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Chapter 154 Brand new proton radius data

Xu Chuan is not aware of his mentor's predicament at the moment, and he has no time to help others.

Because his own proton collision experiment is about to begin.

Ten days of preparation time is not long. Although he does not need to personally control the proton accelerator to conduct the experiment, he needs to analyze the data obtained after the experiment is completed.

The data generated by each operation of the proton accelerator is quite large.

Therefore, Xu Chuan needs a team to assist him in completing this task.

For this reason, he has been looking for people to help these days.

Originally, Senior Brother Qi Xishao Qi was a very good choice, but unfortunately, he has already joined Chen Zhengping's team.

It seems that work has already started.

After thinking about it, Xu Chuan called Senior Brother Lin Fenglin who was far away in Princeton.

He didn't know many people, except senior brother Lin Feng, who was both a student of Witten and Chen Zhengping.

There is no way, who told him not to follow the development process of a normal person.

Others who join the company for the first time usually enter as interns. If they have a job, they join the team as a member of the entire team.

If you practice like this for a period of time, you can get to know a lot of people.

And he directly took charge of a project, even though it was only a small project for me.

But no matter how small the project is, experiments in the high-energy physics field still require manpower.

His mentor Witten is not very responsible. It may be that this project is nothing in Witten's eyes, or he wants to train him.

So I just applied for and arranged the collision experiment for him and then let it go.

The rest of the data analysis, press conferences and other tasks were all left to him.

Just tell him to tell him after the experiment is completed.

Therefore, Xu Chuan had to complete this experiment independently from beginning to end.


After inviting Senior Brother Lin Feng over, Xu Chuan frowned and thought about who else he could invite to help him complete this project.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find any suitable candidate.

After his rebirth until now, he didn't know many people, it could even be said to be very few.

There was no way, the time was too short, and he didn't have enough travel to get to know more students of the same age as him.

Although there were many students at Nanjing University, and he knew many from both the mathematics and physics departments, it was a pity that these students did not have enough ability to participate in this kind of experiment.

Needless to say, Princeton. In the past two months since he joined Princeton, he has basically been perfecting the calculation method for the proton radius mystery, and he hasn't had time to make any new friends yet.

Unable to find enough candidates on his side, Xu Chuan turned his attention to the organization.

Nothing is lacking except people.

This is the world's largest high-energy physics research institution. During the normal operation of the LHC, at least more than 5,000 people work here every day.

Excluding the more than average number of engineers and handymen among these five thousand, there are still more than two thousand physicists.

A physicist who can enter the workforce, even if he is just an intern, has knowledge of a doctoral degree or above.

At least, you don't have to worry about their lack of ability.


After soliciting the opinions of his mentor Witten, Xu Chuan posted a recruitment announcement to the entire team.

The mystery of the proton radius is a popular research direction in today's particle physics community. After the announcement was posted, in less than a day, his mailbox received applications from all over the world.

Of course, those who apply to participate in this project are basically all interns, both short-term and long-term.

Some may be to enrich their scientific research experience and learn new knowledge, while others may be to write their graduation thesis.

Compared with formal researchers who basically have their own tasks, these interns have a much higher degree of freedom.

Especially those long-term interns, except for the experimental tasks of their own schools or organizations, they spend a lot of time in a state of idleness, and they are trying to find opportunities for themselves.

Just like Xu Chuan's experiment, many times, teams from all over the world need some "temporary workers" to help them complete some data analysis or other basic work.

For interns, these are good training opportunities.

Although these applicants were mixed, but in any case, Xu Chuan was able to solve the problem of team personnel needs.

All that's left is to make a selection.

After all, it's not suitable for everyone.

After a day of screening, Xu Chuan finally selected three people from the mailbox.

They are interns Athol Murphy from MIT, Jonah Creel from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Nunnally Kessler from University of Göttingen.

Among the many applications in the mailbox, these three have the best and outstanding resumes, and the top one is none other than Nunnally Kessler from the University of Göttingen.

This is a girl, majoring in particle physics, who has been an intern for a year and participated in the analysis and discovery of pentaquark particles in 2015.

If nothing unexpected happens, she will become a formal researcher next year.

Coupled with himself and Senior Brother Lin Feng who came from Princeton, five people from different countries formed a small temporary team.

Fortunately, everyone can speak English, so there is no problem in communicating.


After gathering a group of people for a meal, the intense and orderly work is about to begin.

July 25th is coming soon.

The staff has prepared the accelerated experiment, and they will use the sps acceleration device to complete this experiment.

In this experiment, the staff will follow Xu Chuan's request to launch a beam of electrons at hydrogen molecules through an accelerator and measure the deflection process of some electrons.

This is somewhat different from the previous process of measuring the radius of protons in other laboratories.

Previous scattering experiments used high-energy electron beams, which had limited sensitivity to the proton radius and could only be extrapolated to low-energy electrons to determine the radius, but this time the lower energy used will avoid this problem.

And to further improve accuracy, Xu Chuan requested that hydrogen molecules be injected directly into the vacuum tube carrying the electron beam, rather than placing the electron beam in a metal container as in many previous experiments.

This means that there will be no electrons hitting the metal and interfering with the measurement during the experiment, greatly improving the accuracy of the measurement.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of advanced equipment here, which can complete this task as required.

If it were elsewhere, it would be a huge trouble to directly inject hydrogen molecules into a vacuum tube carrying an electron beam.


Such an experiment would be very troublesome if placed elsewhere, but if placed there, it would be nothing more than a trivial collision experiment.

Even though Xu Chuan made some requests, the engineers successfully completed the collision process in accordance with the requirements.

As for the collected data, it will be processed by our supercomputer first, and only after the processing is completed, it will be transferred to our database.

Then Xu Chuan applies for use. This is the overall workflow, which is somewhat similar to the use of public telescopes in the astronomical community.

On the morning of the 27th, Xu Chuan successfully obtained the data of this proton collision experiment from the staff.

When I returned to the temporary office where I applied, the four members of the team were already waiting here.

"Everyone, after the experimental data is available, we have something to do."

Xu Chuan clapped his hands and attracted the attention of several friends.

"Great, let's start early and give the proton a precise radius early!"

In the office, Athol Murphy, an intern from MIT with long brown hair, grinned.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "The drawing of the transition diagram between electron energy levels will be left to you."

Hearing this, the smile on Athol Murphy's face disappeared immediately, and he wailed: "Oh, no, my dear Xu, you can't bully me like this, you know I'm not good at this."

"Compared with drawing transition maps between electron energy levels, I am better at analyzing raw data. Leave that to me and I will satisfy you."

Xu Chuan ignored Athol Murphy and started arranging work instead.

In fact, he was just joking. It was impossible for him to hand over the transition diagram between electron energy levels to others. This was the core of the relationship calculation and could only be done by his own hands.

"Okay, everyone's work has been arranged. Let's start working. I believe that these tasks are not difficult for you."

After arranging mathematical analysis work, the office immediately became busy.

Calculating the charge radius data of protons is not a difficult task for the particle physics community, and predecessors have made countless efforts in this work.

Their current work is more like standing on the shoulders of giants and looking toward the future.


The days passed like this. In the office, Xu Chuan led several recruited friends to work overtime to complete the compilation of experimental data.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to August 5th.

"Xu, look at this. This physical image of the scattering of gravitons and protons seems to be somewhat abnormal."

In the office, Nunnally Kessler from the University of Göttingen called Xu Chuan.

Hearing the voice, Xu Chuan replied without raising his head: "Wait a moment while I complete the data analysis."

The work he is doing has reached a critical stage and it is impossible to put it down.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Xu Chuan controlled the mouse to add a stroke to a half-completed transition map on the display screen, saved it, and then stood up.

"What's wrong, Nunnally?"

Walking to Nunnally Kessler, Xu Chuan asked aloud.

"Look at this, when the electron beam contacts the hydrogen molecular cloud, it is excited to the 3s state, and then they decay to the 2p state within 0.16μs, releasing detectable 656nm balmer-a photons. This is the same as usual

There is some deviation in the proton radius measurement experiment." In front of the computer, Nunnally Kessler pointed at a series of energy spectrum images on the display screen.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan looked over curiously.

Following the direction of Nunnally Kessler's finger, he indeed saw the abnormal data.

"Interestingly, judging from this data, the impact of the electron beam on the hydrogen molecular cloud seems to be smaller than in previous experiments, which means that the radius of the proton may be smaller than 0.0 femtometer."

Staring at the image on the display screen, Xu Chuan's eyes flashed with light.

To him, the secrets contained in this image that is difficult for ordinary people to understand are like the emperor's new clothes, laid out in front of him.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Chuan said: "Nunally, complete the analysis of this data as soon as possible. Maybe we will get a new, smaller proton radius."

On the side, after hearing Xu Chuan's words, Nunnally Kessler was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Smaller proton radius? Is this possible?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Nothing is impossible. Before the calculation of the proton's radius is completed through first principles, even if it is announced that the proton's radius is below 0.8 decimeters, it is normal."

"After all, we know so little about particles at the microscopic level, don't we?"

Hearing this, Nunnally Kessler's breathing suddenly became rapid.

If they find a smaller proton radius in this experiment, it means they can leave their name in the world of particle physics.

Even if this data may not be the final accurate data.

Anyway, in the current world of physics, there is no precise and definite value for the charge radius of a proton.


It is possible to obtain a smaller proton radius data, which is like giving this five-person team a shot of chicken blood.

They could be said to have worked overtime before, but now they have devoted all their time except eating and sleeping to data analysis.

With the support of this fiery state, finally, on August 11, Xu Chuan completed the final transition map between electron energy levels and calculated the proton radius measured in this experiment.

[The radius of the proton body is rp... The shape factor of the energy and momentum tensor is detected through the scattering of gravitons and protons, and some new formulas of the properties of electrons and protons are introduced, as well as their physical significance. The energy-to-charge ratio formula: mc2


[It can be obtained that the detailed data of the circular motion associated with de Broglie waves, that is, the second level spin motion, is: 0.831x10-15m±0.0016fm.]

At his desk, Xu Chuan completed the final calculation and obtained a brand new proton radius data.


A proton charge radius that is the lowest ever.

It is far lower than the 0.879± 0.011 fm femtometer previously determined by the International Committee on Scientific and Technical Data in the Physics Community, and also lower than the 0.± 0.00067 fm measured by the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics.


"What's the data?"

"Has the radius of the proton been calculated?"

In front of the desk, after Xu Chuan completed the calculation, several other friends came over and asked nervously.

Xu Chuan picked up the calculation paper from the table and handed it over. Several friends behind him grabbed it.

"0.831 femtometers!"

"A new radius, we discovered a new history!"

"It's incredible that the radius of the proton can be reduced further. If we didn't get this data personally, I would definitely sneer at it."

When I saw the answer on the manuscript paper, the office immediately burst into cheers.

For these interns, nothing is more exciting than this. This is a great discovery.

Regardless of whether this data can be verified to be correct in the future, there is no doubt that now, they will become central figures in the world of particle physics.


This chapter has been completed!
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