesterday, there was loud thunder and light rain at that food stall. They only sold a few bowls and the lobsters were gone, so Liu Lu's business was not greatly affected.

Seeing Su Ming bring so many lobsters today, she smiled from ear to ear.

With more than 1,000 yuan in income, Su Ming's wallet is getting bigger and bigger.

He felt that carrying so much cash was becoming more and more inconvenient.

So I found a bank and opened a passbook.

At this time, bank cards were not so popular, and passbooks were more popular.

Su Ming saved a total of 2,500 yuan and had some change left to pay for it.

He wants to start his own money saving plan and put money into his bankbook one by one until he has enough money to buy a house.

But unlike Su Ming and others, when Su Caijuan's family got up in the morning.

I discovered a very tragic thing.

That is, of the more than 100 kilograms of lobsters they collected yesterday, most of them were dead, especially those in buckets. Only the top layer was still alive, while the bottom layer was completely dead.

Su Caijuan was furious at home and scolded her man, son and daughter-in-law, blaming them for being so careless.

But they were also desperate. They had obviously added water, so how could they die?

After they sorted it out, they found that they only had a total of more than 30 kilograms of live lobsters.

Although she didn't make much money, fortunately, she didn't lose much. Su Caijuan quickly sent the lobster to the owner of the food city.

When the boss saw that the lobsters this time were small and few, his face became gloomier. But he still paid them according to the agreed price.

Su Caijuan tasted the sweetness, and after some calculations, she found that even if many lobsters died, she would still make money, and her belief in making big money became even stronger.

On the way back, Su Caijuan thought of a good idea.

Won't the lobsters die? Then collect them in the morning and send them directly to the food court in the afternoon. Time is tight, so the lobsters won't die.

This method was approved by Su Caijuan's whole family, and everyone started to flatter Su Caijuan.

But this was not enough for Su Caijuan. She still focused on Su Ming's method of preserving lobsters.

A plan came to Su Caijuan's mind.



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