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Chapter 85 Five hundred bought the ancestral inkstone

Su Ming walked into the old shop.

This is an old grocery store.

Yes, it is not an antique store, so it requires a lot of luck to buy this square inkstone.

In the store, there are a lot of various small things for daily use.

Dustpans, bamboo strips, large iron pots, etc. are all used by people in the village.

Su Ming walked around the store but didn't see the square inkstone, and felt a little confused.

The store was a little damp and had a faint musty smell.

It made Su Ming willing to stay inside for a long time.

He walked around again and found nothing, and it was hard to ask the store directly about the square inkstone.

Because once you ask yourself, others will definitely guess that this inkstone has extraordinary value. After all, they are not a seller.

Inkstone or Four Treasures of the Study shop.

Su Ming chose some gadgets that he could use and went to the store to pay.

The store owner was an older man. He narrowed his cloudy eyes and looked at the items Su Ming selected.

"Three dollars in total."

Things are not expensive and have a rural atmosphere.

Su Ming took out three coins and placed them on the wooden counter.

Then he turned around and left the store.

As soon as I went out, I met an old lady who rushed in hurriedly.

"Quick, Old Li Tou, help me write a couplet. My son is getting married in a few days, and I'll stick it on the doorframe!"

They must be the villagers here.

This scene made Su Ming raise his eyebrows. It was hard to tell that this old man could actually write couplets. It seemed that he must be good at writing with calligraphy.

No! Wait! Calligraphy!

Suddenly, Su Ming realized something. Isn't it necessary to use an inkstone when writing calligraphy?

He quickly turned around and walked into the store.

The old man saw Su Ming go out and then come back, and asked curiously: "What's wrong? Was the thing just now bad?"

Su Ming shook his head: "No, I heard that you can write couplets, and I thought about asking you to help me write one."

"Oh, it costs two yuan to write couplets." The old man stretched out two wrinkled fingers.

"Okay, that's right." Su Ming took out two more coins and put them on the table.

The old man then turned around and took out an inkstone, an ink stick, a brown writing brush, and a stack of red strips of paper from under the counter.

Su Ming's breathing suddenly became rapid.

This inkstone is the same square inkstone I saw at Li Shilin’s house!

"You are not from our village, are you?" The lady turned to look at Su Ming and said.

"Yes, I was passing by here. I saw someone selling these, so I came in to take a look." Su Ming pointed to the department stores in the store.

Then he turned to look at the old man and said, "I admire the most good people who can write calligraphy with brushes in my life, so I decided to buy some anyway."

The aunt understood: "Hey, you have found the right person! Our old Litou, his ancestor was a high official in the capital, and he was the number one scholar. It has been passed down from generation to generation. When it comes to his hands, he can also write

What a great calligraphy!"

Su Ming's breathing became more rapid, which confirmed that this inkstone may indeed have been handed down from his ancestors.

"Then today is a lucky day for me. I will buy a few more pairs no matter what." As he said, Su Ming took out another ten-dollar bill and put it on the table.

But now the old man doesn't even look at the money.

Instead, he concentrated on studying ink.

Su Ming was a little embarrassed.

"Hey, don't worry about him. He is like this. Once he starts studying ink, he will ignore others." The aunt explained helpfully.

While the aunt and Su Ming were chatting about each other.

The old man had already written a couplet as if his pen was full of wind.

"This is yours." He handed the couplet to the aunt.

"Okay! I'm leaving first." The aunt took the couplet and left in a hurry.

"What do you want to write?" the old man looked at Su Ming and asked.

"Oh, just the door couplet will be fine. Write six copies for me."

After hearing this, the old man remained silent, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

Swipe, swipe, swipe, door couplets were written out one after another from his hand.

Su Ming picked up one, looked at it, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Tsk, tsk, what a good calligraphy! I scolded Fang Qiu, his writing is full of spirit!"

It's not that he's bragging, the old man's calligraphy is indeed good.

After the old man had finished writing the words, he was about to put away the inkstone and so on. Su Ming hurriedly said:

"Old man, I would like to ask, can you sell me this inkstone of yours? I'll take it as a souvenir."

Hearing Su Ming's words, the old man was stunned.

He raised the inkstone in his hand and looked at it, feeling a little confused. After all this time, he had seen people come to buy calligraphy, but he had never seen anyone wanting to buy his inkstone.

"I'll pay you 500 to take this inkstone of yours, do you think it's okay?" Su Ming remembered that in the previous life, the man who collected antiques only paid 500 and took it away.

This time, five hundred was regarded as Su Ming raising the price for him.

"Five hundred?" The old man couldn't believe his ears.

He never thought that this ordinary, inconspicuous inkstone was actually worth five hundred?

"Yes, five hundred. I just want to keep it as a souvenir. I admire people who can write well." Su Ming's eyes showed sincerity.

He did admire those who wrote well.

As for the price, he couldn't pay a high price, because he didn't sell it, he gave it away. Besides, if he didn't accept it, the old man might sell it for 50 yuan in a few days.


What's more, if he bought it himself, he wouldn't publish the news in the newspaper. If he didn't know about it, he wouldn't be considered a loss. After all, if he saw that newspaper in his last life, he would definitely vomit two liters of blood.

The old man hesitated for a while and then handed the inkstone to Su Ming.

In this era, five hundred yuan is still very tempting to ordinary people.

Carrying the inkstone and six couplets, Su Ming had a smile on his face when he left the shop.

With this gadget, my plan to ask Li Shilin to help me grow off-season vegetables will be easier to realize.

And when Su Ming was driving to the county town to sell the vegetables and game in his car.

A piece of news that caused a sensation in Dayuan Village and Qunyi Village was released by the Qinghe County Government.

"In response to the country's plan to vigorously support rural development, our Qinghe County, under the special care of the Jiangzhou Municipal Government, is preparing to expand Tongcheng 3rd Road! From the current two lanes to six lanes!"

"Therefore, all towns and villages are requested to be prepared and actively cooperate to complete the demolition and resettlement work along the road as soon as possible, so that the road to wealth can be built as soon as possible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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