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Chapter 135: Graduation


Coming out of his tutor's office, Xu Chuan squinted his eyes and stared at the blue sky in the distance and let out a long sigh of relief.

After being nagged many times by several school leaders, it seemed that it was time for him to graduate.

Speaking of graduation, he could have graduated a long time ago, but because of his dual studies in physics and mathematics, he felt that he had to make some achievements in physics to balance it out before he could graduate.

But now it seems that it is indeed time to graduate.

Although he has not made any achievements in particle physics, his achievements in astrophysics are not bad either.

Particle physics is a branch of physics, and astrophysics is also a branch of physics. Rounding it off, his achievements in astrophysics can also be regarded as physics.

As for the "mystery of the proton radius" previously prepared for particle physics, it will be left to the doctoral stage as a doctoral student achievement.

Moreover, regarding the 'proton radius mystery' issue, he has not made any progress in the direction of pure data analysis.

Using sufficient scientific research funds for him, he purchased a large number of relevant papers and materials from major physics journals and forum websites, and did some auxiliary analysis on them.

It's just that, due to the subsequent scientific research experiments on Betelgeuse, he did not have time to send out this part of the analysis results.

But now that I have decided to graduate, I can just leave these things until I am a doctoral student before publishing them.

In addition, he went to study at Princeton, where he could borrow many more resources than at NTU.

For example, if he wants to study the 'mystery of the proton radius', if he wants to do physics experiments at NTU and solve the 'mystery of the proton radius', he needs to go to Baicheng to borrow the only two proton collision equipment in the country.

And according to some parameter information currently released, neither of these two proton collision equipment can meet the experimental requirements. If you really want to complete this project, you have to go abroad.

For example, go to Europe and use the particle collision equipment there.

But to be honest, there are still relatively few applications that are approved when submitted from China.

Of course, if it can be verified that it is indeed a meaningful collision application and does not involve confidentiality, it can still be passed, but compared to applications from other Western countries, the pass rate will definitely be greatly reduced.

There are no other factors except the word ‘exclusive’.

Science has no national boundaries, but scientists and scientific research equipment do.

It can be said that there are no countries in the entire West that are willing to see the rise of the East.

Even in the field of simple basic science.

But at Princeton, you don't have to worry about this.

Although Princeton does not have its own proton collision equipment, it has a large number of cooperative research institutions and research laboratories.

When applying for a collision experiment from Princeton, whether it is the United States' own proton collision equipment or the European Union's, as long as it is a normal scientific research experiment, there will almost never be a rejection, but the time will be based on the urgency of the project.

Just arranged.

On the one hand, the influence of the United States is indeed exaggerated in Western countries; on the other hand, mathematicians and physicists who graduated from Princeton are all over the world.

Don’t look at the monk’s face but also look at the Buddha’s face.


Although Xu Chuan had already experienced graduation once, he was still filled with emotion when he experienced it again.

However, after deciding to graduate early, he took a break for the time being. He did not study mathematics and physics, nor was he immersed in books as before, working at three o'clock and one line every day.

When he was about to graduate, he returned to the life that an ordinary college student should have. He went to and from class with other classmates every day, occasionally went to the library once or twice to borrow two books, and was even dragged to play games by his roommate from his previous life.

"Brother Chuan, are you going to graduate early and prepare to leave?"

In Xiaoxianzhuang, Xu Chuan and three roommates from his previous life gathered around an earthen stove and ate. On the side, Kong Zhong and Xu Chuan, who had participated in the animal competition with Xu Chuan, asked after having a drink.

Upon hearing the inquiry, the other two roommates Fan Hong and Zhou Lin raised their heads and looked at Xu Chuan.

There are almost no secrets on campus. The news that Xu Chuan is going to graduate has actually been circulating for a long time. Ever since the Weyl-Berry conjecture was proved, students in the Department of Mathematics at NTU know that he will definitely graduate early, but the time has never been known.

That’s all for sure.

Until this time, Xu Chuan's abnormal behavior in class every day attracted the attention of several friends. They figured that he might be graduating soon, so they dragged him to play for a few days, and by the way, they had a dinner together, which was a practice for Xu Chuan.

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Well, it's almost time. Graduation will probably be this week."

The school had urged him to graduate many times, including his tutor, so he stopped procrastinating.

There is no need to forcefully develop something in particle physics just for the sake of achieving dual majors in balancing matter and number.

As for the graduation thesis, he didn't write it at all. He directly handed in the proof process of the Weyl-Berry conjecture and the discovery of companion stars in the Betelgeuse hydrogen envelope, and treated them as graduation thesis in mathematics and physics respectively.

He submitted two senior theses, and the school passed them without even looking at them. They just asked him to prepare for the defense and go through the process.

Hearing this, the three friends all felt a little emotional and melancholy.

While others spent four years in college, he was better off and graduated directly in just one year.

"Brother Chuan, are you going to study abroad next? To Princeton or somewhere?"

Xu Chuan: "Well, go to Princeton. After all, it is the holy land of mathematics. There are many experts in various mathematics. You can learn a lot. Physics is also very good. For me, there is no school more suitable for me."

"So are you going to major in mathematics next?"

Kong Zhong asked curiously. It was normal for him to think so. After all, Xu Chuan's academic performance was basically linked to mathematics.

The proof of the weak weyl-berry conjecture, the proof of the weyl-berry conjecture, the xu-weyl-berry theorem, the calculation method of the parameters of distant celestial bodies, these important achievements that can be named are all in mathematics.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said with a smile: "I should still choose to practice both physics and mathematics. I think my talent in physics should be no worse than mathematics."

Hearing this, the three friends all rolled their eyes.

Listen, is this human talk?

Do you know how terrifying your own talent in mathematics is?

He solved a world-class mathematical problem before finishing his freshman year. This mathematical talent has attracted the attention of the entire mathematics community throughout the ages, and I can't even count it on one hand.

If the talent in physics can be compared to mathematics, then it is still a human being?

None of the systematic protagonists on the Internet are so powerful.

This is a pretense, I don’t know if I should take it seriously when I say mmp.


The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and then the excitement returned. However, Kong Zhong, Fan Hong, and Zhou Lin took turns pouring wine at Xuchuan, as if they would not stop until they got him drunk.

"Brother Chuan, by the way, you are gone and studying abroad. What will happen to your senior sister?"

At the stove where the fish was being cooked, Fan Hong burped, took another sip of beer from the disposable cup, and then looked at Xu Chuan, whose face was red, and said Bagua.

"Senior? Which senior?"

Maybe because he was drunk, Xu Chuan didn't react for a while and asked in confusion.

By now, everyone has drank four or five bottles of beer. This amount of alcohol may not be enough for some people to rinse their mouths, but for these freshmen, they are not drunk enough to lose consciousness.

Human affairs, but it must be from the top.

And tonight, he was tortured by these animals. Each of them only drank three or four bottles, but he drank seven or eight bottles. Although his brain was still clear, it was definitely not functioning as fast as before.

Fortunately, he has a pretty good drinking capacity and his liver and kidneys are strong, so he won't just lie down on the table.

"Pretend, you still pretend."

Fan Hong, Kong Zhong, and Zhou Lin looked at each other with disdain at the same time. The entire school knew about the previous incident. If Xu Chuan and the senior sister had nothing to do with each other, the three of them would not believe it anyway.


Xu Chuan burped and said suddenly: "Oh, you said Senior Liu Jiaxin, what does my graduation have to do with her? She is not my girlfriend."

Hearing this, Kong Zhong came over curiously and asked: "You two are really not a couple? Then the senior sister is quite beautiful, why don't you think about it?"

"What are you considering? Falling in love?" Xu Chuan asked, shaking his heavy head.

"That's right, you don't have a relationship in college. If you want to have a relationship after graduation, you won't have the chance. There will be no point in regretting it later."

On the side, Zhou Lin nodded, and then sighed: "Of course, Brother Chuan, you are definitely not worried about girls, but we are worried about it. There are not many girls in our class, and they are all average-looking."

In their current class, there are only about 160 people in the entire School of Physics, and less than one-fifth are girls. Compared with the business school, liberal arts school, and media school next door, the quantity and quality of female students are n square steps lower.

Of course, the situation in the mathematics department is even worse. There seem to be a total of 82 people in the mathematics department, 79 bald, and only three girls.

On the side, Kong Zhong said with a smile: "It's too late, Lao Zhou, you say it's too late now. Brother Chuan is about to graduate and go to study abroad. Now he can still have a romantic relationship."

Fan Hong also came over and said: "It's okay to talk, it's just a foreign love."

Xu Chuan rolled his eyes and said, "Forget about being in a foreign country. I have never thought about falling in love, let alone having a relationship in a foreign country."


After having a meal with some friends, Xu Chuan also started preparing for his graduation defense.

Although he graduated early and did not write a separate graduation thesis, he still had to go through the corresponding procedures.

Of course, it's just a process.

At the Institute of Physics, the judges during the defense knew this very well, and they only asked a few simple questions about the paper submitted by Xu Chuan and passed it.

As for mathematics, there is no need to say more.

In the entire mathematics department, no one with the ability to embarrass him regarding the Weyl-berry conjecture graduation thesis he submitted has yet to be born.

Several evaluation teachers from the Mathematics Department asked a lot of questions during the entire mathematics graduation defense, but overall they did not look like evaluation teachers, but more like students who asked for advice because they did not understand something.

There was no defense atmosphere at all during the entire mathematics defense. Instead, it was as if Xu Chuan had given a small class to several professors in the mathematics department, which made people laugh and cry.


Mathematics, physics, and the defense process for the two courses were completed, and the final results were without any surprises. Both courses were given perfect scores.

In the auditorium of the school, in the audience, there are Professor Zhou Hai from the School of Mathematics, Dean Rong Zhizhuan, Academician Chen Zhengping from the School of Physics, Professor Shao Cong who teaches particle physics, Dean Yu Yongwang, Vice President Lu Jianguo and President Liu Gaojun, etc.

The school leaders all came in person.

On the stage, only Xu Chuan was standing.

He stood in the school's auditorium, which is used for various large-scale meetings, with a bright smile.

"This kid is finally willing to graduate."

Off the stage, Rong Zhi looked at Xu Chuan and sighed. He didn't know how much he had to waste in order for Xu Chuan to graduate early and go to Princeton to learn more mathematical knowledge.

On the side, NTU President Liu Gaojun and tutor Chen Zhengping looked at the figures on the stage and sighed in different ways.

For Liu Gaojun, when he personally went to the student's home to recruit students last year, although he had great expectations for his future academic career, he never thought that Xu Chuan would be able to succeed in less than a year.

Such great achievements have been made in a short period of time.

What made him even more dumbfounded was that this huge achievement did not appear in the physics talent that was valued when recruiting students, but in mathematics.

The School of Mathematics at NTU is not that strong. It is a little better than the ordinary 985 and 211 colleges, but it is really far inferior to the old strong mathematics schools such as P University, Shuimu, and Sun Moon University.

Among the mathematics departments of domestic universities, the strongest one should be P University, which is the only one, followed by Shuimu University, Sun Moon University, University of Science and Technology, etc.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! As for the mathematics department of Nanda, it is ranked third. He really did not expect that the top scorer in the college entrance examination could find a way out in such an environment.

As for Chen Zhengping, his emotions are even more complicated, and he has mixed feelings.

He was really happy when he was happy, and he was happy for Xu Chuan, but he was also really sad when he was sad.

He was a disciple of a physics academician, but eventually embarked on the path of mathematics. This situation is probably unique in the entire Chinese academic community.


When the degree certificate was awarded, Dean Rong Zhizhuan of the School of Mathematics and Yu Yongwang of the School of Physics came on stage at the same time and solemnly handed the degree certificates of mathematics and physics, as well as the graduation certificate, into Xu Chuan's hands.

At the same time, Principal Liu Gaojun also came up to the stage and said in a deep voice: "Student Xu Chuan, because of your great contribution during your time at school, after review and evaluation by the school's academic degree committee, you have been specially approved to graduate early and complete your undergraduate studies.


"And you will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree, an undergraduate diploma in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, and an undergraduate diploma in Particle Physics and Cosmology."

"Sincere and majestic, and diligent in learning and practice, I wish you to bravely reach new heights and create greater glory in your future academic career!"

Xu Chuan solemnly took over the degree certificate and graduation certificate from the two deans, held them in his arms and bowed to the leaders present to express his gratitude.

"The teachings are like the spring breeze, and the teacher's kindness is as deep as the ocean. I am grateful to NTU and all the teachers for their cultivation in me. I will never forget the instructions of my alma mater and all the teachers. I will keep my feet on the ground, integrate knowledge with action, and repay the society."

"I wish all the teachers good health, may the world be filled with peaches and plums, and may the light of spring shine everywhere."


ps: Let me report on my status. Judging from the situation, I should be gradually recovering. My body temperature has dropped to about 37.4 degrees, which is in the low-grade fever range. My mental state has recovered a little.

However, my sore muscles and sore throat have not improved so far. Do you have any good medicines to recommend? I asked the community to help me go to the pharmacy to buy some.

This chapter has been completed!
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