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Chapter 140 Morning Star Mathematics Prize Presentation

Early the next morning, Xu Chuan followed Rong Zhizhuan to the auditorium of Shuimu University and met many famous mathematicians along the way.

For example, Professor Li Jun of Sun Moon University is a candidate for academician of the Academy of Science and Technology. He only has to wait for one more selection period before he is elected.

This elder was once invited to give a 45-minute report at the 22nd International Congress of Mathematicians.

Those who can give a forty-five-minute report at the International Congress of Mathematicians are the top experts in the field of mathematics. Even now, there are only a few people in the entire country of China who have this qualification.

For example, the three mathematical geniuses of the previous generation, Zhang Wei, Yun Zhiwei, and Xu Chenyang, graduated from P University. These three mathematical geniuses are known as the golden generation in the history of Chinese mathematics. Even if they are placed in P University where there are many math masters,

It is also the greatest mathematical brilliance of p.

Among them, Zhang Wei's achievements are particularly outstanding and he is known as the "Great God". He is only in his thirties this year and hopes to win the Fields Medal in Mathematics in 2018. This time, the Seventh World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians

Like Xu Chuan, he is also the gold medal winner of the Morning Star Mathematics Award.

Xu Chuan is quite happy to get to know these top mathematicians. He will be able to gain more knowledge and ideas at subsequent evening parties and exchange meetings.

There are quite a few differences between academic conferences at home and abroad. For example, domestic conferences pay more attention to form and the mathematical achievements and identities of speakers at conferences.

But some things are still the same, that is, academic exchange is a place for everyone to communicate and make new friends.

Even in China, in addition to awards and lectures, there are also evening parties and exchange venues to facilitate mathematicians to get to know other people, exchange their inspirations, or learn new knowledge.

Thoughts need to collide to produce sparks of wisdom, and the same goes for knowledge, which can produce inspiration through communication.


Entering the auditorium of Shuimu University, there was a huge crowd, and you could even see the faces of many foreigners.

Being able to hold such a mathematics exchange meeting will certainly improve the reputation of the school and even the entire city.

Because there are three awards at the World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, whether it is the Chen Shengshen Award, the Morning Star Mathematics Award or the iccm International Cooperation Award, they are not exclusively awarded to Chinese mathematicians. They are aimed at Chinese mathematicians all over the world.

Most of them came from abroad.

This is a good opportunity to demonstrate the strength of universities, the economy, and even the economic strength of cities and countries to foreign Chinese mathematicians. It is also an opportunity to attract foreign Chinese mathematicians to return to China.

Therefore, basically any city that can receive the World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians will do its best to complete it in order to showcase the city and attract talents.


Soon, the Seventh World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians in China officially kicked off.

After the opening speech in the morning, the most important content of this mathematics conference followed.

The Morningside Mathematics Prize, the Chen Shengshen Prize and the Big Competition International Cooperation Prize are awarded to Chinese mathematicians who have made outstanding achievements in the field of research and to those who have made important contributions to the development of Chinese mathematics.

According to the ranking, the Morning Star Mathematics Prize will be awarded first.

Among the three awards: Chen Shengshen Award, Morning Star Mathematics Award, and iccm International Cooperation Award, the Morning Star Mathematics Award has the highest weight.

Although the Chen Shengshen Prize is the first mathematics prize named after a Chinese mathematician by the International Mathematical Union, and its weight level is far greater than the Morning Star Mathematics Prize, there are actually two of them.

One is the Chen Shengshen Prize awarded at the World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians.

The other is the Chen Shengshen Medal awarded by the International Mathematical Union at the International Congress of Mathematicians held every four years.

The former is awarded to Chinese mathematicians or Chinese mathematicians, while the latter is not restricted by nationality and is awarded once every four years. The level is much higher than the former.

The Chern Medal is the fourth award awarded by the International Mathematical Union. It is also the highest-level lifetime achievement award in the international mathematics community.

It can be said that those who can win this medal are not only unique in their respective fields, but also the status of the leader.

Unfortunately, no Chinese mathematician has ever received the Chern Medal.


After the opening speech, amid deafening applause, Mr. Qiu Chengtong, wearing black round glasses, came on stage and took the microphone from Professor Zhang Shouwu of Shuimu University, who presided over the opening ceremony.

"I am honored to stand here and see so many mathematicians gathered together to exchange mathematical knowledge and expand the boundaries of the field of mathematics..."

“Next, I will announce the winners of this year’s Morning Star Mathematics Awards, and award the Morning Star Mathematics Gold and Silver Awards.”

On the stage, Qiu Chengtong turned over the entry card in his hand and said slowly. "The first winner is Professor Zhang Wei from the University of Columbia. His main scientific research achievements are the originality of logarithm theory and automorphic forms.

For his contribution, he solved the problem of modularity in Kudara's conjecture... and won the Morningside Mathematics Gold Medal at this World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians."

Amid warm applause, Zhang Wei, who was sitting in the front row, stood up, walked to the stage, took the golden medal and certificate from Qiu Chengtong, and then delivered a speech.

After the warm applause, Qiu Chengtong flipped through the entries and continued: "The second winner is Professor Li Si from Shuimu University."

“The main scientific research achievements are the introduction of gauge field renormalization method into complex geometry and Hodge theory on Calabi-Yau manifolds, proposing the quantization theory on Calabi-Yau space, and establishing compact Calabi-Yau manifolds.

The mathematical basis of quantum topology b-type and high-specification mirror symmetry... won the Morningside Mathematics Gold Medal at this World Congress of Chinese Mathematicians."

Warm applause erupted again in the auditorium, and Li Si from Shuimu University came to the stage to accept the award and delivered a speech.

After the applause ended, Qiu Chengtong pushed up the round-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, with a rare smile on his face.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The "last" winner of the Morningside Mathematics Gold Award is... Xu Chuan from Jinling Sanjiang Normal University."

"The main scientific research results are the weakened form proof of the Weyl-berry conjecture, the comprehensive proof of the Weyl-berry conjecture, and the method of accurately calculating the parameter information of distant celestial bodies."

Compared with the number of scientific research achievements of the first two winners, Xu Chuan's main scientific research achievements are only three, but each one is heavyweight.


Hearing the name of the third winner, the auditorium became quiet for a moment. The mathematicians who could attend this mathematics exchange meeting were all familiar with the name Xu Chuan, or at least they had heard of it.

The proof of the weak weyl-berry conjecture, the proof of the weyl-berry conjecture, the xu-weyl-berry theorem... are not only achievements in mathematics, but also achievements in astronomy, which have made everyone pay attention to this

The name became familiar.

But when they heard this name at the Morningstar Mathematics Gold Medal Award Ceremony, most people were quite surprised.

Otherwise, the owner of this name is too young, so young that when Qiu Chengtong announced the winning name, he used classmate Xu Chuan instead of Professor Xu Chuan.

If everyone here remembers correctly, Xu Chuan only entered college in September last year. He has not finished his freshman year this year and is not yet 19 years old.

Compared with the previous two winners, he is too young.

He is so young that it is unbelievable, so young that people are surprised and even surprised that he can win this Morning Star Mathematics Award.

Although it is definitely enough based on his achievements, it is a world-class mathematical conjecture problem that many mathematicians cannot even touch in their entire lives.

But in China, he was able to win the Morning Star Mathematics Award at the age of eighteen, which can be said to have broken the previous rules.

Because whether abroad or domestic, academia is a place where qualifications are important.

It’s just that compared to foreign countries, domestic ‘qualifications’ are a little more special and serious.

Mathematicians who did not get the list of winners in advance were surprised that he could win the Morning Star Mathematics Award at the age of eighteen.

This is the top mathematics award known as the Chinese Fields Prize. All previous winners are in their thirties, and almost none are under thirty.

For example, Zhang Wei is thirty-five years old this year, and Li Si is thirty-eight years old this year.

In comparison, Xu Chuan's age is nearly twice that of his younger counterpart, nearly twenty years younger. It is simply unimaginable that such a young man could win the Morning Star Mathematics Prize.

Although almost no one would deny that this winner will definitely win the Morning Star Mathematics Medal or even the Fields Medal in the future, most people attending the conference did not expect that he would be able to win the prize at this year’s mathematics conference.

Just get this award.

What does this make other mathematicians who are already in their thirties, or even close to forty-five and still waiting, think?

For example, Professor Yin Wotao, who was accidentally squeezed out of the Morning Star Mathematics Gold Medal by Xu Chuan this time, felt very unhappy.

For this year's Morningstar Mathematics Gold Medal Award, he prepared a lot and visited many mathematicians.

According to the original historical trend, he could win the gold medal this year, but Xu Chuan came out of the blue and directly pushed him to the silver medal.

Although they are both Morningstar Mathematics Awards, there is a huge gap between the Gold Medal and the Silver Medal. The former can be said to be the top mathematics professor in the world, while the latter can only be said to be the top in the country.

By the way, Professor Yin Wotao graduated from the Department of Mathematics at NTU and is Xu Chuan’s senior brother. He made fundamental breakthroughs in sparse optimization, ill-posed inverse problems and compressed sensing, and developed a number of optimizations.

Methods and algorithms, widely used in data science and engineering.

This kind of achievement is fully worthy of a Morningstar Mathematics Gold Medal, but compared to Zhang Wei and Li Si, the achievements are still far behind.

The former is one of the popular candidates for the 2018 Fields Medal.

The latter constructed the quantization theory of topological string field theory and solved the "landau-ginzburg mirror symmetry conjecture", which is a profound achievement in mathematical physics.

As for Xu Chuan, it is incomparable. Weyl-berry’s conjecture is a world-class mathematical problem. If Xu Chuan’s achievements in mathematics were not a bit monotonous and his age was too young, he would have won the Fields Medal in 2018.

His, rather than possible.

In this case, it would not be unfair for him to be eliminated.

After all, academia is still about performance. No matter how awesome the unspoken rules are, they can't compare to the dazzling achievements of others.


After a brief silence, applause sounded like thunder.

Although they were surprised that the Morningstar Mathematics Gold Medal would be awarded to an 18-year-old boy against convention, none of the many mathematicians in the audience were unconvinced by the man standing on the stage.

Being able to prove the world-class mathematical problem Weyl-Berry's conjecture, his achievement has surpassed more than 99.99% of mathematicians.

Not to mention young scholars under the age of forty, even most older scholars who have been doing mathematics research for fifty or sixty years have not achieved such achievements.

As the applause rang out, Xu Chuan stood up and walked along the red carpet on the ground to the stage.

"Congratulations, classmate Xu Chuan."

On the podium, Qiu Chengtong took the golden medal and the red certificate from the hostess and presented them to the youngest winner of the Morning Star Mathematics Gold Medal in history.

Taking the medal and certificate from the old man, Xu Chuan bowed politely and said thank you.

Qiu Chengtong smiled, handed over the microphone in his hand, and said: "Let's talk a few words. You are the youngest winner in history. I don't think anyone can beat your winning age again in the future."

Xu Chuan did not hesitate, took the microphone, and faced hundreds of mathematicians in the auditorium.

“First of all, I would like to thank my alma mater, Nanjing University, for nurturing me. I would also like to thank the Chinese Mathematical Society and the Morningside Mathematics Prize jury for their recognition of me.”

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "People who do knowledge want to be affirmed, especially those they respect. The Morningside Mathematics Award jury awarded me this award, which is a great tribute to me.


"I hope that every time I win an award, I will regard it as a boost to move forward and encourage me to look forward. I hope that I can make more breakthroughs and achieve higher achievements on the road of mathematics and academics."


His acceptance speech was very brief, without too many remarks or stimulating speeches. He just silently transformed the Morning Star Mathematics Award into his own motivation and steps, using it to pave the way towards a broader field of mathematics.


Bang bang bang·······

In the auditorium, applause continued like a surging tide.

On the seat, Rong Zhizhuan, dean of the School of Mathematics at NTU, looked at the young man on the stage with approval. This was probably the best student since NTU was split.

On the side, Zhang Weiping clapped gently, looking at Xu Chuan on the stage, he sighed softly in his heart, he finally missed such a student.

But then he felt relieved. It didn't matter where he studied, as long as he didn't bury his talent.

If young people are strong, the country will be strong; if young people are wise, the country will be wise; if young people are prosperous, the country will be prosperous....

It doesn't matter even if you haven't studied under him. At his age, he has seen a lot of things and is already comfortable with most things.

As for those who didn't look at Dan, he still kept paying attention to things, and he also hoped to see them in this young man.

There is nothing better than this...

Next to Zhang Weiping, Hu Xingjian stared at the stage dumbfounded. He didn't come back to his senses until the thunderous applause in the auditorium burst out, and he applauded fiercely along with him.

The figure standing on the stage was several years younger than him, but he had already received the medal that he had longed for all his life.

That figure, standing there quietly, left an indelible mark in his heart and gave him a goal to strive for.

When I was a teenager, no one would think that I was inferior to others.

Hu Xingjian believes that he can also stand on that stage one day.


ps: Report the situation.

Good news: Batsuo should be almost recovered. The antigen test for two consecutive days was negative. Today, the community management came to do a nucleic acid test. If there is no problem, I can go out tomorrow.

There should be another chapter in the evening, but it may be later, after all, the coding state cannot be restored so quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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