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Chapter 169: The old king abdicates and the new king is crowned

As soon as the NTU media interview news came out, the Internet immediately became lively again, and netizens continued to discuss it.

【Reversed, reversed again.】

[Good guy, you said that you are the main communicator without making any contribution in the whole process. This is so shameless and invincible. 】

[A face thicker than a city wall, and more than enough protection against bullets.]

[Forget about copying theories, even copying other people’s calculation data, tsk tsk, does Peking University teach such a thing? 】

[No wonder the students from Qingbei are unwilling to come back after going abroad. It seems that they were squeezed by their tutors and do not return to their alma mater. 】

[Is there an expert in mathematics who can understand and explain what is written on the manuscript paper?]

[I can’t understand it, but after comparing the papers of this elder and that of Professor Mo, a lot of the calculation data and processes in the papers are indeed exactly the same as on the paper. 】

【Is this irrefutable proof?】

[Just asking, how long is the sentence for academic plagiarism?]

[How many years? You are overthinking it. Given the academic environment in China, I guess everything will be fine after an apology. 】

The Internet is abuzz, and netizens are constantly eating melons and reversing their opinions. It feels quite exciting.

At the same time, Renren Daily finally took action.

"Expand the background of the paper with integrity!"

"Be honest, don't plagiarize, insist on originality, and don't commit fraud. This is the bottom line that academic research should follow."

"Plagiarism is plagiarism, and anything wrong is wrong."

"It is true that people will make mistakes, but plagiarism is plagiarism. It has nothing to do with age, seniority, whether you seek personal gain, or whether it involves the recognition of academic achievements. The public can tolerate your mistakes and temporary negligence, but it will never tolerate your arrogance.

There is no distinction between right and wrong.”

"If you don't even have the courage and determination to apologize and self-examine, how can you make people believe in the quality and authenticity of your work?"

"Misfortune often accumulates in the slightest, and wisdom and bravery often come from drowning. For scholars, the greatest disaster is knowing that they have plagiarized, but still not wanting to repent, and trying to get by with little cleverness."

"In recent years, academic misconduct such as data falsification, plagiarism, and free-riding signatures have been reported frequently and have become a serious problem in the academic community. Objectively speaking, this is directly related to our own weak awareness of copyright and lack of academic determination."


"Mother suppresses the saying that mother is the same." Plagiarism is not a trivial matter. It should not be copied from the public, and less "borrowing" without permission. It is a necessary moral character for both public and private purposes. Respect intellectual property rights and use quoted materials correctly.

It should be a rule and creed that every scholar adheres to. At this point, there is no privilege."

A media news report from Renren Daily, although it did not directly mention anyone by name, but based on the current hot topics, anyone with a discerning eye will know who the news is about.

Following Renren Daily's charge, other media outlets that had previously been concerned about Peking University's reputation and influence quickly followed suit, constantly forwarding news links or writing their own articles.

And as Renren Daily named him, people who were originally skeptical about the whole matter changed their stance.

On the Internet, ** is surging again.

Peking University responded immediately.

Mo Kun, who was suspected of plagiarism, publicly apologized. Peking University dismissed Mo Kun from his post as graduate tutor and would never hire him again. Progress in Mathematics withdrew Mo Kun's submission and issued a public apology.

Some students at Peking University reported online that they had seen Mo Kun in school.

After the news from Renren Daily came out, he seemed to have aged twenty or thirty years overnight, and his whole body looked haggard.

But for such an ending, I'm afraid no one will sympathize with his experience.

As an adult, he must pay the price for the negative social impact caused by plagiarism.

Regarding this matter, Xu Chuan paid attention to the outcome.

Mo Kun was finally fired, which was considered the punishment he deserved.

As a tutor at Peking University, one of the top universities in the country, he represents the school in every move he makes. When this incident was revealed, Peking University would have given a lot of face by just expelling him and never using him again.

Academic plagiarism is one of the most important academic misconducts in academia.

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan turned off the news software and sent an email and a phone call to Professor Artur Avila and Senior Brother Hu Xingjian of Sun Moon University respectively to express his thanks.

During this plagiarism incident, these two people continued to express support in the media and online platforms. It can be said that they fully supported him throughout the whole process.

After handling these matters, Xu Chuan turned on his mobile phone again and booked a flight ticket to Europe with his mentor Chen Zhengping.

A farce ended like this.

But life is always moving forward, and there are more important things waiting for him in the future.

But before leaving, Xu Chuan unexpectedly received another piece of news.

The journal "Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics" officially registered his previous contributions.

[xu-ey-berry theorem is a method for accurately calculating parameter information of distant celestial bodies.]

After nearly half a year of review, this paper has finally been officially approved and will be published in the next issue of the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics published the notice in advance. Xu Chuan, who had already boarded the plane, immediately realized from the reviewer that Professor Terence Teru might be helping him.

After all, it is not the habit of the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics to predict the publication of papers in the next issue in advance.

And he was not familiar with the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, so it was impossible for anyone to help him.

The only possibility is Professor Tao Zhexuan. Maybe Professor Tao saw that he was in trouble recently and wanted to help in this way.

After all, a core i paper can enhance anyone's reputation, not to mention such groundbreaking research results, which will be of great help to the astronomy and physics communities.

Unfortunately, the plane was about to take off and he didn't have time to make a phone call to ask and thank him.

News of the announcement of the "Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics" traveled across the ocean and returned to China, where it immediately appeared in major media reports.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The first person to report this was "Renren Daily", which had hit hard before.

"Following the xu-ey-berry theorem, young scholar Xu Chuan expanded it to the astrophysical community and used it to complete parameter calculations for distant celestial bodies!"

While reporting on this research result, "Renren Daily" also quoted the reviewer "Tao Zhexuan" and another astrophysicist "Professor Sal Perlmutter" for their joint evaluation of Xu Chuan's research results.

[This is an extremely outstanding and groundbreaking achievement!]

Terence Tao "Maybe I don't know much about astronomy and astrophysics, but from a mathematical point of view, the mathematical methods used in this paper are quite sophisticated and groundbreaking."

"As we all know, in the world of mathematics, when a new tool or theorem appears, it often takes a long time for mathematicians to fully understand it, maybe a few months? Maybe a year or two?"

"On this basis, it will take longer to use this new tool or new theorem to make new results, especially to apply it to other fields outside of mathematics."

"It only took three months from the emergence of xu-ey-berry theorem to the method of xu-ey-berry theorem to accurately calculate the parameter information of distant celestial bodies."

"To be able to use a new theorem to produce completely new results in such a short period of time is incredible, even for the founder of this theorem."

"This is enough to prove the talent and hard work of the founder in mathematics. Even I am ashamed of myself."

Professor Sal Perlmutter "This is a great research result for the astronomy community and astrophysics community. I am honored to complete the review of the paper with Professor Terence Terence."

"Of course, Professor Tao is in charge of the mathematics part, and I am in charge of the physics part."

"There is no way. You have to understand that the mathematical part of this paper is too profound for people in the astronomy and astrophysics circles. I am afraid that there are not more than two people in the entire astronomical and astrophysics circles who can understand the mathematical part.


"Back to business."

"For the astronomy and astrophysics communities, this is a historic achievement and an epoch-making achievement."

"With its emergence, we have a brand-new method that can accurately calculate parameter information of distant celestial bodies such as mass, diameter, radius, volume, distance, etc."

"It can even be said that with this method, in the future, we can abandon the triangular parallax method, Kepler's three laws and other old methods in the past, or in other words, use old methods to assist new methods."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is the moment when the old king abdicates and the new king ascends the throne."

"It's just that what makes me regretful is that to master this method and use it to calculate the parameters of distant celestial bodies, one needs to master quite advanced mathematical abilities."

"This prevents us from immediately applying it to the astronomical and astrophysicist communities, which requires many astronomers and astrophysicists to enter the field of mathematics."

"But to be honest, it can be difficult. After all, not everyone can understand mathematics."

"My personal urgent hope is that the prover of the paper will hold a few more lectures to explain the xu-ey-berry theorem and the method of xu-ey-berry theorem to accurately calculate the parameter information of distant celestial bodies."

"At the same time, I also hope that Xu Chuan can publish a textbook that fully discusses the method of explaining the xu-ey-berry theorem to accurately calculate the parameter information of distant celestial bodies."

"This is very important to the world of astronomy and astrophysics. It deserves a Nobel Prize in Physics, and I will recommend it to the jury of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences."

The publication of the paper and the reviewer's evaluation shocked everyone's jaws.

Not only the scarf, but also these network sites, the campus websites of major domestic universities are also discussing it.

"Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics" is a journal in the astrophysics community, but the reviewer of submitted papers is a mathematician.

Of course, there is also an astrophysicist, but in the face of Terence Tao's fame, even Professor Sal Perlmutter is a Nobel Prize scholar, and has been somewhat ignored.

However, netizens did not ignore the comments of these two people.

[Astrophysics paper, the review editor is actually a data professor? Funny·gif]

[Astrophysics community: “What can I do? I can’t understand this math either.”]

[Hiss~, is the Fields Medal two years later not enough to satisfy this giant? Now I am going directly to the Nobel Prize. 】

[That is, there is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics.]

[What kind of rubbish is a Nobel mathematician?]

【Hahahaha, laugh to death.】

[If this gets the Nobel Prize, it will be awesome.]

[Stop dreaming, have you ever seen the Nobel Prize awarded to young people? The youngest Nobel Prize winner was Lawrence Bragg, who was also twenty-five years old.]

[The youngest Nobel Prize winner is 17-year-old Malala Yousafzain, who won the Peace Prize in 2014.]

[Peace Prize? Even the president of the United States can get it, even dogs don’t want it!]

[The Peace Prize and the Literature Prize have long been rotten and there is no need to give them away. What kind of rubbish are these two? 】

[Will the astronomical community have to call this elder the Patriarch in the future? What if his formula calculation method can really be promoted in the astronomical community?]

[Hiss~ Take a breath of air. Put it this way, isn’t this elder equivalent to Archimedes in mathematics and Newton in physics? 】

[What a shame! If I remember correctly, he is only eighteen years old. Does this mean he is a Patriarch-level figure? 】

[The boss is awesome! Shout loudly! 】

【This guy is so scary!】

In addition to these reports from the official media of Renren Daily, self-media and marketing accounts are also crazy about taking advantage of the popularity and traffic.

Countless media reporters, whether official or other media, want to interview Xu Chuan.

After all, the old man was still having a fight with Peking University two days ago and was on the hot search list for several days.

In the blink of an eye, he became a figure at the level of a founder in the world of astronomy and astrophysics. This kind of popularity and popularity is unreasonable and cannot be tolerated by God.

But unfortunately, Xu Chuan had already boarded the plane and headed to Switzerland again.

After nearly a day and night of flying, Xu Chuan once again stood at the door of CERN, dragging his luggage.

The bronze statue of Shiva is still dancing the dance of destruction and creation.

His hair waved wildly, he held fire in his left hand and used it to destroy the world, and held a drum in his right hand to create the world. So the world was destroyed in his dancing, and then regenerated in his dancing. The universe was in his dancing.

The cycle starts again and again, and the cycle never ends.

This is similar to the characteristics of quantum in science. Whether it is the "uncertainty principle" or the "wave-particle duality", they are like the nature of Shiva, which is the two sides of life and death.

The research on high-energy physics is like Shiva dancing. Large strong particle collisions are like Shiva's third eye, observing the world. In the moment of opening the eyes, periodic destruction and periodic destruction occur.

of regeneration.

Hundreds of years ago, artists used bronze statues to depict the dance of Shiva. In the new era, physicists are using advanced technology to depict the dance of the universe.

Staring at the sculpture, Xu Chuan paused.

In one day, h's experiment on the Yukawa coupling phenomenon between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks will be restarted to verify whether his theory and calculations are correct, right before his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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