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Chapter 53: Father Is Sick, Su Ming Goes To The Neighbor Village To Find His Sister


After hearing what Zhu Qingyong said, Su Ming's whole body felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on him from head to toe.

He stood motionless, but his thoughts spread out.

All this time, he didn't know when his father got sick or when he died.

Anyway, in the last life, after Su Xue died, it happened by chance.

Under the disgusted looks of his sisters, Su Ming learned that his father was dead.

Now, he understands.

In fact, his father was already hospitalized before Su Xue died, and he only woke up after Su Xue died.

The time difference between this...

Su Ming felt a little sad, and he couldn't blame anyone for not telling him.

Because the biggest reason still lies within himself.

It must be that the sisters felt that they couldn't get the money even if they were just waiting to die, so they didn't tell them. Even if they did tell them, they might not get the money, and they would still come to their place to feel miserable.

Therefore, no one wants to be admitted to Su Ming.

Thinking of this, a wave of sadness and self-blame once again surged into Su Ming's heart.

Su Ming's entire body was in a state of collapse. His mother had died early, and his father and sisters had dragged him up.

As a result, I failed to take good care of my father, and the reason was still because of my decadence.

When my father died in my previous life, how painful it was in my heart! Maybe he didn’t even close his eyes until he died, right?

What old man doesn't want to be surrounded by children and grandchildren when he dies? He can look at his proud descendants, listen to their comforting voices, and then pass away peacefully?

"Su Ming, what's wrong with you?" Zhu Qingyong found that Su Ming's body suddenly froze there, his face turned pale, and he became a little worried.

He remembered that Su Ming's endurance was not very good. The last time he was cheated by his ex-wife, he had been decadent for two years. Now if he was stimulated by his father's affairs again, would he become decadent again?

Hey, I wouldn't have said it if I had known it earlier! Zhu Qingyong regretted it. If Su Ming failed again, where would he make his money?

"It's okay, thank you for telling me this!" Su Ming forced a smile, then turned and entered the room.

But no matter how Zhu Qingyong looked at it, he felt that Su Ming didn't look like he was fine. With this smile that was uglier than crying, it was obvious that something was wrong.

Zhu Qingyong lingered in the same place for a while, and finally thought that he didn't know what to say if he stayed here, so he had to go back worriedly.

Su Ming, who was in the room, thought for a long time and still felt that he must go to his sister's house tomorrow.

You must at least ask what the situation is. Now that you have some money, you can use the money to treat your father's illness first.

Throughout the night, Su Ming basically didn't sleep at all.

If you live a new life and don't take good care of your father and daughter, you will be a son and a father in vain.

Su Xue should have no problem now. She has her own transportation to and from school. It is not easy to get into a car accident.

Su Ming also took good care of his body and refused to let himself fall.

The only one left is his father, and he must not let anything happen to him.

Early the next morning, after he sent Su Xue to school, he immediately drove to his sister's house.

My elder sister married from Dayuan Village to a nearby village called Dongling Village. After the eldest sister married to Dongling Village, she found an in-law’s family for her younger sister in Dongling Village. The two sisters were in the same village.

They can also take care of each other.

Su Ming drove his car to Dongling Village.

He had been to the two brothers-in-law's place before, and he still remembered the way.

The eldest brother-in-law's home is at the east end of Dongling Village, while the second brother-in-law's home is in the middle of the village.

When Su Ming drove into Dongling Village, the people in Dongling Village looked at Su Ming curiously.

None of them could remember who in their village had such a van.

Su Ming parked the car directly in front of his second brother-in-law's house.

"Sister! Sister!" Su Ming called at the door as soon as he got off the car.

But after a long time, there was no movement inside.

Instead, I called out an elderly neighbor.

"Are you Yongmei's brother?" The old man is very old. He walks a little shaky and wears a cane.

He saw that Su Ming still had some impressions, and recognized him immediately.

"Yes, it's me. I'm looking for my sister. Do you know where they went?"

The old man's face instantly turned ugly: "Unfilial son"

What these old people don't like to see the most are unbehaved and unfilial children.

So when he saw Su Ming, he cursed him.

"Even if you knock until tomorrow, no one will come out. They have all gone to the hospital to stay with your father."

"Your dad, this place may have been damaged by someone!"

The old man pointed to his head.

Su Ming became even more anxious when he heard this: "Then do you know which hospital they are in?"

"I don't know about that." The old man waved his hand: "Go and ask your eldest sister's house. I saw your eldest sister selling lobster this morning!"

"Okay, thank you uncle." Su Ming got in the car and hurried to his elder brother-in-law's house.

Su Damei was packing up at home and getting ready to go out.

A white van made a "chi" sound and stopped next to her.

"Sister, where are you going?" Su Ming put his head out and shouted to Su Damei at the door.

"Xiao Ming?" Su Damei rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

When did my younger brother drive a car again? Isn’t he very decadent, drinking and gambling every day?

Su Ming jumped out of the car before he could turn off the engine.

"Sister, how is dad?"

Su Damei looked at Su Ming's worried look and felt a little comfort in her heart, but she felt a little bit unbearable.

It is already difficult for Su Ming to cheer up again. What would happen if he heard about his father's tragic situation?

"Dad...he..." Su Damei hesitated to speak.

"Sister, you agreed, I'm mentally prepared!"

Su Damei was silent for a long time before she spoke:

"Dad was just too enthusiastic. When he saw someone being robbed by gangsters, he went to help, but was beaten up by the gangsters. The person he helped escaped, but dad was knocked down."

"If he hadn't been seen by a kind person and taken to the hospital, my father would have died long ago."

Su Ming: "Have those gangsters been caught? And the person who was rescued, hasn't he come to thank you until today? Why is dad back?"

This chapter has been completed!
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