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Chapter 461: Zhao Lan's buttocks are blooming, useless.

Legal status and tone.

Zhao Lan immediately stood there and hesitated for a long time.

What's going on?

"What's over?"

Zhao Lan was not aware of any danger at this time.

I feel like everything is still peaceful.

Is something going on?

But the legal officer slapped it on the table.

"Mr. Zhao, do you know that the court just called me!"

Hearing the word "court" finally woke up Zhao Lan, who was already a little overheated.

"Law? Court?"

He wriggled his mouth and looked at the legal officer with some confusion.

"You said the court called you? Why did they call you?"

For a moment, his mind felt a little confused and he couldn't figure things out.

When a person is extremely happy, pour him a basin of ice water, or when a person is extremely sad, give him a surprise.

It is very stimulating to the human spirit.

Just like in ancient times, when Fan Jin learned that he had won the lottery, he would faint with joy.

Now Zhao Lan's emotions are extremely confused because of the word "court".

"And why!"

The legal department feels desperate.

He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Of course it's because of you making imitation clothes!"

"The court just called and said that Chuangshi Group has taken all the evidence and their patent certificate to sue our Taiya Group!"

"I just said that counterfeiting is very dangerous, so you still have to bite the bullet. It's fine now. You should be targeted by the court."

The legal officer spoke too loudly, causing his voice to become hoarse.

At this time, Zhao Lan also felt a little relieved.

I thought about it for a while.

If you are not targeted by the court, even if you lose the case, you will just have to pay some money, it doesn't matter.

"Oh, what did I think it was?"

"Your sudden surprise about paying a fine scared me to death!"

Zhao Lan patted his chest.

He said with some blame.

After saying that, he returned to his seat and got himself a glass of wine to pour.

Have a drink to calm down.

"Mr. Zhao!"

"If it was really just a matter of paying a fine, I wouldn't be so anxious."

"Do you know that fines are just a small thing for us now? The key is that we have no way to produce them!"

When the legal officer saw that Zhao Lan was actually in the mood to drink, he slapped his thigh anxiously.

"What's going on? You're a little too excited today."

"Isn't it just a stoppage? We have made a lot of money recently, so if we stop work, we will stop work."

"If we don't produce it, we still have other orders that can be produced."

Zhao Lan scratched his ears with his little fingers, and then said in confusion.

"Excited, Mr. Zhao, I'm afraid you still don't know what you have done."

"Look at this contract."

The legal officer handed Zhao Lan the contract signed by Zhao Lan and Ronghe Trading.

At the same time he continued:

"What are you going to do with the orders in this contract? Are you going to produce and sell as usual?"

Zhao Lan didn't even pick it up. He signed this contract himself, how could he not know about it.

"Whatever, this contract is a foreign trade order, otherwise you would think I would have such confidence."

He said with a nonchalant expression.

Looking at Zhao Lan who was still acting like a normal person, the legal officer felt despair.

"You're kidding! Mr. Zhao."


If we are ordered to stop production, the court may send people over to inspect it at any time."

"If we are still producing, we just refuse to enforce the law, and the consequences will be serious! We may even close our factory directly."

"Why don't you even know this little bit of common sense!?"

The lawyer continued.

Then he pushed through the contract.

"It just so happens that you signed this contract again. If you can't produce it by then, then you won't be able to fulfill your obligations under this contract."

"In this case, your consequence will be to pay compensation according to the contract."

"The compensation amount is ten times the purchase price, Mr. Zhao, did you really not read it when you signed the contract?"

"If you do the math, you will have to pay hundreds of millions!"

The lawyer stamped his feet anxiously.

Zhao Lan didn't even ask himself about such matters involving contracts, and just slapped the official seal on it.

What's more important is that the deposit has already been paid.

The contract has been settled.

So now they are extremely passive.


Zhao Lan was stunned on the spot.

The wine he had just poured into his mouth was sprayed out by him all at once.

"Hundreds of millions in compensation?!"

Suddenly, these four words once again penetrated Zhao Lan's psychological defense.

He threw the wine glass in his hand directly.

Then he rushed to the desk in one step.

I pulled over the contract and read it.

Even his hands began to tremble slightly.

He clenched the contract loudly.

Soon, his eyes fell on the last line of the contract, the compensation agreement.

It's written very clearly here.

That is to say, if Taiya Group fails to drive out all the goods within the specified time, it will have to compensate for the corresponding losses.

The amount of loss is ten times the payment.

Now that he saw this, Zhao Lan sounded.

That Mr. Wu at that time, when he read the contract and saw this, he just flattered me.

Then I happily made a deposit for myself.

So when I saw the extra money in my account, what else was on my mind? Let’s look at the last line of terms.

Just selectively ignored it.

Now that I think about it, Damn, this Mr. Wu is not a good person!

Look at the contract in front of you again.

At this moment, Zhao Lan's mind was buzzing.

A sentence suddenly echoed in his mind.

This is what his father said to him at that time:

"Everyone in this world who comes up to praise you and tell you how good you are has an agenda against you."

"But in this world, those who come to blame you and say something bad about you are the ones who are really good to you."

This sentence is so damn right!

At that time, didn't I just listen to Mr. Wu's serial flattery?

I blew myself up to the sky, and with this big order and deposit, I couldn't even find the ground.

So I fell into their trap.

The so-called Ronghe Trading and the so-called Mr. Wu must have been arranged by people from Chuangshi Group.

Just to set things up for them, Taiya Group.

And he got into their game just right.

Zhao Lan suddenly realized that he was really ridiculous.

And he was proud to brag to his parents.

I was so proud that I really received a big order.


The more Zhao Lan thought about it, the more wrong it became.

The more I think about it, the redder my eyes become and the softer my feet become.

Then continue.

He suddenly collapsed to the ground.


He sat down on the spot where he had thrown away his wine glass.

The broken glass directly penetrated Zhao Lan's butt.

The blood stays behind.

Buttocks blooming, it turns out this is the scene.

This was the thought that popped into the mind of the legal officer when he looked at Zhao Lan's bloody butt when he helped him up.

The ambulance roared over and took Zhao Lan to the hospital.

But the company's affairs will not end just because of the arrival of the ambulance.

There was no other way, so Zhao Lan's father, who was old, took medicine for heart disease.

I hurriedly came to Taiya Group to report.

He first asked the legal department to negotiate with the court. Instead of suing, he negotiated directly to see how much compensation could be paid to solve the problem.

Then the people below were asked to count how many fabrics, accessories and finished clothes Taiya Group still has.

He also arranged for people to communicate with Ronghe Trade.

Jiang is still old and hot, and Zhao Lan's father stabilized the whole situation at once.

However, just after Zhao Lan's father had finished all this.

When I'm about to sit in the office and take a good breather.


The office door was violently pushed open again.

This chapter has been completed!
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